678 research outputs found

    High-Performance VLSI Architectures for Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Lattice-based cryptography is a cryptographic primitive built upon the hard problems on point lattices. Cryptosystems relying on lattice-based cryptography have attracted huge attention in the last decade since they have post-quantum-resistant security and the remarkable construction of the algorithm. In particular, homomorphic encryption (HE) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are the two main applications of lattice-based cryptography. Meanwhile, the efficient hardware implementations for these advanced cryptography schemes are demanding to achieve a high-performance implementation. This dissertation aims to investigate the novel and high-performance very large-scale integration (VLSI) architectures for lattice-based cryptography, including the HE and PQC schemes. This dissertation first presents different architectures for the number-theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication, one of the crucial parts of the fundamental arithmetic for lattice-based HE and PQC schemes. Then a high-speed modular integer multiplier is proposed, particularly for lattice-based cryptography. In addition, a novel modular polynomial multiplier is presented to exploit the fast finite impulse response (FIR) filter architecture to reduce the computational complexity of the schoolbook modular polynomial multiplication for lattice-based PQC scheme. Afterward, an NTT and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT)-based high-speed modular polynomial multiplier is presented for HE schemes whose moduli are large integers

    KyberMat: Efficient Accelerator for Matrix-Vector Polynomial Multiplication in CRYSTALS-Kyber Scheme via NTT and Polyphase Decomposition

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    CRYSTAL-Kyber (Kyber) is one of the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) schemes selected during the standardization process. This paper addresses optimization for Kyber architecture with respect to latency and throughput constraints. Specifically, matrix-vector multiplication and number theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication are critical operations and bottlenecks that require optimization. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithm and hardware co-design approach to systematically optimize matrix-vector multiplication and NTT-based polynomial multiplication by employing a novel sub-structure sharing technique in order to reduce computational complexity, i.e., the number of modular multiplications and modular additions/subtractions consumed. The sub-structure sharing approach is inspired by prior fast parallel approaches based on polyphase decomposition. The proposed efficient feed-forward architecture achieves high speed, low latency, and full utilization of all hardware components, which can significantly enhance the overall efficiency of the Kyber scheme. The FPGA implementation results show that our proposed design, using the fast two-parallel structure, leads to an approximate reduction of 90% in execution time, along with a 66 times improvement in throughput performance.Comment: Proc. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), San Francisco, CA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 202

    Application-Specific Number Representation

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    Reconfigurable devices, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), enable application- specific number representations. Well-known number formats include fixed-point, floating- point, logarithmic number system (LNS), and residue number system (RNS). Such different number representations lead to different arithmetic designs and error behaviours, thus produc- ing implementations with different performance, accuracy, and cost. To investigate the design options in number representations, the first part of this thesis presents a platform that enables automated exploration of the number representation design space. The second part of the thesis shows case studies that optimise the designs for area, latency or throughput from the perspective of number representations. Automated design space exploration in the first part addresses the following two major issues: ² Automation requires arithmetic unit generation. This thesis provides optimised arithmetic library generators for logarithmic and residue arithmetic units, which support a wide range of bit widths and achieve significant improvement over previous designs. ² Generation of arithmetic units requires specifying the bit widths for each variable. This thesis describes an automatic bit-width optimisation tool called R-Tool, which combines dynamic and static analysis methods, and supports different number systems (fixed-point, floating-point, and LNS numbers). Putting it all together, the second part explores the effects of application-specific number representation on practical benchmarks, such as radiative Monte Carlo simulation, and seismic imaging computations. Experimental results show that customising the number representations brings benefits to hardware implementations: by selecting a more appropriate number format, we can reduce the area cost by up to 73.5% and improve the throughput by 14.2% to 34.1%; by performing the bit-width optimisation, we can further reduce the area cost by 9.7% to 17.3%. On the performance side, hardware implementations with customised number formats achieve 5 to potentially over 40 times speedup over software implementations

    Area-Optimized Fully-Flexible BCH Decoder for Multiple GF Dimensions

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    Recently, there are increasing demands for fully flexible Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) decoders, which can support different dimensions of Galois fields (GF) operations. As the previous BCH decoders are mainly targeting the fixed GF operations, the conventional techniques are no longer suitable for multiple GF dimensions. For the area-optimized flexible BCH decoders, in this paper, we present several optimization schemes for reducing hardware costs of multi-dimensional GF operations. In the proposed optimizations, we first reformulate the matrix operations in syndrome calculation and Chien search for sharing more common sub-expressions between GF operations having different dimensions. The cell based multi-m GF multiplier is newly introduced for the area-efficient flexible key-equation solver. As case studies, we design several prototype flexible BCH decoders for digital video broadcasting systems and NAND flash memory controllers managing different page sizes. The implementation results show that the proposed fully-flexible BCH decoder architecture remarkably enhances the area-efficiency compared with the conventional solutions.112Ysciescopu

    Division and Inversion Over Finite Fields

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