803 research outputs found

    Novel methods of fabrication and metrology of superconducting nanostructures

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    As metrology extends toward the nanoscale, a number of potential applications and new challenges arise. By combining photolithography with focused ion beam and/or electron beam methods, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with loop dimensions down to 200 nm and superconducting bridge dimensions of the order 80 nm have been produced. These SQUIDs have a range of potential applications. As an illustration, we describe a method for characterizing the effective area and the magnetic penetration depth of a structured superconducting thin film in the extreme limit, where the superconducting penetration depth lambdalambda is much greater than the film thickness and is comparable with the lateral dimensions of the device

    Ancient and historical systems

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    Investigating the intrinsic noise limit of Dayem bridge NanoSQUIDs

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    NanoSQUIDs made from Nb thin films have been produced with nanometre loop sizes down to 200 nm, using weak-link junctions with dimensions less than 60 nm. These composite (W/Nb) single layer thin film devices, patterned by FIB milling, show extremely good low-noise performance ∼170 nΦ0 at temperatures between 5 and 8.5 K and can operate in rather high magnetic fields (at least up to 1 T). The devices produced so far have a limited operating temperature range, typically only 1–2 K. We have the goal of achieving operation at 4.2 K, to be compatible with the best SQUID series array (SSA) preamplifier available. Using the SSA to readout the nanoSQUIDs provides us with a means of investigating the intrinsic noise of the former. In this paper we report improved white noise levels of these nanoSQUIDs, enabling potential detection of a single electronic spin flip in a 1-Hz bandwidth. At low frequencies the noise performance is already limited by SSA preamplifier noise

    Solid immersion lens applications for nanophotonic devices

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    Solid immersion lens (SIL) microscopy combines the advantages of conventional microscopy with those of near-field techniques, and is being increasingly adopted across a diverse range of technologies and applications. A comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in this rapidly expanding subject is therefore increasingly relevant. Important benefits are enabled by SIL-focusing, including an improved lateral and axial spatial profiling resolution when a SIL is used in laser-scanning microscopy or excitation, and an improved collection efficiency when a SIL is used in a light-collection mode, for example in fluorescence micro-spectroscopy. These advantages arise from the increase in numerical aperture (NA) that is provided by a SIL. Other SIL-enhanced improvements, for example spherical-aberration-free sub-surface imaging, are a fundamental consequence of the aplanatic imaging condition that results from the spherical geometry of the SIL. Beginning with an introduction to the theory of SIL imaging, the unique properties of SILs are exposed to provide advantages in applications involving the interrogation of photonic and electronic nanostructures. Such applications range from the sub-surface examination of the complex three-dimensional microstructures fabricated in silicon integrated circuits, to quantum photoluminescence and transmission measurements in semiconductor quantum dot nanostructures

    Novel graphene/Sn and graphene/SnOx hybrid nanostructures: Induced superconductivity and band gaps revealed by scanning probe measurements

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    Abstract The development of functional composite nanomaterials based on graphene and metal nanoparticles (NPs) is currently the subject of intense research interest. In this study we report the preparation of novel type of graphene/Sn and graphene/SnOx (1 ≤ x ≤ 2) hybrid nanostructures and their investigation by scanning probe methods. First, we prepare Sn NPs by evaporating 7–8 nm tin on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrates. Graphene/Sn nanostructures are obtained by transferring graphene on top of the tin NPs immediately after evaporation. We show by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) that tin NPs reduce significantly the environmental p-type doping of graphene. Furthermore, we demonstrate by low-temperature STM and STS measurements that superconductivity is induced in graphene, either directly supported by Sn NPs or suspended between them. Additionally, we prepare SnOx NPs by annealing the evaporated tin at 500 °C. STS measurements performed on hybrid graphene/SnOx nanostructures reveal the electronic band gap of SnOx NPs. The results can open new avenues for the fabrication of novel hybrid superconducting nanomaterials with designed structures and morphologies

    Growth and characterisation of titanium sulphide nanostructures by surface-assisted vapour transport methods; from trisulphide ribbons to disulphide nanosheets

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    Surface Assisted Chemical Vapour Transport (SACVT) methods have been employed to grow nanostructures of titanium disulphide (TiS2) and titanium trisulphide (TiS3). SACVT reactions occur between titanium and sulphur powders to form TiSx species transported in the vapour phase to grow nanometric flower-like structures on titanium-coated silica substrates. The evolution of structure and composition has been followed by powder X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. At 1 : 2 Ti : S ratios, the size and shape of the hexagonal 1T-TiS2 titanium disulphide structures formed can be varied from flower-like growths with 'petals' formed from nanosheets 10 nm thick to platelets microns across. Increasing the proportion of sulphur (Ti : S 1 : 4) enables TiS3 flower-like structures composed of radiating nanoribbons to grow at elevated temperatures without decomposition to TiS2. TEM/SAED suggests that individual trisulphide ribbons grow along the [010] direction. Magnetic properties of the disulphide nanomaterials have been determined using SQUID magnetometry and Raman spectra for disulphides suggest that their crystal and electronic structures may be more complex than expected for bulk, stoichiometric, CdI2-structured TiS2

    Integrated quantized electronics: a semiconductor quantized voltage source

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    The Josephson effect in superconductors links a quantized output voltage Vout = f \cdot(h/2e) to the natural constants of the electron's charge e, Planck's constant h, and to an excitation frequency f with important applications in electrical quantum metrology. Also semiconductors are routinely applied in electrical quantum metrology making use of the quantum Hall effect. However, despite their broad range of further applications e.g. in integrated circuits, quantized voltage generation by a semiconductor device has never been obtained. Here we report a semiconductor quantized voltage source generating quantized voltages Vout = f\cdot(h/e). It is based on an integrated quantized circuit of a single electron pump operated at pumping frequency f and a quantum Hall device monolithically integrated in series. The output voltages of several \muV are expected to be scalable by orders of magnitude using present technology. The device might open a new route towards the closure of the quantum metrological triangle. Furthermore it represents a universal electrical quantum reference allowing to generate quantized values of the three most relevant electrical units of voltage, current, and resistance based on fundamental constants using a single device.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure