16,229 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Sistem Antrian Di Salah Satu Cabang Bank X Dengan Menggunakan Coloured Petri Nets

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    Salah satu permasalahan sistem event diskrit adalah sistem antrian pada bank, yang menunjukkan kedatangan nasabah, lama nasabah dilayani hingga nasabah selesai dilayani dan meninggalkan bank. Sistem antrian pada bank dapat dimodelkan menggunakan Coloured Petri Nets. Coloured Petri Nets merupakan gabungan dari Petri net dengan bahasa pemrograman yang dikembangkan oleh Kurt Jensen. Pada penelitian ini, dibahas bagaimana memodelkan sistem antrian di salah satu cabang Bank X menggunakan Coloured Petri Nets dan Timed Coloured Petri Nets. Selanjutnya data yang diperoleh diolah secara statistik, dengan menentukan distribusi data yang sesuai. Penentuan distribusi data menggunakan uji normalitas. Jika hasil uji normalitas data menunjukkan data normal maka digunakan distribusi normal, namun jika hasil uji normalitas menunjukkan data tidak normal maka digunakan distribusi yang lainnya dalam hal ini yaitu distribusi eksponensial dan distribusi Weibull. Nilai estimasi parameter dari masing-masing distribusi diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). Nilai tersebut digunakan sebagai parameter pada Timed Coloured Petri Nets (TCPN). Hasil simulasi dari TCPN menunjukkan bahwa jumlah teller yang optimal dalam melayani nasabah adalah empat orang. Selain itu Timed Coloured Petri Nets dapat menunjukkan jumlah nasabah yang dilayani dan waktu pelayanannya. ===================================================== One of the problems in discrete event systems is queuing system at the bank, which shows the arrival of customers, the waiting time, the service time and departure the bank. A queue at the bank system can be modeled using coloured Petri nets. Coloured Petri Nets is a combination of Petri net with programming language which is developed by Kurt Jensen. In this study, we construct a model of queues at Bank X using coloured Petri Nets and Timed Colored Petri Nets. Then, observation data is processed to obtain appropriate statistical distribution. In this thesis, the data has statistical distribution: normal, Weibull and Exponensial based on the distribution testing. The estimation of parameter is determined by Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method. The acquired estimation value will be used as parameters in the queue model using Timed Colored Petri Nets. According to the simulation, Timed Coloured Petri Nets show that the optimum number of tellers to serve the customers are four. Furthermore, Timed Coloured Petri Nets also show the customer numbers and service time

    Quantification and compensation of the impact of faults in system throughput

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    Performability relates the performance (throughput) and reliability of software systems whose normal behaviour may degrade owing to the existence of faults. These systems, naturally modelled as discrete event systems using shared resources, can incorporate fault-tolerant techniques to mitigate such a degradation. In this article, compositional faulttolerant models based on Petri nets, which make its sensitive performability analysis easier, are proposed. Besides, two methods to compensate existence of faults are provided: an iterative algorithm to compute the number of extra resources needed, and an integer-linear programming problem that minimises the cost of incrementing resources and/or decrementing fault-tolerant activities. The applicability of the developed methods is shown on a Petri net that models a secure database system. Keywords Performability, fault-tolerant techniques, Petri nets, integer-linear programmin

    Stochastic DES Fault Diagnosis with Coloured Interpreted Petri Nets

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    [EN] This proposal presents an online method to detect and isolate faults in stochastic discrete event systems without previous model. A coloured timed interpreted Petri Net generates the normal behavior language after an identification stage.The next step is fault detection that is carried out by comparing the observed event sequences with the expected event sequences. Once a new fault is detected, a learning algorithm changes the structure of the diagnoser, so it is able to learn new fault languages. Moreover, the diagnoser includes timed events to represent and diagnose stochastic languages. Finally, this paper proposes a detectability condition for stochastic DES and the sufficient and necessary conditions are proved.This work was supported by a grant from the Universidad del Cauca, Reference 2.3-31.2/05 2011.Muñoz-Añasco, DM.; Correcher Salvador, A.; García Moreno, E.; Morant Anglada, FJ. (2015). Stochastic DES Fault Diagnosis with Coloured Interpreted Petri Nets. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/303107S1132015Jiang, S., & Kumar, R. (2004). Failure Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems With Linear-Time Temporal Logic Specifications. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(6), 934-945. doi:10.1109/tac.2004.829616Zaytoon, J., & Lafortune, S. (2013). Overview of fault diagnosis methods for Discrete Event Systems. Annual Reviews in Control, 37(2), 308-320. doi:10.1016/j.arcontrol.2013.09.009Sampath, M., Sengupta, R., Lafortune, S., Sinnamohideen, K., & Teneketzis, D. (1995). Diagnosability of discrete-event systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 40(9), 1555-1575. doi:10.1109/9.412626Sampath, M., Sengupta, R., Lafortune, S., Sinnamohideen, K., & Teneketzis, D. C. (1996). Failure diagnosis using discrete-event models. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 4(2), 105-124. doi:10.1109/87.486338Estrada-Vargas, A. P., López-Mellado, E., & Lesage, J.-J. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of Recent Identification Approaches for Discrete-Event Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010, 1-21. doi:10.1155/2010/453254Cabasino, M. P., Giua, A., & Seatzu, C. (2010). Fault detection for discrete event systems using Petri nets with unobservable transitions. Automatica, 46(9), 1531-1539. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2010.06.013Prock, J. (1991). A new technique for fault detection using Petri nets. Automatica, 27(2), 239-245. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(91)90074-cAghasaryan, A., Fabre, E., Benveniste, A., Boubour, R., & Jard, C. (1998). Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 8(2), 203-231. doi:10.1023/a:1008241818642Hadjicostis, C. N., & Verghese, G. C. (1999). Monitoring Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Net Embeddings. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1999, 188-207. doi:10.1007/3-540-48745-x_12Benveniste, A., Fabre, E., Haar, S., & Jard, C. (2003). Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete-event systems: a net unfolding approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(5), 714-727. doi:10.1109/tac.2003.811249Genc, S., & Lafortune, S. (2003). Distributed Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Using Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 316-336. doi:10.1007/3-540-44919-1_21Genc, S., & Lafortune, S. (2007). Distributed Diagnosis of Place-Bordered Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 4(2), 206-219. doi:10.1109/tase.2006.879916Ramirez-Trevino, A., Ruiz-Beltran, E., Rivera-Rangel, I., & Lopez-Mellado, E. (2007). Online Fault Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems. A Petri Net-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 4(1), 31-39. doi:10.1109/tase.2006.872120Dotoli, M., Fanti, M. P., Mangini, A. M., & Ukovich, W. (2009). On-line fault detection in discrete event systems by Petri nets and integer linear programming. Automatica, 45(11), 2665-2672. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2009.07.021Fanti, M. P., Mangini, A. M., & Ukovich, W. (2013). Fault Detection by Labeled Petri Nets in Centralized and Distributed Approaches. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 10(2), 392-404. doi:10.1109/tase.2012.2203596Basile, F., Chiacchio, P., & De Tommasi, G. (2009). An Efficient Approach for Online Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(4), 748-759. doi:10.1109/tac.2009.2014932Roth, M., Lesage, J.-J., & Litz, L. (2011). The concept of residuals for fault localization in discrete event systems. Control Engineering Practice, 19(9), 978-988. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.02.008Roth, M., Schneider, S., Lesage, J.-J., & Litz, L. (2012). Fault detection and isolation in manufacturing systems with an identified discrete event model. International Journal of Systems Science, 43(10), 1826-1841. doi:10.1080/00207721.2011.649369Chung-Hsien Kuo, & Han-Pang Huang. (2000). Failure modeling and process monitoring for flexible manufacturing systems using colored timed Petri nets. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 16(3), 301-312. doi:10.1109/70.850648Ramirez-Trevino, A., Ruiz-Beltran, E., Aramburo-Lizarraga, J., & Lopez-Mellado, E. (2012). Structural Diagnosability of DES and Design of Reduced Petri Net Diagnosers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(2), 416-429. doi:10.1109/tsmca.2011.2169950Cabasino, M. P., Giua, A., & Seatzu, C. (2014). Diagnosability of Discrete-Event Systems Using Labeled Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(1), 144-153. doi:10.1109/tase.2013.2289360Yao, L., Feng, L., & Jiang, B. (2014). Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Non-Gaussian Singular Time-Delayed Stochastic Distribution Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 1-9. doi:10.1155/2014/937583Murata, T. (1989). Petri nets: Properties, analysis and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(4), 541-580. doi:10.1109/5.24143Dotoli, M., Fanti, M. P., & Mangini, A. M. (2008). Real time identification of discrete event systems using Petri nets. Automatica, 44(5), 1209-1219. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2007.10.014Muñoz, D. M., Correcher, A., García, E., & Morant, F. (2014). Identification of Stochastic Timed Discrete Event Systems with st-IPN. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 1-21. doi:10.1155/2014/835312Latorre-Biel, J.-I., Jiménez-Macías, E., Pérez de la Parte, M., Blanco-Fernåndez, J., & Martínez-Cåmara, E. (2014). Control of Discrete Event Systems by Means of Discrete Optimization and Disjunctive Colored PNs: Application to Manufacturing Facilities. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 1-16. doi:10.1155/2014/821707Cabasino, M. P., Giua, A., Lafortune, S., & Seatzu, C. (2012). A New Approach for Diagnosability Analysis of Petri Nets Using Verifier Nets. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(12), 3104-3117. doi:10.1109/tac.2012.2200372Abdelwahed, S., Karsai, G., Mahadevan, N., & Ofsthun, S. C. (2009). Practical Implementation of Diagnosis Systems Using Timed Failure Propagation Graph Models. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 58(2), 240-247. doi:10.1109/tim.2008.200595

    Modelling epistasis in genetic disease using Petri nets, evolutionary computation and frequent itemset mining

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    Petri nets are useful for mathematically modelling disease-causing genetic epistasis. A Petri net model of an interaction has the potential to lead to biological insight into the cause of a genetic disease. However, defining a Petri net by hand for a particular interaction is extremely difficult because of the sheer complexity of the problem and degrees of freedom inherent in a Petri net’s architecture. We propose therefore a novel method, based on evolutionary computation and data mining, for automatically constructing Petri net models of non-linear gene interactions. The method comprises two main steps. Firstly, an initial partial Petri net is set up with several repeated sub-nets that model individual genes and a set of constraints, comprising relevant common sense and biological knowledge, is also defined. These constraints characterise the class of Petri nets that are desired. Secondly, this initial Petri net structure and the constraints are used as the input to a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm searches for a Petri net architecture that is both a superset of the initial net, and also conforms to all of the given constraints. The genetic algorithm evaluation function that we employ gives equal weighting to both the accuracy of the net and also its parsimony. We demonstrate our method using an epistatic model related to the presence of digital ulcers in systemic sclerosis patients that was recently reported in the literature. Our results show that although individual “perfect” Petri nets can frequently be discovered for this interaction, the true value of this approach lies in generating many different perfect nets, and applying data mining techniques to them in order to elucidate common and statistically significant patterns of interaction

    Abridged Petri Nets

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    A new graphical framework, Abridged Petri Nets (APNs) is introduced for bottom-up modeling of complex stochastic systems. APNs are similar to Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) in as much as they both rely on component-based representation of system state space, in contrast to Markov chains that explicitly model the states of an entire system. In both frameworks, so-called tokens (denoted as small circles) represent individual entities comprising the system; however, SPN graphs contain two distinct types of nodes (called places and transitions) with transitions serving the purpose of routing tokens among places. As a result, a pair of place nodes in SPNs can be linked to each other only via a transient stop, a transition node. In contrast, APN graphs link place nodes directly by arcs (transitions), similar to state space diagrams for Markov chains, and separate transition nodes are not needed. Tokens in APN are distinct and have labels that can assume both discrete values ("colors") and continuous values ("ages"), both of which can change during simulation. Component interactions are modeled in APNs using triggers, which are either inhibitors or enablers (the inhibitors' opposites). Hierarchical construction of APNs rely on using stacks (layers) of submodels with automatically matching color policies. As a result, APNs provide at least the same modeling power as SPNs, but, as demonstrated by means of several examples, the resulting models are often more compact and transparent, therefore facilitating more efficient performance evaluation of complex systems.Comment: 17 figure
