170 research outputs found

    Classical open systems with nonlinear nonlocal dissipation and state-dependent diffusion: Dynamical responses and the Jarzynski equality

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    We have studied dynamical responses and the Jarzynski equality (JE) of classical open systems described by the generalized Caldeira-Leggett model with the nonlocal system-bath coupling. In the derived non-Markovian Langevin equation, the nonlinear nonlocal dissipative term and state-dependent diffusion term yielding multiplicative colored noise satisfy the fluctuation-dissipation relation. Simulation results for harmonic oscillator systems have shown the following: (a) averaged responses of the system to applied sinusoidal and step forces significantly depend on model parameters of magnitudes of additive and multiplicative noises and the relaxation time of colored noise, although stationary marginal probability distribution functions are independent of them, (b) a combined effect of nonlinear dissipation and multiplicative colored noise induces enhanced fluctuations ]2>]^2 > for an applied sinusoidal force, and (c) the JE holds for an applied ramp force independently of the model parameters with a work distribution function which is (symmetric) Gaussian and asymmetric non-Gaussian for additive and multiplicative noises, respectively. It has been shown that the non-Markovian Langevin equation in the local and over-damped limits is quite different from the widely adopted phenomenological Markovian Langevin equation subjected to multiplicative noise.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, the final version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Brownian Molecules Formed by Delayed Harmonic Interactions

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    A time-delayed response of individual living organisms to information exchanged within flocks or swarms leads to the emergence of complex collective behaviors. A recent experimental setup by (Khadka et al 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3864), employing synthetic microswimmers, allows to emulate and study such behavior in a controlled way, in the lab. Motivated by these experiments, we study a system of N Brownian particles interacting via a retarded harmonic interaction. For N≤3N \leq 3 , we characterize its collective behavior analytically, by solving the pertinent stochastic delay-differential equations, and for N>3N>3 by Brownian dynamics simulations. The particles form molecule-like non-equilibrium structures which become unstable with increasing number of particles, delay time, and interaction strength. We evaluate the entropy and information fluxes maintaining these structures and, to quantitatively characterize their stability, develop an approximate time-dependent transition-state theory to characterize transitions between different isomers of the molecules. For completeness, we include a comprehensive discussion of the analytical solution procedure for systems of linear stochastic delay differential equations in finite dimension, and new results for covariance and time-correlation matrices.Comment: 36 pages, 26 figures, current version: further improvements and one correctio

    Langevin analysis for time-nonlocal Brownian motion with algebraic memories and delay interactions

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    Starting from a Langevin equation with memory describing the attraction of a particle to a center, we investigate its transport and response properties corresponding to two special forms of the memory: one is algebraic, i.e., power-law, and the other involves a delay. We examine the properties of the Green function of the Langevin equation and encounter Mittag-Leffler and Lambert W-functions well-known in the literature. In the presence of white noise, we study two experimental situations, one involving the motional narrowing of spectral lines and the other the steady-state size of the particle under consideration. By comparing the results to counterparts for a simple exponential memory, we uncover instructive similarities and differences. Perhaps surprisingly, we find that the Balescu-Swenson theorem that states that non-Markoffian equations do not add anything new to the description of steady-state or equilibrium observables is violated for our system in that the saturation size of the particle in the steady-state depends on the memory function utilized. A natural generalization of the Smoluchowski equation for the time-local case is examined and found to satisfy the Balescu-Swenson theorem and describe accurately the first moment but not the second and higher moments. We also calculate two-time correlation functions for all three cases of the memory, and show how they differ from (tend to) their Markoffian counterparts at small (large) values of the difference between the two times

    Langevin analysis for time-nonlocal Brownian motion with algebraic memories and delay interactions

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    Starting from a Langevin equation with memory describing the attraction of a particle to a center, we investigate its transport and response properties corresponding to two special forms of the memory: one is algebraic, i.e., power-law, and the other involves a delay. We examine the properties of the Green function of the Langevin equation and encounter Mittag-Leffler and Lambert W-functions well-known in the literature. In the presence of white noise, we study two experimental situations, one involving the motional narrowing of spectral lines and the other the steady-state size of the particle under consideration. By comparing the results to counterparts for a simple exponential memory, we uncover instructive similarities and differences. Perhaps surprisingly, we find that the Balescu-Swenson theorem that states that non-Markoffian equations do not add anything new to the description of steady-state or equilibrium observables is violated for our system in that the saturation size of the particle in the steady-state depends on the memory function utilized. A natural generalization of the Smoluchowski equation for the time-local case is examined and found to satisfy the Balescu-Swenson theorem and describe accurately the first moment but not the second and higher moments. We also calculate two-time correlation functions for all three cases of the memory, and show how they differ from (tend to) their Markoffian counterparts at small (large) values of the difference between the two times
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