8 research outputs found

    Norms, organizations, and semantics

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    This paper integrates the responses to a set of questions from a distinguished set of panelists involved in a discussion at the Agreement Technologies workshop in Cyprus in December 2009. The panel was concerned with the relationship between the research areas of semantics, norms, and organizations, and the ways in which each may contribute to the development of the others in support of next generation agreement technologie

    A Multiagent Approach to Personalization and Assistance to Multiple Persons in a Smart Home

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    http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/WS/AAAIW14/paper/download/8809/8371&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2W2ejiuEPthMsyGE4AgBRTA_1HfAInternational audienceLocalization, personalization, activity recognition, and cognitive assistance are key issues in research on smart homes for cognitively impaired people. Most of the current solutions rely on the presence of solely one person in the residence. To actively consider the interaction of the smart home inhabitant with their caregivers, nurses, doctors and people sharing their home, this paper proposes a multi-agent approach to transparently locate, identify, and ease the collaboration between distributed personalization and assistance services. Based on Bayesian filtering localization using anonymous sensors, the multi-person localization process provides information on each occupant presence, either incoming or outgoing. This information is then used for personalization and assistance

    Propagation of Policies in Rich Data Flows

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    Governing the life cycle of data on the web is a challenging issue for organisations and users. Data is distributed under certain policies that determine what actions are allowed and in which circumstances. Assessing what policies propagate to the output of a process is one crucial problem. Having a description of policies and data flow steps implies a huge number of propagation rules to be specified and computed (number of policies times number of actions). In this paper we provide a method to obtain an abstraction that allows to reduce the number of rules significantly. We use the Datanode ontology, a hierarchical organisation of the possible relations between data objects, to compact the knowledge base to a set of more abstract rules. After giving a definition of Policy Propagation Rule, we show (1) a methodology to abstract policy propagation rules based on an ontology, (2) how effective this methodology is when using the Datanode ontology, (3) how this ontology can evolve in order to better represent the behaviour of policy propagation rules

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0 - A Case Study in an Oil and Gas Company

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    Desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de cooperação em sistemas multiagentes

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre sistemas multiagentes, e particularmente, as abordagens para cooperação entre agentes. A partir desse estudo foi criado um cenário com o seguinte problema: como carros podem cooperar entre si em um cruzamento de modo que não haja necessidade de semáforos. Para solucionar este problema foi desenvolvida uma abordagem baseada em planos compartilhados. Para verificar a eficiência deste plano, foi implementado esta abordagem utilizando o framework JaCaMO. E como comparativo, foi implementado um agente sem capacidade de cooperação, necessitando do uso de semáforos em cruzamentos. Ambos os agentes foram testados no cenário desenvolvido. Os testes mostraram que a abordagem baseada em planos compartilhados leva menos tempo para os agentes se locomoverem até seu destino final.In this paper a study was carried out on multi-agent systems, and in particular, some approaches on how agents can cooperate. Using this study, It was possible to create a scenario with the following problem: How can autonomous cars cooperate between themselves in someway that it not necessary to use a semaphore at an intersection. It was adopted an approach of shared plans to solve this problem. And it was implement using the framework JaCaMo so it was possible to analyse this approach efficiency. The cooperative agent was compared with an agent that didn't know to to cooperate and rely on semaphore at intersection. The tests showed that the approach with shared plans takes less time on average to move to their final destination

    Norms, organizations, and semantics

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    This paper integrates the responses to a set of questions from a distinguished set of panelists involved in a discussion at the Agreement Technologies workshop in Cyprus in December 2009. The panel was concerned with the relationship between the research areas of semantics, norms, and organizations, and the ways in which each may contribute to the development of the others i