431 research outputs found

    JSClassFinder: A Tool to Detect Class-like Structures in JavaScript

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    With the increasing usage of JavaScript in web applications, there is a great demand to write JavaScript code that is reliable and maintainable. To achieve these goals, classes can be emulated in the current JavaScript standard version. In this paper, we propose a reengineering tool to identify such class-like structures and to create an object-oriented model based on JavaScript source code. The tool has a parser that loads the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of a JavaScript application to model its structure. It is also integrated with the Moose platform to provide powerful visualization, e.g., UML diagram and Distribution Maps, and well-known metric values for software analysis. We also provide some examples with real JavaScript applications to evaluate the tool.Comment: VI Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (Tools Track), p. 1-8, 201

    Refactoring Legacy JavaScript Code to Use Classes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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    JavaScript systems are becoming increasingly complex and large. To tackle the challenges involved in implementing these systems, the language is evolving to include several constructions for programming- in-the-large. For example, although the language is prototype-based, the latest JavaScript standard, named ECMAScript 6 (ES6), provides native support for implementing classes. Even though most modern web browsers support ES6, only a very few applications use the class syntax. In this paper, we analyze the process of migrating structures that emulate classes in legacy JavaScript code to adopt the new syntax for classes introduced by ES6. We apply a set of migration rules on eight legacy JavaScript systems. In our study, we document: (a) cases that are straightforward to migrate (the good parts); (b) cases that require manual and ad-hoc migration (the bad parts); and (c) cases that cannot be migrated due to limitations and restrictions of ES6 (the ugly parts). Six out of eight systems (75%) contain instances of bad and/or ugly cases. We also collect the perceptions of JavaScript developers about migrating their code to use the new syntax for classes.Comment: Paper accepted at 16th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR), 2017; 16 page

    Identification Of JavaScript Function Constructor Using Static Source Code Analysis

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    Software maintenance and comprehension constitute a considerable portion of the required effort for software development, and thus, myriad number of studies have proposed approaches for improving maintainability of software systems. However, the majority of these studies have examined software systems written in traditional programming languages, such as Java and C++. While the ubiquity of web has resulted to JavaScript to be extensively adopted by developers, studies that investigate maintainability issues in JavaScript are scarce. Prior to the recent updates on the JavaScript language specifications, developers had to use custom solutions to emulate classes, modules, and namespaces in JavaScript programs; consequently, detecting classes in JavaScript programs is non-trivial due to the flexibility of JavaScript’s syntax. To improve the maintenance and comprehension of JavaScript programs, we design and implement JSDeodorant, an automatic approach for detecting Function Constructors (i.e., the emulation of Object-Oriented classes) in JavaScript programs. These function constructors can be declared locally, under a namespace, or in other modules. The comparison with the state-of-the-art tool, JSClassFinder, shows that, while the precision of the tools are very similar (97% and 98%, respectively for JSDeodorant and JSClassFinder), the recall of JSDeodorant (98%) is much higher than JSClassFinder (61%). Finally, we conduct an empirical study to compare the extent to which JavaScript programs in different domains (websites, server-side programs written in NodeJS, and libraries) adopt Object-Oriented classes. Our study shows that classes are more frequent in websites than NodeJS programs. Also, NodeJS projects have fewer classes compared to libraries

    Does JavaScript software embrace classes?

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    International audienceJavaScript is the de facto programming language for the Web. It is used to implement mail clients, office applications, or IDEs, that can weight hundreds of thousands of lines of code. The language itself is prototype based, but to master the complexity of their application, practitioners commonly rely on some informal class abstractions. This practice has never been the target of empirical investigations in JavaScript. Yet, understanding it would be key to adequately tune programming environments and structure libraries such as they are accessible to programmers. In this paper we report a large and in-depth study to understand how class emulation is employed in JavaScript applications. We propose a strategy to statically detect class-based abstractions in the source code of JavaScript systems. We used this strategy in a dataset of 50 popular JavaScript applications available from GitHub. We found systems structured around hundreds of classes, suggesting that JavaScript developers are standing on traditional class-based abstractions to tackle the growing complexity of their systems

    Automated Privacy Protection for Mobile Device Users and Bystanders in Public Spaces

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    As smartphones have gained popularity over recent years, they have provided usersconvenient access to services and integrated sensors that were previously only available through larger, stationary computing devices. This trend of ubiquitous, mobile devices provides unparalleled convenience and productivity for users who wish to perform everyday actions such as taking photos, participating in social media, reading emails, or checking online banking transactions. However, the increasing use of mobile devices in public spaces by users has negative implications for their own privacy and, in some cases, that of bystanders around them. Specifically, digital photography trends in public have negative implications for bystanders who can be captured inadvertently in users’ photos. Those who are captured often have no knowledge of being photographed and have no control over how photos of them are distributed. To address this growing issue, a novel system is proposed for protecting the privacy of bystanders captured in public photos. A fully automated approach to accurately distinguish the intended subjects from strangers is explored. A feature-based classification scheme utilizing entire photos is presented. Additionally, the privacy-minded case of only utilizing local face images with no contextual information from the original image is explored with a convolutional neural network-based classifier. Three methods of face anonymization are implemented and compared: black boxing, Gaussian blurring, and pose-tolerant face swapping. To validate these methods, a comprehensive user survey is conducted to understand the difference in viability between them. Beyond photographing, the privacy of mobile device users can sometimes be impacted in public spaces, as visual eavesdropping or “shoulder surfing” attacks on device screens become feasible. Malicious individuals can easily glean personal data from smartphone and mobile device screens while they are accessed visually. In order to protect displayed user content, anovel, sensor-based visual eavesdropping detection scheme using integrated device cameras is proposed. In order to selectively obfuscate private content while an attacker is nearby, a dynamic scheme for detecting and hiding private content is also developed utilizing User-Interface-as-an-Image (UIaaI). A deep, convolutional object detection network is trained and utilized to identify sensitive content under this scheme. To allow users to customize the types ofcontent to hide, dynamic training sample generation is introduced to retrain the content detection network with very few original UI samples. Web applications are also considered with a Chrome browser extension which automates the detection and obfuscation of sensitive web page fields through HTML parsing and CSS injection

    On the Evaluation of Neural Code Translation: Taxonomy and Benchmark

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    In recent years, neural code translation has gained increasing attention. While most of the research focuses on improving model architectures and training processes, we notice that the evaluation process and benchmark for code translation models are severely limited: they primarily treat source code as natural languages and provide a holistic accuracy score while disregarding the full spectrum of model capabilities across different translation types and complexity. In this paper, we present a comprehensive investigation of four state-of-the-art models and analyze in-depth the advantages and limitations of three existing benchmarks. Based on the empirical results, we develop a taxonomy that categorizes code translation tasks into four primary types according to their complexity and knowledge dependence: token level (type 1), syntactic level (type 2), library level (type 3), and algorithm level (type 4). We then conduct a thorough analysis of how existing approaches perform across these four categories. Our findings indicate that while state-of-the-art code translation models excel in type-1 and type-2 translations, they struggle with knowledge-dependent ones such as type-3 and type-4. Existing benchmarks are biased towards trivial translations, such as keyword mapping. To overcome these limitations, we construct G-TransEval, a new benchmark by manually curating type-3 and type-4 translation pairs and unit test cases. Results on our new benchmark suggest that G-TransEval can exhibit more comprehensive and finer-grained capability of code translation models and thus provide a more rigorous evaluation. Our studies also provide more insightful findings and suggestions for future research, such as building type-3 and type-4 training data and ensembling multiple pretraining approaches.Comment: accepted by ASE202

    Visualization Techniques For The Analysis Of Network Simulation Results

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    The Simulation Automation Framework for Experiments (SAFE) streamlines the de- sign and execution of experiments with the ns-3 network simulator. SAFE ensures that best practices are followed throughout the workflow a network simulation study, guaranteeing that results are both credible and reproducible by third parties. Data analysis is a crucial part of this workflow, where mistakes are often made. Even when appearing in highly regarded venues, scientific graphics in numerous network simulation publications fail to include graphic titles, units, legends, and confidence intervals. After studying the literature in network simulation methodology and in- formation graphics visualization, I developed a visualization component for SAFE to help users avoid these errors in their scientific workflow. The functionality of this new component includes support for interactive visualization through a web-based interface and for the generation of high-quality, static plots that can be included in publications. The overarching goal of my contribution is to help users create graphics that follow best practices in visualization and thereby succeed in conveying the right information about simulation results

    An Empirical Study of CSS Code Smells in Web Frameworks

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    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) has become essential to front-end web development for the specification of style. But despite its simple syntax and the theoretical advantages attained through the separation of style from content and behavior, CSS authoring today is regarded as a complex task. As a result, developers are increasingly turning to CSS preprocessor languages and web frameworks to aid in development. However, previous studies show that even highly popular websites which are known to be developed with web frameworks contain CSS code smells such as duplicated rules and hard-coded values. Such code smells have the potential to cause adverse effects on websites and complicate maintenance. It is therefore important to investigate whether web frameworks may be encouraging the introduction of CSS code smells into websites. In this thesis, we investigate the prevalence of CSS code smells in websites built with different web frameworks and attempt to recognize a pattern of CSS behavior in these frameworks. We collect a dataset of several hundred websites produced by each of 19 different frameworks, collect code smells and other metrics present in the CSS code of each website, train a classifier to predict which framework the website was built with, and perform various clustering tasks to gain insight into the correlations between code smells. Our results show that CSS code smells are highly prevalent in websites built with web frameworks, we achieve an accuracy of 39% in correctly classifying the frameworks based on CSS code smells and metrics, and we find interesting correlations between code smells
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