2,828 research outputs found

    Highly efficient impulse-radio ultra-wideband cavity-backed slot antenna in stacked air-filled substrate integrated waveguide technology

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    An impulse-radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) cavity-backed slot antenna covering the [5.9803; 6.9989] GHz frequency band of the IEEE 802.15.4a-2011 standard is designed and implemented in an air-filled substrate integrated waveguide (AFSIW) technology for localization applications with an accuracy of at least 3 cm. By relying on both frequency and time-domain optimization, the antenna achieves excellent IR-UWB characteristics. In free-space conditions, an impedance bandwidth of 1.92 GHz (or 29.4%), a total efficiency higher than 89%, a front-to-back ratio of at least 12.1 dB, and a gain higher than 6.3 dBi are measured in the frequency domain. Furthermore, a system fidelity factor larger than 98% and a relative group delay smaller than 100 ps are measured in the time domain within the 3 dB beamwidth of the antenna. As a result, the measured time-of-arrival of a transmitted Gaussian pulse, for different angles of arrival, exhibits variations smaller than 100 ps, corresponding to a maximum distance estimation error of 3 cm. Additionally, the antenna is validated in a real-life worst-case deployment scenario, showing that its characteristics remain stable in a large variety of deployment scenarios. Finally, the difference in frequency-and time-domain performance is studied between the antenna implemented in AFSIW and in dielectric filled substrate integrated waveguide (DFSIW) technology. We conclude that DFSIW technology is less suitable for the envisaged precision IR-UWB localization application

    FirstLight: Pluggable Optical Interconnect Technologies for Polymeric Electro-Optical Printed Circuit Boards in Data Centers

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    The protocol data rate governing data storage devices will increase to over 12 Gb/s by 2013 thereby imposing unmanageable cost and performance burdens on future digital data storage systems. The resulting performance bottleneck can be substantially reduced by conveying high-speed data optically instead of electronically. A novel active pluggable 82.5 Gb/s aggregate bit rate optical connector technology, the design and fabrication of a compact electro-optical printed circuit board to meet exacting specifications, and a method for low cost, high precision, passive optical assembly are presented. A demonstration platform was constructed to assess the viability of embedded electro-optical midplane technology in such systems including the first ever demonstration of a pluggable active optical waveguide printed circuit board connector. High-speed optical data transfer at 10.3125 Gb/s was demonstrated through a complex polymer waveguide interconnect layer embedded into a 262 mm × 240 mm × 4.3 mm electro-optical midplane. Bit error rates of less than 10-12 and optical losses as low as 6 dB were demonstrated through nine multimode polymer wave guides with an aggregate data bandwidth of 92.8125 Gb/s

    FirstLight: Pluggable Optical Interconnect Technologies for Polymeric Electro-Optical Printed Circuit Boards in Data Centers

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    The protocol data rate governing data storage devices will increase to over 12 Gb/s by 2013 thereby imposing unmanageable cost and performance burdens on future digital data storage systems. The resulting performance bottleneck can be substantially reduced by conveying high-speed data optically instead of electronically. A novel active pluggable 82.5 Gb/s aggregate bit rate optical connector technology, the design and fabrication of a compact electro-optical printed circuit board to meet exacting specifications, and a method for low cost, high precision, passive optical assembly are presented. A demonstration platform was constructed to assess the viability of embedded electro-optical midplane technology in such systems including the first ever demonstration of a pluggable active optical waveguide printed circuit board connector. High-speed optical data transfer at 10.3125 Gb/s was demonstrated through a complex polymer waveguide interconnect layer embedded into a 262 mm × 240 mm × 4.3 mm electro-optical midplane. Bit error rates of less than 10-12 and optical losses as low as 6 dB were demonstrated through nine multimode polymer wave guides with an aggregate data bandwidth of 92.8125 Gb/s

    3-D Printed microwave and tetrahertz passive components

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    This thesis presents the design of microwave and terahertz filters, fabricated using different types of 3-D printing technology. The work demonstrates the potential of using 3-D printing in the fabrication of microwave and terahertz passive components. The first project introduces a compact coaxial cavity resonator filter which was fabricated using stereolithography 3 D printing process. The size and volume of this filter reduced by almost half, by fitting one resonator inside another resonator. This filter is ideal for fabrication by 3 D printing, as such a complex structure cannot be made easily by other methods. This project demonstrates the advantage of using 3-D printing in fabrication of components with complex structures. The second project introduces three waveguide bandpass filters operating at centre frequency of 90 GHz, which were fabricated using the micro laser sintering process. The filters were the highest frequency metal 3-D printed filters reported at the time of publication. The third project introduces two waveguide filters operating at centre frequency of 180 GHz, which were also fabricated using the micro laser sintering process. These are the world highest frequency waveguide filters fabricated by a metal 3-D printing process. The capability of reproducibility of the micro laser sintering process is also discussed in this thesis. The fourth project introduces a hybrid coaxial bandpass filter with two symmetrical transmission zeros, which was fabricated using stereolithography 3-D printing process. In this project the main-line couplings and input/ output coupling were realized using PCB lines, the idea of using PCB lines instead of coupling irises or probes is to allow different topologies to be designed easily by altering the PCB layout. Finally, the fifth project introduces a terahertz waveguide bandpass filter with embedded H plane waveguide bends. This filter is being fabricated using 3-D screen printing

    Laser ablation of polymer waveguide and embedded mirror for optically-enabled printed circuit boards (OEPCB)

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    Due to their inherent BW capacity, optical interconnect (OI) offers a means of replacement to BW limited copper as bottlenecks begin to appear within the various interconnect levels of electronics systems. Low-cost optically enabled printed circuit boards are a key milestone on many electronics roadmaps, e.g. iNEMI. Current OI solutions found in industry are based upon optical fibres and are capable of providing a suitable platform for inter-board applications especially on the backplane. However, to allow component assembly onto high BW interconnects, an integral requirement for intra-board applications, optically enabled printed circuit boards containing waveguides are essential. Major barriers to the deployment of optical printed circuit boards include the compatibility of the technique, the cost of acquiring OI and the optical power budget. The purpose of this PhD research programme is to explore suitable techniques to address these barriers, primarily by means of laser material processing using UV and IR source lasers namely 248 nm KrF Excimer, 355 nm UV Nd:YAG and 10.6 µm IR CO2. The use of these three main lasers, the trio of which dominates most PCB production assembly, provides underpinning drive for the deployment of this technology into the industry at a very low cost without the need for any additional system or system modification. It further provides trade-offs among the suitable candidates in terms of processing speed, cost and quality of waveguides that could be achieved. This thesis presents the context of the research and the underlying governing science, i.e. theoretical analysis, involving laser-matter interactions. Experimental investigation of thermal (or pyrolitic) and bond-breaking (or photolytic) nature of laser ablation was studied in relation to each of the chosen lasers with regression analysis used to explain the experimental results. Optimal parameters necessary for achieving minimum Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and surface/wall roughness were explored, both of which are key to achieving low loss waveguides. While photochemical dominance – a function of wavelength and pulse duration – is desired in laser ablation of photopolymers, the author has been able to find out that photothermallyprocessed materials, for example at 10.6 µm, can also provide desirable waveguides. Although there are literature information detailing the effect of certain parameters such as fluence, pulse repetition rate, pulse duration and wavelength among others, in relation to the etch rate of different materials, the machining of new materials requires new data to be obtained. In fact various models are available to try to explain the laser-matter interaction in a mathematical way, but these cannot be taken universally as they are deficient to general applications. For this reason, experimental optimisation appears to be the logical way forward at this stage of the research and thus requiring material-system characterisation to be conducted for each case thereby forming an integral achievement of this research. In this work, laser ablation of a single-layer optical polymer (Truemode™) multimode waveguides were successfully demonstrated using the aforementioned chosen lasers, thus providing opportunities for rapid deployment of OI to the PCB manufacturing industry. Truemode™ was chosen as it provides a very low absorption loss value < 0.04 dB/cm at 850 nm datacom wavelength used for VSR interconnections – a key to optical power budget – and its compatibility with current PCB fabrication processes. A wet-Truemode™ formulation was used which required that optical polymer layer on an FR4 substrate be formed using spin coating and then UV-cured in a nitrogen oxygen-free chamber. Layer thickness, chiefly influenced by spinning speed and duration, was studied in order to meet the optical layer thickness requirement for multimode (typically > 9 µm) waveguides. Two alternative polymers, namely polysiloxane-based photopolymer (OE4140 and OE 4141) from Dow Corning and PMMA, were sparingly utilized at some point in the research, mainly during laser machining using UV Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers. While Excimer laser was widely considered for polymer waveguide due to its high quality potential, the successful fabrication at 10.6 µm IR and 355 nm UV wavelengths and at relatively low propagation loss at datacom wavelength of 850 nm (estimated to be < 1.5 dB/cm) were unprecedented. The author considered further reduction in the optical loss by looking at the effect of fluence, power, pulse repetition rate, speed and optical density on the achievable propagation but found no direct relationship between these parameters; it is therefore concluded that process optimisation is the best practice. In addition, a novel in-plane 45-degree coupling mirror fabrication using Excimer laser ablation was demonstrated for the first time, which was considered to be vital for communication between chips (or other suitable components) at board-level

    Substrate-independent microwave components in substrate integrated waveguide technology for high-performance smart surfaces

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    Although all existing air-filled substrate integrated waveguide (AFSIW) topologies yield a substrate-independent electrical performance, they rely on dedicated, expensive, laminates to form air-filled regions that contain the electromagnetic fields. This paper proposes a novel substrate-independent AFSIW manufacturing technology, enabling straightforward integration of high-performance microwave components into a wide range of general-purpose commercially available surface materials by means of standard additive (3-D printing) or subtractive (computer numerically controlled milling/laser cutting) manufacturing processes. First, an analytical formula is derived for the effective permittivity and loss tangent of the AFSIW waveguide. This allows the designer to reduce substrate losses to levels typically encountered in high-frequency laminates. Then, several microwave components are designed and fabricated. Measurements of multiple AFSIW waveguides and a four-way power divider/combiner, both relying on a new coaxial-to-air-filled SIW transition, prove that this novel approach yields microwave components suitable for direct integration into everyday surfaces, with low insertion loss, and excellent matching and isolation over the entire [5.15-5.85] GHz band. Hence, this innovative approach paves the way for a new generation of cost-effective, high-performance, and invisibly integrated smart surface systems that efficiently exploit the area and the materials available in everyday objects

    Design and implementation of an electro-optical backplane with pluggable in-plane connectors

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    The design, implementation and characterisation of an electro-optical backplane and an active pluggable in-plane optical connector technology is presented. The connection architecture adopted allows line cards to be mated to and unmated from a passive electro-optical backplane with embedded polymeric waveguides. The active connectors incorporate a photonics interface operating at 850 nm and a mechanism to passively align the interface to the optical waveguides embedded in the backplane. A demonstration platform has been constructed to assess the viability of embedded electro-optical backplane technology in dense data storage systems. The demonstration platform includes four switch cards, which connect both optically and electronically to the electro-optical backplane in a chassis. These switch cards are controlled by a single board computer across a Compact PCI bus on the backplane. The electrooptical backplane is comprised of copper layers for power and low speed bus communication and one polymeric optical layer, wherein waveguides have been patterned by a direct laser writing scheme. The optical waveguide design includes densely arrayed multimode waveguides with a centre to centre pitch of 250μm between adjacent channels, multiple cascaded waveguide bends, non-orthogonal crossovers and in-plane connector interfaces. In addition, a novel passive alignment method has been employed to simplify high precision assembly of the optical receptacles on the backplane. The in-plane connector interface is based on a two lens free space coupling solution, which reduces susceptibility to contamination. Successful transfer of 10.3 Gb/s data along multiple waveguides in the electro-optical backplane has been demonstrated and characterised

    Thermosonic flip chip interconnection using electroplated copper column arrays

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    A novel 60 GHz wideband coupled half-mode/quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide antenna

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    A novel wideband substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) antenna topology, consisting of coupled half-mode and quarter-mode SIW resonant cavities, is proposed for operation in the 60 GHz band. This innovative topology combines a considerable bandwidth enhancement and a low form factor with compatibility with low-cost printed circuit board manufacturing processes, making it excellently suited for the next generation, high data rate wireless applications. Moreover, exploiting SIW technology, a high antenna-platform isolation is obtained, enabling dense integration with active electronics without harmful coupling. The computer-aided design process yields an antenna that covers the entire 57-64 GHz IEEE 802.11ad band with a measured fractional impedance bandwidth of 11.7% (7 GHz). The measured maximum gain and radiation efficiency of the prototype are larger than 5.1 dBi and 65%, respectively, within the entire impedance bandwidth