19 research outputs found

    Roots of Ehrhart Polynomials of Smooth Fano Polytopes

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    V. Golyshev conjectured that for any smooth polytope P of dimension at most five, the roots z\in\C of the Ehrhart polynomial for P have real part equal to -1/2. An elementary proof is given, and in each dimension the roots are described explicitly. We also present examples which demonstrate that this result cannot be extended to dimension six.Comment: 10 page

    Roots of the Ehrhart polynomial of hypersimplices

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    The Ehrhart polynomial of the dd-th hypersimplex Δ(d,n)\Delta(d,n) of order nn is studied. By computational experiments and a known result for d=2d=2, we conjecture that the real part of every roots of the Ehrhart polynomial of Δ(d,n)\Delta(d,n) is negative and larger than nd- \frac{n}{d} if n2dn \geq 2d. In this paper, we show that the conjecture is true when d=3d=3 and that every root aa of the Ehrhart polynomial of Δ(d,n)\Delta(d,n) satisfies nd<Re(a)<1-\frac{n}{d} < {\rm Re} (a) < 1 if 4dn4 \leq d \ll n.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Periods of Ehrhart Coefficients of Rational Polytopes

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    Let P⊂R^n be a polytope whose vertices have rational coordinates. By a seminal result of E. Ehrhart, the number of integer lattice points in the kth dilate of P (k a positive integer) is a quasi-polynomial function of k — that is, a "polynomial" in which the coefficients are themselves periodic functions of k. It is an open problem to determine which quasi-polynomials are the Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of rational polytopes. As partial progress on this problem, we construct families of polytopes in which the periods of the coefficient functions take on various prescribed values