9 research outputs found

    Receptive fields optimization in deep learning for enhanced interpretability, diversity, and resource efficiency.

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    In both supervised and unsupervised learning settings, deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to perform hierarchical and discriminative representation of data. They are capable of automatically extracting excellent hierarchy of features from raw data without the need for manual feature engineering. Over the past few years, the general trend has been that DNNs have grown deeper and larger, amounting to huge number of final parameters and highly nonlinear cascade of features, thus improving the flexibility and accuracy of resulting models. In order to account for the scale, diversity and the difficulty of data DNNs learn from, the architectural complexity and the excessive number of weights are often deliberately built in into their design. This flexibility and performance usually come with high computational and memory demands both during training and inference. In addition, insight into the mappings DNN models perform and human ability to understand them still remain very limited. This dissertation addresses some of these limitations by balancing three conflicting objectives: computational/ memory demands, interpretability, and accuracy. This dissertation first introduces some unsupervised feature learning methods in a broader context of dictionary learning. It also sets the tone for deep autoencoder learning and constraints for data representations in light of removing some of the aforementioned bottlenecks such as the feature interpretability of deep learning models with nonnegativity constraints on receptive fields. In addition, the two main classes of solution to the drawbacks associated with overparameterization/ over-complete representation in deep learning models are also presented. Subsequently, two novel methods, one for each solution class, are presented to address the problems resulting from over-complete representation exhibited by most deep learning models. The first method is developed to achieve inference-cost-efficient models via elimination of redundant features with negligible deterioration of prediction accuracy. This is important especially for deploying deep learning models into resource-limited portable devices. The second method aims at diversifying the features of DNNs in the learning phase to improve their performance without undermining their size and capacity. Lastly, feature diversification is considered to stabilize adversarial learning and extensive experimental outcomes show that these methods have the potential of advancing the current state-of-the-art on different learning tasks and benchmark datasets

    Cosaliency detection based on intrasaliency prior transfer and deep intersaliency mining

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    As an interesting and emerging topic, cosaliency detection aims at simultaneously extracting common salient objects in multiple related images. It differs from the conventional saliency detection paradigm in which saliency detection for each image is determined one by one independently without taking advantage of the homogeneity in the data pool of multiple related images. In this paper, we propose a novel cosaliency detection approach using deep learning models. Two new concepts, called intrasaliency prior transfer and deep intersaliency mining, are introduced and explored in the proposed work. For the intrasaliency prior transfer, we build a stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) to learn the saliency prior knowledge from auxiliary annotated data sets and then transfer the learned knowledge to estimate the intrasaliency for each image in cosaliency data sets. For the deep intersaliency mining, we formulate it by using the deep reconstruction residual obtained in the highest hidden layer of a self-trained SDAE. The obtained deep intersaliency can extract more intrinsic and general hidden patterns to discover the homogeneity of cosalient objects in terms of some higher level concepts. Finally, the cosaliency maps are generated by weighted integration of the proposed intrasaliency prior, deep intersaliency, and traditional shallow intersaliency. Comprehensive experiments over diverse publicly available benchmark data sets demonstrate consistent performance gains of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art cosaliency detection methods

    Machine Learning Guided Discovery and Design for Inertial Confinement Fusion

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    Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and their corresponding computer simulations produce an immense amount of rich data. However, quantitatively interpreting that data remains a grand challenge. Design spaces are vast, data volumes are large, and the relationship between models and experiments may be uncertain. We propose using machine learning to aid in the design and understanding of ICF implosions by integrating simulation and experimental data into a common frame-work. We begin by illustrating an early success of this data-driven design approach which resulted in the discovery of a new class of high performing ovoid-shaped implosion simulations. The ovoids achieve robust performance from the generation of zonal flows within the hotspot, revealing physics that had not previously been observed in ICF capsules. The ovoid discovery also revealed deficiencies in common machine learning algorithms for modeling ICF data. To overcome these inadequacies, we developed a novel algorithm, deep jointly-informed neural networks (DJINN), which enables non-data scientists to quickly train neural networks on their own datasets. DJINN is routinely used for modeling data ICF data and for a variety of other applications (uncertainty quantification; climate, nuclear, and atomic physics data). We demonstrate how DJINN is used to perform parameter inference tasks for NIF data, and how transfer learning with DJINN enables us to create predictive models of direct drive experiments at the Omega laser facility. Much of this work focuses on scalar or modest-size vector data, however many ICF diagnostics produce a variety of images, spectra, and sequential data. We end with a brief exploration of sequence-to-sequence models for emulating time-dependent multiphysics systems of varying complexity. This is a first step toward incorporating multimodal time-dependent data into our analyses to better constrain our predictive models

    Machine Learning Guided Discovery and Design for Inertial Confinement Fusion

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    Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and their corresponding computer simulations produce an immense amount of rich data. However, quantitatively interpreting that data remains a grand challenge. Design spaces are vast, data volumes are large, and the relationship between models and experiments may be uncertain. We propose using machine learning to aid in the design and understanding of ICF implosions by integrating simulation and experimental data into a common frame-work. We begin by illustrating an early success of this data-driven design approach which resulted in the discovery of a new class of high performing ovoid-shaped implosion simulations. The ovoids achieve robust performance from the generation of zonal flows within the hotspot, revealing physics that had not previously been observed in ICF capsules. The ovoid discovery also revealed deficiencies in common machine learning algorithms for modeling ICF data. To overcome these inadequacies, we developed a novel algorithm, deep jointly-informed neural networks (DJINN), which enables non-data scientists to quickly train neural networks on their own datasets. DJINN is routinely used for modeling data ICF data and for a variety of other applications (uncertainty quantification; climate, nuclear, and atomic physics data). We demonstrate how DJINN is used to perform parameter inference tasks for NIF data, and how transfer learning with DJINN enables us to create predictive models of direct drive experiments at the Omega laser facility. Much of this work focuses on scalar or modest-size vector data, however many ICF diagnostics produce a variety of images, spectra, and sequential data. We end with a brief exploration of sequence-to-sequence models for emulating time-dependent multiphysics systems of varying complexity. This is a first step toward incorporating multimodal time-dependent data into our analyses to better constrain our predictive models

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov