351 research outputs found

    Not Using the Car to See the Sidewalk: Quantifying and Controlling the Effects of Context in Classification and Segmentation

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    Importance of visual context in scene understanding tasks is well recognized in the computer vision community. However, to what extent the computer vision models for image classification and semantic segmentation are dependent on the context to make their predictions is unclear. A model overly relying on context will fail when encountering objects in context distributions different from training data and hence it is important to identify these dependencies before we can deploy the models in the real-world. We propose a method to quantify the sensitivity of black-box vision models to visual context by editing images to remove selected objects and measuring the response of the target models. We apply this methodology on two tasks, image classification and semantic segmentation, and discover undesirable dependency between objects and context, for example that "sidewalk" segmentation relies heavily on "cars" being present in the image. We propose an object removal based data augmentation solution to mitigate this dependency and increase the robustness of classification and segmentation models to contextual variations. Our experiments show that the proposed data augmentation helps these models improve the performance in out-of-context scenarios, while preserving the performance on regular data.Comment: 14 pages (12 figures

    PanDA: Panoptic Data Augmentation

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    The recently proposed panoptic segmentation task presents a significant challenge of image understanding with computer vision by unifying semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks. In this paper we present an efficient and novel panoptic data augmentation (PanDA) method which operates exclusively in pixel space, requires no additional data or training, and is computationally cheap to implement. By retraining original state-of-the-art models on PanDA augmented datasets generated with a single frozen set of parameters, we show robust performance gains in panoptic segmentation, instance segmentation, as well as detection across models, backbones, dataset domains, and scales. Finally, the effectiveness of unrealistic-looking training images synthesized by PanDA suggest that one should rethink the need for image realism for efficient data augmentation

    Adversarial content manipulation for analyzing and improving model robustness

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    The recent rapid progress in machine learning systems has opened up many real-world applications --- from recommendation engines on web platforms to safety critical systems like autonomous vehicles. A model deployed in the real-world will often encounter inputs far from its training distribution. For example, a self-driving car might come across a black stop sign in the wild. To ensure safe operation, it is vital to quantify the robustness of machine learning models to such out-of-distribution data before releasing them into the real-world. However, the standard paradigm of benchmarking machine learning models with fixed size test sets drawn from the same distribution as the training data is insufficient to identify these corner cases efficiently. In principle, if we could generate all valid variations of an input and measure the model response, we could quantify and guarantee model robustness locally. Yet, doing this with real world data is not scalable. In this thesis, we propose an alternative, using generative models to create synthetic data variations at scale and test robustness of target models to these variations. We explore methods to generate semantic data variations in a controlled fashion across visual and text modalities. We build generative models capable of performing controlled manipulation of data like changing visual context, editing appearance of an object in images or changing writing style of text. Leveraging these generative models we propose tools to study robustness of computer vision systems to input variations and systematically identify failure modes. In the text domain, we deploy these generative models to improve diversity of image captioning systems and perform writing style manipulation to obfuscate private attributes of the user. Our studies quantifying model robustness explore two kinds of input manipulations, model-agnostic and model-targeted. The model-agnostic manipulations leverage human knowledge to choose the kinds of changes without considering the target model being tested. This includes automatically editing images to remove objects not directly relevant to the task and create variations in visual context. Alternatively, in the model-targeted approach the input variations performed are directly adversarially guided by the target model. For example, we adversarially manipulate the appearance of an object in the image to fool an object detector, guided by the gradients of the detector. Using these methods, we measure and improve the robustness of various computer vision systems -- specifically image classification, segmentation, object detection and visual question answering systems -- to semantic input variations.Der schnelle Fortschritt von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens hat viele neue Anwendungen ermöglicht – von Recommender-Systemen bis hin zu sicherheitskritischen Systemen wie autonomen Fahrzeugen. In der realen Welt werden diese Systeme oft mit Eingaben außerhalb der Verteilung der Trainingsdaten konfrontiert. Zum Beispiel könnte ein autonomes Fahrzeug einem schwarzen Stoppschild begegnen. Um sicheren Betrieb zu gewährleisten, ist es entscheidend, die Robustheit dieser Systeme zu quantifizieren, bevor sie in der Praxis eingesetzt werden. Aktuell werden diese Modelle auf festen Eingaben von derselben Verteilung wie die Trainingsdaten evaluiert. Allerdings ist diese Strategie unzureichend, um solche Ausnahmefälle zu identifizieren. Prinzipiell könnte die Robustheit “lokal” bestimmt werden, indem wir alle zulässigen Variationen einer Eingabe generieren und die Ausgabe des Systems überprüfen. Jedoch skaliert dieser Ansatz schlecht zu echten Daten. In dieser Arbeit benutzen wir generative Modelle, um synthetische Variationen von Eingaben zu erstellen und so die Robustheit eines Modells zu überprüfen. Wir erforschen Methoden, die es uns erlauben, kontrolliert semantische Änderungen an Bild- und Textdaten vorzunehmen. Wir lernen generative Modelle, die kontrollierte Manipulation von Daten ermöglichen, zum Beispiel den visuellen Kontext zu ändern, die Erscheinung eines Objekts zu bearbeiten oder den Schreibstil von Text zu ändern. Basierend auf diesen Modellen entwickeln wir neue Methoden, um die Robustheit von Bilderkennungssystemen bezüglich Variationen in den Eingaben zu untersuchen und Fehlverhalten zu identifizieren. Im Gebiet von Textdaten verwenden wir diese Modelle, um die Diversität von sogenannten Automatische Bildbeschriftung-Modellen zu verbessern und Schreibtstil-Manipulation zu erlauben, um private Attribute des Benutzers zu verschleiern. Um die Robustheit von Modellen zu quantifizieren, werden zwei Arten von Eingabemanipulationen untersucht: Modell-agnostische und Modell-spezifische Manipulationen. Modell-agnostische Manipulationen basieren auf menschlichem Wissen, um bestimmte Änderungen auszuwählen, ohne das entsprechende Modell miteinzubeziehen. Dies beinhaltet das Entfernen von für die Aufgabe irrelevanten Objekten aus Bildern oder Variationen des visuellen Kontextes. In dem alternativen Modell-spezifischen Ansatz werden Änderungen vorgenommen, die für das Modell möglichst ungünstig sind. Zum Beispiel ändern wir die Erscheinung eines Objekts um ein Modell der Objekterkennung täuschen. Dies ist durch den Gradienten des Modells möglich. Mithilfe dieser Werkzeuge können wir die Robustheit von Systemen zur Bildklassifizierung oder -segmentierung, Objekterkennung und Visuelle Fragenbeantwortung quantifizieren und verbessern

    PanDA: Panoptic Data Augmentation

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    The recently proposed panoptic segmentation task presents a significant challenge of image understanding with computer vision by unifying semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks. In this paper we present an efficient and novel panoptic data augmentation (PanDA) method which operates exclusively in pixel space, requires no additional data or training, and is computationally cheap to implement. By retraining original state-of-the-art models on PanDA augmented datasets generated with a single frozen set of parameters, we show robust performance gains in panoptic segmentation, instance segmentation, as well as detection across models, backbones, dataset domains, and scales. Finally, the effectiveness of unrealistic-looking training images synthesized by PanDA suggest that one should rethink the need for image realism for efficient data augmentation

    Data Collection and Machine Learning Methods for Automated Pedestrian Facility Detection and Mensuration

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    Large-scale collection of pedestrian facility (crosswalks, sidewalks, etc.) presence data is vital to the success of efforts to improve pedestrian facility management, safety analysis, and road network planning. However, this kind of data is typically not available on a large scale due to the high labor and time costs that are the result of relying on manual data collection methods. Therefore, methods for automating this process using techniques such as machine learning are currently being explored by researchers. In our work, we mainly focus on machine learning methods for the detection of crosswalks and sidewalks from both aerial and street-view imagery. We test data from these two viewpoints individually and with an ensemble method that we refer to as our “dual-perspective prediction model”. In order to obtain this data, we developed a data collection pipeline that combines crowdsourced pedestrian facility location data with aerial and street-view imagery from Bing Maps. In addition to the Convolutional Neural Network used to perform pedestrian facility detection using this data, we also trained a segmentation network to measure the length and width of crosswalks from aerial images. In our tests with a dual-perspective image dataset that was heavily occluded in the aerial view but relatively clear in the street view, our dual-perspective prediction model was able to increase prediction accuracy, recall, and precision by 49%, 383%, and 15%, respectively (compared to using a single perspective model based on only aerial view images). In our tests with satellite imagery provided by the Mississippi Department of Transportation, we were able to achieve accuracies as high as 99.23%, 91.26%, and 93.7% for aerial crosswalk detection, aerial sidewalk detection, and aerial crosswalk mensuration, respectively. The final system that we developed packages all of our machine learning models into an easy-to-use system that enables users to process large batches of imagery or examine individual images in a directory using a graphical interface. Our data collection and filtering guidelines can also be used to guide future research in this area by establishing standards for data quality and labelling

    Measuring the Impact of Scene Level Objects on Object Detection: Towards Quantitative Explanations of Detection Decisions

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    Although accuracy and other common metrics can provide a useful window into the performance of an object detection model, they lack a deeper view of the model's decision process. Regardless of the quality of the training data and process, the features that an object detection model learns cannot be guaranteed. A model may learn a relationship between certain background context, i.e., scene level objects, and the presence of the labeled classes. Furthermore, standard performance verification and metrics would not identify this phenomenon. This paper presents a new black box explainability method for additional verification of object detection models by finding the impact of scene level objects on the identification of the objects within the image. By comparing the accuracies of a model on test data with and without certain scene level objects, the contributions of these objects to the model's performance becomes clearer. The experiment presented here will assess the impact of buildings and people in image context on the detection of emergency road vehicles by a fine-tuned YOLOv8 model. A large increase in accuracy in the presence of a scene level object will indicate the model's reliance on that object to make its detections. The results of this research lead to providing a quantitative explanation of the object detection model's decision process, enabling a deeper understanding of the model's performance.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    City-Wide Perceptions of Neighbourhood Quality using Street View Images

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    The interactions of individuals with city neighbourhoods is determined, in part, by the perceived quality of urban environments. Perceived neighbourhood quality is a core component of urban vitality, influencing social cohesion, sense of community, safety, activity and mental health of residents. Large-scale assessment of perceptions of neighbourhood quality was pioneered by the Place Pulse projects. Researchers demonstrated the efficacy of crowd-sourcing perception ratings of image pairs across 56 cities and training a model to predict perceptions from street-view images. Variation across cities may limit Place Pulse's usefulness for assessing within-city perceptions. In this paper, we set forth a protocol for city-specific dataset collection for the perception: 'On which street would you prefer to walk?'. This paper describes our methodology, based in London, including collection of images and ratings, web development, model training and mapping. Assessment of within-city perceptions of neighbourhoods can identify inequities, inform planning priorities, and identify temporal dynamics. Code available: https://emilymuller1991.github.io/urban-perceptions/

    Semantic Segmentation Considering Image Degradation, Global Context, and Data Balancing

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    Recently, semantic segmentation – assigning a categorical label to each pixel in an im- age – plays an important role in image understanding applications, e.g., autonomous driving, human-machine interaction and medical imaging. Semantic segmentation has made progress by using the deep convolutional neural networks, which are sur- passing the traditional methods by a large margin. Despite the success of the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), there remain three major challenges. The first challenge is how to segment the degraded images semantically, i.e., de- graded image semantic segmentation. In general, image degradations increase the difficulty of semantic segmentation, usually leading to decreased segmentation ac- curacy. While the use of supervised deep learning has substantially improved the state-of-the-art of semantic segmentation, the gap between the feature distribution learned using the clean images and the feature distribution learned using the de- graded images poses a major obstacle to degraded image semantic segmentation. We propose a novel Dense-Gram Network to more effectively reduce the gap than the conventional strategies in segmenting degraded images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed Dense-Gram Network yields state-of-the-art seman- tic segmentation performance on degraded images synthesized using PASCAL VOC 2012, SUNRGBD, CamVid, and CityScapes datasets. The second challenge is how to embed the global context into the segmentation network. As the existing semantic segmentation networks usually exploit the local context information for inferring the label of a single pixel or patch, without the global context, the CNNs could miss-classify the objects with similar color and shapes. In this thesis, we propose to embed the global context into the segmentation network using object’s spatial relationship. In particular, we introduce a boundary-based metric that measures the level of spatial adjacency between each pair of object classes and find that this metric is robust against object size induced biases. By enforcing this metric into the segmentation loss, we propose a new network, which starts with a segmentation network, followed by a new encoder to compute the proposed boundary- based metric, and then train this network in an end-to-end fashion for semantic image segmentation. We evaluate the proposed method using CamVid and CityScapes datasets and achieve favorable overall performance and a substantial improvement in segmenting small objects. The third challenge of the existing semantic segmentation network is the per- formance decrease induced by data imbalance. At the image level, one semantic class may occur in more images than another. At the pixel level, one semantic class may show larger size than another. Classic strategies such as class re-sampling or cost-sensitive training could not address these data imbalances for multi-label seg- mentation. Here, we propose a selective-weighting strategy to consider the image- and pixel-level data balancing simultaneously when a batch of images are fed into the network. The experimental results on the CityScapes and BRATS2015 benchmark datasets show that the proposed method can effectively improve the performance
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