10,176 research outputs found

    índice de sítio diamétrico: um método alternativo para estimar a qualidade do sítio em florestas de Nothofagus obliqua E N. alpina

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    The first step for constructing models of tree growth and yield is site quality assessment. To estimate this attribute, several methodologies are available in which site index (SI) is a standard one. However, this approach, that uses height at a reference age of trees, can be simplified if age is replaced by another reference variable easier to measure. In this case, the diametric site index (DSI) represents the mean height of dominant trees at a reference mean diameter at breast height. The aim of this work was to develop DSI in pure and mixed Nothofagus alpina and N. obliqua forests, and compare these models with the classical proposals based on height-age variables, within the temperate forest of northwestern Patagonia from Argentina, South America. Data originated from temporary plots and stem analyses were used. Tree age and diameter at breast height were obtained from each plot and used for establishing DSI family functions, following the guide-curve methodology. Site classes were proportionally represented among DSI curves of 17.0, 21.5, 26.0, 30.5 and 35.0 m of dominant tree height. Reference diameter instead of reference age can be cautiously used in order to fit site index models.Primeiro passo para a construção de modelos de crescimento e produção de árvores e a avaliação da qualidade do sítio. Para estimar este atributo, várias metodologias estão disponíveis, na qual o índice de sítio (IS) é padrão. No entanto, esta abordagem, que utiliza uma altura na idade de referência, pode ser simplificada se a idade é substituída por outra variável de referência mais fácil de medir. Neste caso, o índice de índice de sítio diamétrico (ISD) representa a altura média das árvores dominantes de um diâmetro à altura do peito referência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver ISD para florestas puras e mistas de Nothofagus alpina e N. obliqua, e comparar esses modelos com as propostas clássicas baseadas nas variáveis altura-idade, para a floresta temperada do noroeste da Patagônia da Argentina, América do Sul. Dados provenientes de parcelas temporárias e análises de tronco foram utilizados. Foram obtidos idade e diâmetro à altura do peito de cada parcela e utilizados para o estabelecimento das funções da família DSI, seguindo a metodologia da curva-guia. Classes de sítio foram proporcionalmente representados entre curvas DSI de 17,0; 21,5; 26,0; 30,5 e 35,0 m de altura da árvore dominante. O diâmetro de referência em vez da idade de referência pode ser usado com cautela para ajustar modelos de índice de sítio.Fil: Attis Beltran, Hernan. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Asentamiento Universidad San Martin de Los Andes; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Chauchards, Luis Mario. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Velásquez, Abel. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Sbrancia, Renato. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentin

    A contribution to the Campylopus flora of Chile

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    A key to the species of Campylopus known from Chile is given, completed by records of Campylopodioideae of the author in southern Chile. Campylopus acuminatus Mitt. var. kirkii (Mitt.) J.-P. Frahm is reported for the first time for Chile

    Ecology of bryophytes along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in Chile

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    The bryophyte vegetation in twenty-eight hectare plots in forests of S-Chile between 38° and 42°S and sea level and the forest line has been studied. Since bryophytes are fully dependend on atmospheric water and nutrient supply, they are good indicators of ecological conditions, especially for humidity. Therefore cover of epiphytic bryophytes, percentage of hepatics, composition of life forms and phytomass of epiphytic bryophytes were used as parameters. Cover and phytomass of epiphytic bryophytes as well as percentage of hepatics show moderate values in the lowlands, peak values in the montane belt (400-800m) and low values in the high montane to subalpine forests. This zonation corresponds with the composition of life forms and is attributed to a higher humidity in the montane belt. Life forms characteristic for the lowlands and submontane belts are pendants, those for the montane belt are wefts and tails, and those for the high montane and and subalpine belts are mats and cushions. The same zonation is found in New Zealand at comparable latitudes. The altitudinal differences are much stronger than the latitudinal ones. Compared with similar transect studies in New Zealand, there is a comparable zonation based on bryphytes. The percentage of hepatics as a good indicator of humidity, is – both in Chile and New Zealand - higher in the transects along the coast with higher precipitation, lower in transects in the inland with less precipitation, and increasing with altitude. Compared with tropical rain forests, the “mossiness” of temperate rain forests expressed by phytomass of epiphytic bryophytes per hectare, cover and percentage of hepatics is comparable to tropical rain forests above 2000 m, which is the corresponding elevation with regard to the mean annual precipitation. In Chile, however, there is a distinct decrease of “mossiness” in the high montane and subalpine forests, which is attributed to special climatological conditions, whereas bryophytes reach maximum cover and phytomass in the tropical high montane and subalpine forests. A comparison with montane forests in Europe in 48°N reveal, that phytomass and percentage of hepatics is distinctly less than in the true rain forests of the southern hemisphere

    Effects of management practices on water yield in small headwater catchments at Cordillera de los Andes in southern Chile

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    In several parts of the world, drinking water is obtained from springs in natural and managed mountainous forests. Since forests regulate quality as well as quantity of water, the effects of forest-management activities on water yield are an important subject of study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of forest management on water yield in managed and unmanaged temperate native rainforests in the Andean range of southern Chile. The study area is located in San Pablo, a forest reserve of 2,184 ha located at the Andean range of southern Chile (39º 35’ S, 72º 07’ W, 600-925 m a.s.l.). From April 2003 to October 2008, seven experimental small catchments were monitored for rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, soil water infiltration, soil water percolation and runoff. In 2002, one catchment with a secondary deciduous forest was managed, through thinning, causing a reduction in basal area by 35% whereas the other one remained unthinned as control. Both watersheds are adjacent and are located at 600 – 720 m of elevation on deep loam textured volcanic soils (100 - 120 cm). In November 2006, a watershed covered with evergreen old-growth forests was thinned extracting 40% of the total basal area whereas another adjacent catchment remained unthinned as control. Both watersheds are located at 725 – 910 m a.s.l. and have the same aspects. The effects of management of deciduous secondary forests showed that for the period April 2003-March 2007, the mean value of the increase in total annual streamflow was 12.7%, ranging from 10.9% to 14.6%. Thinning of the evergreen old-growth forest increased the streamflow for the period November 2006-October 2008 with 6.1%, ranging from 4.4% to 7.8%, with greater differences during summertime (15.7 to 206%)

    Pollen morphology of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae, Fagales) and its phylogenetic significance

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    Nothofagaceae (southern beeches) are a relatively small flowering plant family of trees confined to the Southern Hemisphere. The fossil record of the family is abundant and it has been widely used as a test case for the classic hypothesis that Antarctica, Patagonia, Australia and New Zealand were once joined together. Although the phylogenetic relationships in Nothofagus appear to be well supported, the evolution of some pollen morphological traits remains elusive, largely because of the lack of ultrastructural analyses. Here we describe the pollen morphology of all extant South American species of Nothofagus, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light microscopy (LM), and reconstruct ancestral character states using a well-supported phylogenetic tree of the family. Our results indicate that the main differences between pollen of subgenera Fuscospora (pollen type fusca a) and Nothofagus (pollen type fusca b) are related to the size of microspines (distinguishable or not in optical section), and the thickening of colpi margins (thickened inwards, or thickened both inwards and outwards). In particular, Nothofagus alessandrii, the only extant South American species of subgenus Fuscospora, presents distinctive pollen features that have not been observed in any other species of the genus (i.e. a large granular infratectum and spongy apertural endexine). Species of subgenus Lophozonia are characterized by having the largest pollen grains, with polygonal outline in polar view, microspines distinguishable in optical section, long and non-thickened colpi, and a thin endexine. The reconstruction of character states for the node corresponding to the common ancestor to genus Nothofagus leads us to conclude that the ancestral form of Nothofagaceae should have had: equatorial diameter < 40 μm, circular outline in polar view, microspines distinguishable in optical section, short colpi thickened inwards, and a thin endexine. These features are fully consistent with those present in Nothofagidites senectus Dettmann & Playford, the oldest fossil species of Nothofagaceae recorded in Campanian-Maastrichtian sediments of Gondwana.Fil: Fernández, Damián Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Santamarina, Patricio Emmanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Tellería, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Laboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiva; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Palazzesi, Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Barreda, Viviana Dora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Equações de afilamento e volume para tamanhos comerciais de nothofagus obliqua e N. alpina

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    Timber volume of standing trees is essential information for managementdecisions. The increasing need to optimize the potential capacity of forests maintaining their conservation, requires the quantification of the different potential possible timber products. The aim was to adjust taper equations to determine volumes of different timber products for commercial stems of Nothofagus alpina and N. obliqua. Trees of both species were randomly selected in harvesting areas of Lanin National Park (Argentina).Trees were felled and cut into commercial logs, measuring diameter with bark at different heights up to the beginning of the crown, and for each tree the diameter at breast height and total height. Five taper equations were selected and non-linear regression processes were employed for the fittings. We obtained the volume through the integration of the stem profile equation and the rotation in the space thereof through solid of revolution.The Bennet and Swindel (1972) model was selected for both Nothofagus species,obtaining similar equation parameters and differences were observed at the top of the stems of larger trees. For this the use of an integrated model is not recommended. With the obtained equations it is possible to: (i) estimate volume at different heights and for different commercial diameters, and (ii) predict the height at which both species reach to a certain diameter. The model presented some statistical limitations (e.g. multicollinearity), however, the fitting of the equation and the easy understanding of the outputs support itas a useful tool in a broad range of forest applications.O volume de madeira das árvores em pé é uma informação essencial para as decisões de gestão. A crescente necessidade de otimizar a capacidade potencial das florestas mantendo sua conservação, requer a quantificação dos diferentes possíveis produtos de madeira possíveis. O objetivo era ajustar equações de afilamento para determinar volumes de diferentes produtos de madeira para hastes comerciais de Nothofagus alpina e N. obliqua. As árvores de ambas as espécies foram selecionadas ao acaso nas áreas de colheita do Parque Nacional Lanin (Argentina). As árvores foram derrubadas e cortadas em troncos comerciais, medindo o diâmetro com a casca em diferentes alturas até o início da coroa, e para cada árvore o diâmetro na altura do peito e altura total. Foram selecionadas cinco equações cônicas e foram empregados processos de regressão não-linear para ajustar. Obtivemos o volume através da integração da equação do perfil do caule e da rotação no seu espaço através do sólido da revolução. O modelo de Bennet e Swindel (1972) foi selecionado para as duas espécies de Nothofagus, obtendo parâmetros de equação semelhantes e observando-se diferenças no topo das hastes de árvores maiores. Portanto, o uso de um modelo integrado não é recomendado. Com as equações obtidas é possível: (i) estimar o volume em diferentes alturas e para diferentes diâmetros comerciais, e (ii) prever a altura em que ambas as espécies atingem um determinado diâmetro. O modelo apresentou algumas limitações estatísticas (por exemplo, multicolinearidade), no entanto, o ajuste da equação e a compreensão fácil das saídas o suportam como uma ferramenta útil em uma ampla gama de aplicações florestais.Fil: Attis Beltran, Hernan. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chauchard, Luis. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Iaconis, Ariana. University of Sydney; AustraliaFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin

    Review of Noterapion Kissinger from Chile and Argentina (Coleoptera: Apionidae)

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    Descriptions and a key are provided for 7 South American species of Note rap ion Kissinger (2002) (type species Apion meorrhynchum Philippi and Philippi) including N. bruchi (Beguin-Billecocq), N. meorrhynchum (Philippi and Philippi), N. philippianum (Alonso-Zarazaga) and four new species described from Chile: N. chilense Kissinger, N. lwscheli Kissinger, N. nothofagi Kissinger, and N. saperion Kissinger. A lectotype designation is published for Apion meorrhynchum Philippi and Philippi and Apion uestitum Philippi and Philippi. Apion fuegianum Enderlein and A. pingue Beguin-Billecocq are synonymized with N. meorrhynchum (Philippi and Philippi), new synonymy. Noterapionini (new tribe) is erected for Noterapion Kissinger (type genus) within Apioninae. Extension of a phylogenetic analysis of Brentidae s. lato by Wanat (2001) places Noterapion near the base of Apioninae and shows the genus sharing various symplesiomorphies with primitive apionid subfamilies from Africa and not found otherwise in the New World apionids. The weevils are associated with the southern beech, Nothofagus Blume (in Nothofagaceae, see Manos, 1997), also known from the Australasian Region. Noterapion meorrhynchum develops in abandoned cynipid wasp leaf galls. The combination of a plant host with biogeographic significance and the possession of very primitive characters suggests that Noterapion may represent an ancient lineage dating back to the time of the Cretaceous and the breakup of Gondwana

    Disparate responses of above- and belowground properties to soil disturbance by an invasive mammal

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    Introduced mammalian herbivores can negatively affect ecosystem structure and function if they introduce a novel disturbance to an ecosystem. For example, belowground foraging herbivores that bioturbate the soil, may alter process rates and community composition in ecosystems that lack native belowground mammalian foragers. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) disturb the soil system and plant community via their rooting behavior in their native range. Given their size and the numbers in their populations, this disturbance can be significant in forested ecosystems. Recently, wild boar were introduced to Patagonian forests lacking native mammalian herbivores that forage belowground. To explore how introduced wild boar might alter forested ecosystems, we conducted a large-scale wild boar exclusion experiment in three different forest types (Austroducedrus chilensis forest, Nothofagus dombeyi forest, and shrublands). Wild boar presence altered plant composition and structure, reducing plant biomass 3.8-fold and decreasing both grass and herb cover relative to areas where wild boar were excluded. Decomposition rates and soil compaction also declined by 5% in areas where boar had access; however, rooting had no effect on soil nutrient stocks and cycling. Interestingly, there were no differences in wild boar impacts on different forest types. We found that after 3-years of exclusion, belowground foraging by wild boar had a larger impact on plant community structure and biomass than it did on soil nutrient processes.Fil: Barrios Garcia Moar, Maria Noelia. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Delegación Regional Patagonia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Classen, Aimee T.. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Simberloff, Daniel. University of Tennessee; Estados Unido

    Rhynchomeliola Speg., un viejo género nuevo para Argentina

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    Al estudiar los micromicetes asociados a plantas nativas de los bosques andinopatagónicos, se coleccionaron ejemplares de dos especies de Rhynchomeliola Speg.: R. lomatiae S. Lee & Joanne E. Taylor creciendo sobre hojas de Lomatia ferruginea (Proteaceae), y R. usteriana (Speg.) Arx & Müller asociado a corteza de Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae). Rhynchomeliola es un género de posición incierta que reúne pocas especies, mayormente folícolas y tropicales, caracterizadas por poseer ascomas periteciales no estromáticos, de cuellos largos y delgados. En Sudamérica este género solo se conocía en Brasil, siendo esta la primera cita del mismo para Argentina. Asimismo este es el primer hallazgo de R. lomatiae desde su descripción original de material herborizado de Lomatia polymorpha proveniente de Australia. El descubrimiento de R. usteriana sobre corteza representa la primera descripción de una especie del género sobre un sustrato lignificado, y sustentaría el rechazo del hábito como carácter válido para distinguir Rhynchomeliola respecto del género afín Rhynchostoma P. Karst. Se proveen descripciones e ilustraciones completas de las especies encontradas, así como de los tipos de las especies descriptas por Spegazzini.During a survey of the micromycetes growing on native plants from the Patagonian Andean forests, two species of Rhynchomeliola Speg. were found: R. lomatiae S. Lee & Joanne E. Taylor growing on leaves of Lomatia ferruginea (Proteaceae), and R. usteriana (Speg.) Arx & Müller growing on bark of Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae). Rhynchomeliola is a small genus of long-necked, non stromatic, perithecial fungi which comprises nine species that are mostly tropical and foliicolous. In South America this genus was known only from Brazil. Rhynchomeliola lomatiae is recorded for the first time since its original description from herbarium material of Lomatia polymorpha in Australia. The finding of R. usteriana growing on bark is the first record of a Rhynchomeliola species on a lignified substrate and supports the rejection of the habit as a useful character to distinguish the genus from the morphologically akin Rhynchostoma P. Karst. Full descriptions and illustrations of the recorded species are provided along with those of the type materials of the species described by Spegazzini.Fil: Bianchinotti, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Romina Magali. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Rajchenberg, Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentin

    The bryophyte flora of nature reserves in central Chile : 1., the moss flora of Los Ruiles Nature Reserve near Talca

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    The moss flora of the Los Ruiles Nature Reserve, Maule region (VII), central Chile was investigated. Los Ruiles is a small forest reserve dominated by Nothofagus trees and surrounded by plantations of Pinus radiata. The moss species list contains 72 taxa, among which are 36 species newly reported for the Maule region. Several species reach their northernmost known limit in the reserve, including Achrophyllum magellanicum var. magellanicum, Ancistrodes genuflexa, Cryphaea consimilis, Dendrocryphaea lechleri, Lembophyllum orbiculatum, Leptostomum menziesii, Symblepharis krausei, and Zygodon papillatus. To ensure the survival of these rare or local bryophytes, an increase of the proportion of Nothofagus trees in the forests surrounding the reserve is desirable