33,473 research outputs found

    Approximate entropy as an indicator of non-linearity in self paced voluntary finger movement EEG

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    This study investigates the indications of non-linear dynamic structures in electroencephalogram signals. The iterative amplitude adjusted surrogate data method along with seven non-linear test statistics namely the third order autocorrelation, asymmetry due to time reversal, delay vector variance method, correlation dimension, largest Lyapunov exponent, non-linear prediction error and approximate entropy has been used for analysing the EEG data obtained during self paced voluntary finger-movement. The results have demonstrated that there are clear indications of non-linearity in the EEG signals. However the rejection of the null hypothesis of non-linearity rate varied based on different parameter settings demonstrating significance of embedding dimension and time lag parameters for capturing underlying non-linear dynamics in the signals. Across non-linear test statistics, the highest degree of non-linearity was indicated by approximate entropy (APEN) feature regardless of the parameter settings

    Exploring Transfer Function Nonlinearity in Echo State Networks

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    Supralinear and sublinear pre-synaptic and dendritic integration is considered to be responsible for nonlinear computation power of biological neurons, emphasizing the role of nonlinear integration as opposed to nonlinear output thresholding. How, why, and to what degree the transfer function nonlinearity helps biologically inspired neural network models is not fully understood. Here, we study these questions in the context of echo state networks (ESN). ESN is a simple neural network architecture in which a fixed recurrent network is driven with an input signal, and the output is generated by a readout layer from the measurements of the network states. ESN architecture enjoys efficient training and good performance on certain signal-processing tasks, such as system identification and time series prediction. ESN performance has been analyzed with respect to the connectivity pattern in the network structure and the input bias. However, the effects of the transfer function in the network have not been studied systematically. Here, we use an approach tanh on the Taylor expansion of a frequently used transfer function, the hyperbolic tangent function, to systematically study the effect of increasing nonlinearity of the transfer function on the memory, nonlinear capacity, and signal processing performance of ESN. Interestingly, we find that a quadratic approximation is enough to capture the computational power of ESN with tanh function. The results of this study apply to both software and hardware implementation of ESN.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0071

    Product Reservoir Computing: Time-Series Computation with Multiplicative Neurons

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    Echo state networks (ESN), a type of reservoir computing (RC) architecture, are efficient and accurate artificial neural systems for time series processing and learning. An ESN consists of a core of recurrent neural networks, called a reservoir, with a small number of tunable parameters to generate a high-dimensional representation of an input, and a readout layer which is easily trained using regression to produce a desired output from the reservoir states. Certain computational tasks involve real-time calculation of high-order time correlations, which requires nonlinear transformation either in the reservoir or the readout layer. Traditional ESN employs a reservoir with sigmoid or tanh function neurons. In contrast, some types of biological neurons obey response curves that can be described as a product unit rather than a sum and threshold. Inspired by this class of neurons, we introduce a RC architecture with a reservoir of product nodes for time series computation. We find that the product RC shows many properties of standard ESN such as short-term memory and nonlinear capacity. On standard benchmarks for chaotic prediction tasks, the product RC maintains the performance of a standard nonlinear ESN while being more amenable to mathematical analysis. Our study provides evidence that such networks are powerful in highly nonlinear tasks owing to high-order statistics generated by the recurrent product node reservoir

    Fast detection of nonlinearity and nonstationarity in short and noisy time series

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    We introduce a statistical method to detect nonlinearity and nonstationarity in time series, that works even for short sequences and in presence of noise. The method has a discrimination power similar to that of the most advanced estimators on the market, yet it depends only on one parameter, is easier to implement and faster. Applications to real data sets reject the null hypothesis of an underlying stationary linear stochastic process with a higher confidence interval than the best known nonlinear discriminators up to date.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Renormalized entropy for one dimensional discrete maps: periodic and quasi-periodic route to chaos and their robustness

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    We apply renormalized entropy as a complexity measure to the logistic and sine-circle maps. In the case of logistic map, renormalized entropy decreases (increases) until the accumulation point (after the accumulation point up to the most chaotic state) as a sign of increasing (decreasing) degree of order in all the investigated periodic windows, namely, period-2, 3, and 5, thereby proving the robustness of this complexity measure. This observed change in the renormalized entropy is adequate, since the bifurcations are exhibited before the accumulation point, after which the band-merging, in opposition to the bifurcations, is exhibited. In addition to the precise detection of the accumulation points in all these windows, it is shown that the renormalized entropy can detect the self-similar windows in the chaotic regime by exhibiting abrupt changes in its values. Regarding the sine-circle map, we observe that the renormalized entropy detects also the quasi-periodic regimes by showing oscillatory behavior particularly in these regimes. Moreover, the oscillatory regime of the renormalized entropy corresponds to a larger interval of the nonlinearity parameter of the sine-circle map as the value of the frequency ratio parameter reaches the critical value, at which the winding ratio attains the golden mean.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Arnold maps with noise: Differentiability and non-monotonicity of the rotation number

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    Arnold's standard circle maps are widely used to study the quasi-periodic route to chaos and other phenomena associated with nonlinear dynamics in the presence of two rationally unrelated periodicities. In particular, the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is a crucial component of climate variability on interannual time scales and it is dominated by the seasonal cycle, on the one hand, and an intrinsic oscillatory instability with a period of a few years, on the other. The role of meteorological phenomena on much shorter time scales, such as westerly wind bursts, has also been recognized and modeled as additive noise. We consider herein Arnold maps with additive, uniformly distributed noise. When the map's nonlinear term, scaled by the parameter ϵ\epsilon, is sufficiently small, i.e. ϵ<1\epsilon < 1, the map is known to be a diffeomorphism and the rotation number ρω\rho_{\omega} is a differentiable function of the driving frequency ω\omega. We concentrate on the rotation number's behavior as the nonlinearity becomes large, and show rigorously that ρω\rho _{\omega } is a differentiable function of ω\omega , even for ϵ1\epsilon \geq 1, at every point at which the noise-perturbed map is mixing. We also provide a formula for the derivative of the rotation number. The reasoning relies on linear-response theory and a computer-aided proof. In the diffeomorphism case of ϵ<1\epsilon <1, the rotation number ρω\rho_{\omega } behaves monotonically with respect to ω\omega . We show, using again a computer-aided proof, that this is not the case when ϵ1\epsilon \geq 1 and the map is not a diffeomorphism.Comment: Electronic copy of final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations driven by a fractional noise - Well posedness, large deviations and support

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    We consider stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations driven by an additive noise. The noise is fractional in time with Hurst parameter H in (0,1). It is also colored in space and the space correlation operator is assumed to be nuclear. We study the local well-posedness of the equation. Under adequate assumptions on the initial data, the space correlations of the noise and for some saturated nonlinearities, we prove a sample path large deviations principle and a support result. These results are stated in a space of exploding paths which are Holder continuous in time until blow-up. We treat the case of Kerr nonlinearities when H > 1/2