6 research outputs found

    Software-Defined Virtual Synchronous Condenser

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    Synchronous condensers (SCs) play important roles in integrating wind energy into relatively weak power grids. However, the design of SCs usually depends on specific application requirements and may not be adaptive enough to the frequently-changing grid conditions caused by the transition from conventional to renewable power generation. This paper devises a software-defined virtual synchronous condenser (SDViSC) method to address the challenges. Our contributions are fourfold: 1) design of a virtual synchronous condenser (ViSC) to enable full converter wind turbines to provide built-in SC functionalities; 2) engineering SDViSCs to transfer hardware-based ViSC controllers into software services, where a Tustin transformation-based software-defined control algorithm guarantees accurate tracking of fast dynamics under limited communication bandwidth; 3) a software-defined networking-enhanced SDViSC communication scheme to allow enhanced communication reliability and reduced communication bandwidth occupation; and 4) Prototype of SDViSC on our real-time, cyber-in-the-loop digital twin of large-wind-farm in an RTDS environment. Extensive test results validate the excellent performance of SDViSC to support reliable and resilient operations of wind farms under various physical and cyber conditions

    A Single-phase Rectifier With Ripple-power Decoupling and Application to LED Lighting

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    In recent years, Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) is widely used in lighting applications for its high efficacy and high reliability. However, the rectifier, which is required by the LEDs to convert the AC power from the grid into DC power, suffers from low-reliability caused by the filtering capacitor. In order to fully utilize the long operational hours of the LEDs, this thesis proposes a rectifier that has improved reliability by adding a ripple-port to eliminate the non-reliable electrolytic capacitor. The ripple-port is capable of decoupling the ripple-power inherited in a single-phase rectifier, which enables using the reliable film capacitor to replace the electrolytic capacitor. To guarantee that the ripple-port can effectively decouple the ripple-power, a closed-loop control scheme is designed and implemented in a digital controller. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed rectifier can reduce the required capacitance by 70%, which results in a 60% increase in lifetime. The proposed ripple-port circuit can be considered as an add-on module to be integrated into the rectifiers used in applications that require long lifetime. A detailed analysis of the efficiency, cost and reliability of applying the ripple-port in LED lighting applications supports the feasibility of the proposed circuit

    Real-time Feedback of B0 Shimming at Ultra High Field MRI

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    Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) is moving towards higher and higher field strengths. After 1.5T MRI scanners became commonplace, 3T scanners were introduced and once 3T scanners became commonplace, ultra high field (UHF) scanners were introduced. UHF scanners typically refer to scanners with a field strength of 7T or higher. The number of sites that utilise UHF scanners is slowly growing and the first 7T MRI scanners were recently CE certified for clinical use. Although UHF scanners have the benefit of higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), they come with their own challenges. One of the many challenges is the problem of inhomogeneity of the main static magnetic field(B0 field). This thesis addresses multiple aspects associated with the problem of B0 inhomogeneity. The process of homogenising the field is called "shimming". The focus of this thesis is on active shimming where extra shim coils drive DC currents to generate extra magnetic fields superimposed on the main magnetic field to correct for inhomogeneities. In particular, we looked at the following issues: algorithms for calculating optimal shim currents; global static shimming using very high order/degree spherical harmonic-based (VHOS) coils; dynamic slice-wise shimming using VHOS coils compared to a localised multi-coil array shim system; B0 field monitoring using an NMR field camera; characterisation of the shim system using a field camera; and designing a controller based on the shim system model for real-time feedback

    Eingangsadmittanz-Modellierung und passivitätsbasierte Stabilisierung von digital-stromgeregelten, netzgebundenen Umrichtern

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    Due to the ever increasing number of renewable energy systems in the electrical power grid, the application of power electronic-based circuits is gaining more and more importance. It has however been known for a while that interactions of one or multiple converters with resonances in the grid can lead to poorly damped oscillations, and thus, may threaten the stability of parts of the power system. The passivity theory has proven to be particularly powerful in preventing such situations. Accordingly, the stability of the power grid can be guaranteed by design if all components act passive. This means that all active loads and energy feeding converters have an input admittance with a non-negative real part. This can theoretically be achieved using passive or active damping strategies, but most research neglects real-world effects, which arise from the sampling of high-frequency switching harmonics. The aim of this dissertation is therefore to review the complete modeling and analysis of digitally current-controlled grid-connected converters and to extend the controller as well as filter design. On the basis of typical single-input single-output models of the converter’s input admittance, methods for the design of a passive damping or an active feed-forward are proposed and it is discussed which aspects have to be considered when implementing the filters. However, since the used models cannot reproduce all alias effects, in the further part of the thesis a multiple-input multiple-output converter model is developed. It is shown that the mirroring of high-frequency signal components onto low-frequency components can in principle be described by a dynamic uncertainty that affects the behavior of the converters' baseband dynamics. Due to this new insight it becomes clear which criteria passive or active filters should fulfill in order to specifically counteract the often negative mirroring effects of digital control. Finally, it is demonstrated that a robust passivation of the converter input admittance can prevent a destabilization of the power system by harmonics for a large number of grid impedances. The presented theory and the developed controller design are illustrated and verified by various simulations of an exemplary converter system.Aufgrund der immer größer werdenden Anzahl von erneuerbaren Energieanlagen im elektrischen Energieversorgungsnetz gewinnt der Einsatz von leistungselektronischen Schaltungen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Es ist jedoch seit längerem bekannt, dass Wechselwirkungen von einem oder mehreren Umrichtern mit Resonanzen im Netz zu schlecht gedämpften Schwingungen führen und damit die Stabilität von Teilen des Energienetzes gefährden können. Die Passivitätstheorie hat sich als besonders wirkungsvoll erwiesen, um solche Situationen zu verhindern. Demnach kann die Stabilität des Stromnetzes bereits in der Designphase gewährleistet werden, indem alle Komponenten passiv wirken. Das bedeutet, dass alle aktiven Verbraucher und einspeisenden Umrichter eine Eingangsadmittanz mit nicht negativem Realteil besitzen. Dies ist theoretisch mit Hilfe von passiven oder aktiven Dämpfungsstrategien zu erreichen. Die meisten Forschungsarbeiten vernachlässigen jedoch reale Effekte, die bei der Abtastung von hochfrequenten Harmonischen entstehen. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, den kompletten Modellierungs-, Analyse- und Regler- sowie Filterentwurfsprozess von digital-stromgeregelten, netzgebundenen Umrichtern zu überprüfen und zu erweitern. Auf der Basis typischer Eingrößenmodelle der Umrichter-Eingangsadmittanz werden Verfahren für die Auslegung einer passiven Dämpfung bzw. einer aktiven Vorsteuerung vorgeschlagen und es wird diskutiert, welche Aspekte bei der Implementierung der Filter zu berücksichtigen sind. Da sich mit den Modellen jedoch nicht alle Alias-Effekte abbilden lassen, wird im weiteren Teil der Arbeit ein Mehrgrößen-Umrichtermodell entwickelt. Es zeigt sich, dass die Spiegelung hochfrequenter Signalanteile auf niederfrequente Anteile prinzipiell durch eine dynamische Unsicherheit beschrieben werden kann, die das Grundfrequenzverhalten der Umrichter beeinflusst. Dank dieser neuen Erkenntnisse wird deutlich, welche Kriterien passive oder aktive Filter erfüllen sollten, um den oft negativen Spiegeleffekten der digitalen Regelung gezielt entgegenzuwirken. Es wird demonstriert, dass eine robuste Passivierung der Umrichter-Eingangsadmittanz eine Destabilisierung des Energienetzes durch Harmonische für eine Vielzahl von Netzimpedanzen verhindern kann. Die vorgestellte Theorie und der erarbeitete Reglerentwurf werden anhand diverser Simulationen eines beispielhaften Umrichtersystems verdeutlicht und validiert

    Sistemas de compensação ativa paralela baseados em filtros paralelos modulares e multiníveis.

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    Atualmente aplicações utilizando conversores de energia nas indústrias e na área de transmissão de energias alternativas, como a energia eólica, têm feito surgir conversores que operam em média tensão. Esse fato ampliou as preocupações em relação ao nível de harmônicos em instalações onde a sensibilidade a este tipo de problema é elevada. Este trabalho discute fi ltros ativos multi-modulares (fi ltros cooperativos), bem como filtros multin veis, para lidar com as aplica c~oes de m edia tens~ao. No cen ario de ltros ativos foi desenvolvida uma solução que compensa a parcela fundamental da potência reativa e os componentes harmônicos de corrente de uma forma independente, com o objetivo de reduzir as perdas totais do sistema. Duas topologias são estudadas: uma usando dois conversores trifásicos fonte de tens~ao convencionais e uma em que um dos conversores trifásicos convencional é substituído por um conjunto formado por três pontes H interligadas na con guração estrela com o neutro isolado. Em relação aos fi ltros ativos implementados com conversores multiníveis são explorados dois conversores híbridos em cascata. Uma destas topologias já foi apresentada na literatura técnica como um sistema para acionamentos de máquinas, porém são implementadas duas novas abordagens para a regulação da tensão no barramento CC utilizando as técnicas PWM escalar e 'Level-Shifted'. A outra topologia é uma derivação da primeira para os sistemas a quatro. Aspectos técnicos tais como: a estratégia PWM, a distribuição de potência entre os conversores, as estratégias de controle e as perdas são abordadas para comparar com as soluções convencionais presentes na literatura.Currently, the industrial demand for power converters operating in the medium voltage has increased concerns about the level of harmonics in installations where the sensitivity to this problem is high. This work discusses modular active lters (collaborative ltering) and multilevel lters (to deal with the applications of medium voltage). In such scenario, active lters are a solution that compensates the fundamental portion of reactive power and the harmonic current components in an independent way, with the aim of reducing the total system losses, was developed. Two topologies are shown: one using two conventional threephase voltage source inverters and other where one of the conventional three-phase converters is implemented with by a set formed by three H-bridge star-connected. In the case of active power lter implemented with multilevel power converters, two hybrid cascade converters are presented. The rst have been presented in the technical literature as a system to drive machinery, although at this work the innovation is on regulation of Dc-link voltages using scalar and 'Level-Shifted' PWM methods. The second is a derivation of the rst one for fourwire systems. Issues such as PWM strategy, the distribution of power between converters and control strategies are discussed. Keywords: power quality, medium voltage, active lters, multilevel converters

    Novel Approach to Analog-to-Digital Transforms

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