4,859 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementations of CCSDS Deep Space LDPC Codes for a Satellite Transponder

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    Error-correction coding is a technique that adds mathematical structure to a message, allowing corruptions to be detected and corrected when the message is received. This is especially important for deep space satellite communications, since the long distances and low signal power levels often cause message corruption. A very strong type of error-correction coding known as LDPC codes was recently standardized for use with space communications. This project implements the encoding and decoding algorithms required for a small satellite radio to be able to use these LDPC codes. Several decoder architectures are implemented and compared by their performance, speed, and complexity. Using these LDPC decoders requires knowledge of the received signal and noise levels, so an appropriate algorithm for estimating these parameters is developed and implemented. The LDPC encoder is implemented using a flexible architecture that allows the entire standardized family of ten LDPC codes to be encoded using the same hardware

    Research on high performance LDPC decoder

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3272号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新557

    Decomposition Methods for Large Scale LP Decoding

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    When binary linear error-correcting codes are used over symmetric channels, a relaxed version of the maximum likelihood decoding problem can be stated as a linear program (LP). This LP decoder can be used to decode error-correcting codes at bit-error-rates comparable to state-of-the-art belief propagation (BP) decoders, but with significantly stronger theoretical guarantees. However, LP decoding when implemented with standard LP solvers does not easily scale to the block lengths of modern error correcting codes. In this paper we draw on decomposition methods from optimization theory, specifically the Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM), to develop efficient distributed algorithms for LP decoding. The key enabling technical result is a "two-slice" characterization of the geometry of the parity polytope, which is the convex hull of all codewords of a single parity check code. This new characterization simplifies the representation of points in the polytope. Using this simplification, we develop an efficient algorithm for Euclidean norm projection onto the parity polytope. This projection is required by ADMM and allows us to use LP decoding, with all its theoretical guarantees, to decode large-scale error correcting codes efficiently. We present numerical results for LDPC codes of lengths more than 1000. The waterfall region of LP decoding is seen to initiate at a slightly higher signal-to-noise ratio than for sum-product BP, however an error floor is not observed for LP decoding, which is not the case for BP. Our implementation of LP decoding using ADMM executes as fast as our baseline sum-product BP decoder, is fully parallelizable, and can be seen to implement a type of message-passing with a particularly simple schedule.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. An early version of this work appeared at the 49th Annual Allerton Conference, September 2011. This version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Trapping Sets of Quantum LDPC Codes

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    Iterative decoders for finite length quantum low-density parity-check (QLDPC) codes are attractive because their hardware complexity scales only linearly with the number of physical qubits. However, they are impacted by short cycles, detrimental graphical configurations known as trapping sets (TSs) present in a code graph as well as symmetric degeneracy of errors. These factors significantly degrade the decoder decoding probability performance and cause so-called error floor. In this paper, we establish a systematic methodology by which one can identify and classify quantum trapping sets (QTSs) according to their topological structure and decoder used. The conventional definition of a TS from classical error correction is generalized to address the syndrome decoding scenario for QLDPC codes. We show that the knowledge of QTSs can be used to design better QLDPC codes and decoders. Frame error rate improvements of two orders of magnitude in the error floor regime are demonstrated for some practical finite-length QLDPC codes without requiring any post-processing.Comment: Revised version - 19 pages, 12 figures - Accepted for publication in Quantu

    New Algorithms for High-Throughput Decoding with Low-Density Parity-Check Codes using Fixed-Point SIMD Processors

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    Most digital signal processors contain one or more functional units with a single-instruction, multiple-data architecture that supports saturating fixed-point arithmetic with two or more options for the arithmetic precision. The processors designed for the highest performance contain many such functional units connected through an on-chip network. The selection of the arithmetic precision provides a trade-off between the task-level throughput and the quality of the output of many signal-processing algorithms, and utilization of the interconnection network during execution of the algorithm introduces a latency that can also limit the algorithm\u27s throughput. In this dissertation, we consider the turbo-decoding message-passing algorithm for iterative decoding of low-density parity-check codes and investigate its performance in parallel execution on a processor of interconnected functional units employing fast, low-precision fixed-point arithmetic. It is shown that the frequent occurrence of saturation when 8-bit signed arithmetic is used severely degrades the performance of the algorithm compared with decoding using higher-precision arithmetic. A technique of limiting the magnitude of certain intermediate variables of the algorithm, the extrinsic values, is proposed and shown to eliminate most occurrences of saturation, resulting in performance with 8-bit decoding nearly equal to that achieved with higher-precision decoding. We show that the interconnection latency can have a significant detrimental effect of the throughput of the turbo-decoding message-passing algorithm, which is illustrated for a type of high-performance digital signal processor known as a stream processor. Two alternatives to the standard schedule of message-passing and parity-check operations are proposed for the algorithm. Both alternatives markedly reduce the interconnection latency, and both result in substantially greater throughput than the standard schedule with no increase in the probability of error

    Computational Optimization Techniques for Graph Partitioning

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    Partitioning graphs into two or more subgraphs is a fundamental operation in computer science, with applications in large-scale graph analytics, distributed and parallel data processing, and fill-reducing orderings in sparse matrix algorithms. Computing balanced and minimally connected subgraphs is a common pre-processing step in these areas, and must therefore be done quickly and efficiently. Since graph partitioning is NP-hard, heuristics must be used. These heuristics must balance the need to produce high quality partitions with that of providing practical performance. Traditional methods of partitioning graphs rely heavily on combinatorics, but recent developments in continuous optimization formulations have led to the development of hybrid methods that combine the best of both approaches. This work describes numerical optimization formulations for two classes of graph partitioning problems, edge cuts and vertex separators. Optimization-based formulations for each of these problems are described, and hybrid algorithms combining these optimization-based approaches with traditional combinatoric methods are presented. Efficient implementations and computational results for these algorithms are presented in a C++ graph partitioning library competitive with the state of the art. Additionally, an optimization-based approach to hypergraph partitioning is proposed

    Parallel and Flow-Based High Quality Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Balanced hypergraph partitioning is a classic NP-hard optimization problem that is a fundamental tool in such diverse disciplines as VLSI circuit design, route planning, sharding distributed databases, optimizing communication volume in parallel computing, and accelerating the simulation of quantum circuits. Given a hypergraph and an integer kk, the task is to divide the vertices into kk disjoint blocks with bounded size, while minimizing an objective function on the hyperedges that span multiple blocks. In this dissertation we consider the most commonly used objective, the connectivity metric, where we aim to minimize the number of different blocks connected by each hyperedge. The most successful heuristic for balanced partitioning is the multilevel approach, which consists of three phases. In the coarsening phase, vertex clusters are contracted to obtain a sequence of structurally similar but successively smaller hypergraphs. Once sufficiently small, an initial partition is computed. Lastly, the contractions are successively undone in reverse order, and an iterative improvement algorithm is employed to refine the projected partition on each level. An important aspect in designing practical heuristics for optimization problems is the trade-off between solution quality and running time. The appropriate trade-off depends on the specific application, the size of the data sets, and the computational resources available to solve the problem. Existing algorithms are either slow, sequential and offer high solution quality, or are simple, fast, easy to parallelize, and offer low quality. While this trade-off cannot be avoided entirely, our goal is to close the gaps as much as possible. We achieve this by improving the state of the art in all non-trivial areas of the trade-off landscape with only a few techniques, but employed in two different ways. Furthermore, most research on parallelization has focused on distributed memory, which neglects the greater flexibility of shared-memory algorithms and the wide availability of commodity multi-core machines. In this thesis, we therefore design and revisit fundamental techniques for each phase of the multilevel approach, and develop highly efficient shared-memory parallel implementations thereof. We consider two iterative improvement algorithms, one based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) heuristic, and one based on label propagation. For these, we propose a variety of techniques to improve the accuracy of gains when moving vertices in parallel, as well as low-level algorithmic improvements. For coarsening, we present a parallel variant of greedy agglomerative clustering with a novel method to resolve cluster join conflicts on-the-fly. Combined with a preprocessing phase for coarsening based on community detection, a portfolio of from-scratch partitioning algorithms, as well as recursive partitioning with work-stealing, we obtain our first parallel multilevel framework. It is the fastest partitioner known, and achieves medium-high quality, beating all parallel partitioners, and is close to the highest quality sequential partitioner. Our second contribution is a parallelization of an n-level approach, where only one vertex is contracted and uncontracted on each level. This extreme approach aims at high solution quality via very fine-grained, localized refinement, but seems inherently sequential. We devise an asynchronous n-level coarsening scheme based on a hierarchical decomposition of the contractions, as well as a batch-synchronous uncoarsening, and later fully asynchronous uncoarsening. In addition, we adapt our refinement algorithms, and also use the preprocessing and portfolio. This scheme is highly scalable, and achieves the same quality as the highest quality sequential partitioner (which is based on the same components), but is of course slower than our first framework due to fine-grained uncoarsening. The last ingredient for high quality is an iterative improvement algorithm based on maximum flows. In the sequential setting, we first improve an existing idea by solving incremental maximum flow problems, which leads to smaller cuts and is faster due to engineering efforts. Subsequently, we parallelize the maximum flow algorithm and schedule refinements in parallel. Beyond the strive for highest quality, we present a deterministically parallel partitioning framework. We develop deterministic versions of the preprocessing, coarsening, and label propagation refinement. Experimentally, we demonstrate that the penalties for determinism in terms of partition quality and running time are very small. All of our claims are validated through extensive experiments, comparing our algorithms with state-of-the-art solvers on large and diverse benchmark sets. To foster further research, we make our contributions available in our open-source framework Mt-KaHyPar. While it seems inevitable, that with ever increasing problem sizes, we must transition to distributed memory algorithms, the study of shared-memory techniques is not in vain. With the multilevel approach, even the inherently slow techniques have a role to play in fast systems, as they can be employed to boost quality on coarse levels at little expense. Similarly, techniques for shared-memory parallelism are important, both as soon as a coarse graph fits into memory, and as local building blocks in the distributed algorithm