1,136 research outputs found

    Existence of positive solutions in the superlinear case via coincidence degree: the Neumann and the periodic boundary value problems

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    We prove the existence of positive periodic solutions for the second order nonlinear equation u"+a(x)g(u)=0u" + a(x) g(u) = 0, where g(u)g(u) has superlinear growth at zero and at infinity. The weight function a(x)a(x) is allowed to change its sign. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of nontrivial solutions are obtained. The proof is based on Mawhin's coincidence degree and applies also to Neumann boundary conditions. Applications are given to the search of positive solutions for a nonlinear PDE in annular domains and for a periodic problem associated to a non-Hamiltonian equation.Comment: 41 page

    Resonant semilinear Robin problems with a general potential

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    We consider a semilinear Robin problem driven by the Laplacian plus an indefinite and unbounded potential. The reaction term is a Carath\'eodory function which is resonant with respect to any nonprincipal eigenvalue both at ±\pm \infty and 0. Using a variant of the reduction method, we show that the problem has at least two nontrivial smooth solutions

    Robin problems with a general potential and a superlinear reaction

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    We consider semilinear Robin problems driven by the negative Laplacian plus an indefinite potential and with a superlinear reaction term which need not satisfy the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. We prove existence and multiplicity theorems (producing also an infinity of smooth solutions) using variational tools, truncation and perturbation techniques and Morse theory (critical groups)

    Multiple positive solutions of a Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem with conflicting nonlinearities

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    We study the second order nonlinear differential equation \begin{equation*} u"+ \sum_{i=1}^{m} \alpha_{i} a_{i}(x)g_{i}(u) - \sum_{j=0}^{m+1} \beta_{j} b_{j}(x)k_{j}(u) = 0, \end{equation*} where αi,βj>0\alpha_{i},\beta_{j}>0, ai(x),bj(x)a_{i}(x), b_{j}(x) are non-negative Lebesgue integrable functions defined in [0,L]\mathopen{[}0,L\mathclose{]}, and the nonlinearities gi(s),kj(s)g_{i}(s), k_{j}(s) are continuous, positive and satisfy suitable growth conditions, as to cover the classical superlinear equation u"+a(x)up=0u"+a(x)u^{p}=0, with p>1p>1. When the positive parameters βj\beta_{j} are sufficiently large, we prove the existence of at least 2m12^{m}-1 positive solutions for the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems associated with the equation. The proof is based on the Leray-Schauder topological degree for locally compact operators on open and possibly unbounded sets. Finally, we deal with radially symmetric positive solutions for the Dirichlet problems associated with elliptic PDEs.Comment: 23 pages, 6 PNG figure

    Pairs of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight: a topological degree approach for the super-sublinear case

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    We study the periodic and the Neumann boundary value problems associated with the second order nonlinear differential equation \begin{equation*} u'' + c u' + \lambda a(t) g(u) = 0, \end{equation*} where g ⁣:[0,+[[0,+[g \colon \mathopen{[}0,+\infty\mathclose{[}\to \mathopen{[}0,+\infty\mathclose{[} is a sublinear function at infinity having superlinear growth at zero. We prove the existence of two positive solutions when 0Ta(t) ⁣dt<0\int_{0}^{T} a(t) \!dt < 0 and λ>0\lambda > 0 is sufficiently large. Our approach is based on Mawhin's coincidence degree theory and index computations.Comment: 26 page

    A curve of positive solutions for an indefinite sublinear Dirichlet problem

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    We investigate the existence of a curve quqq\mapsto u_{q}, with q(0,1)q\in(0,1), of positive solutions for the problem (Pa,q)(P_{a,q}): Δu=a(x)uq-\Delta u=a(x)u^{q} in Ω\Omega, u=0u=0 on Ω\partial\Omega, where Ω\Omega is a bounded and smooth domain of RN\mathbb{R}^{N} and a:ΩRa:\Omega\rightarrow\mathbb{R} is a sign-changing function (in which case the strong maximum principle does not hold). In addition, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of uqu_{q} as q0+q\rightarrow0^{+} and q1q\rightarrow1^{-}. We also show that in some cases uqu_{q} is the ground state solution of (Pa,q)(P_{a,q}). As a byproduct, we obtain existence results for a singular and indefinite Dirichlet problem. Our results are mainly based on bifurcation and sub-supersolutions methods