22,848 research outputs found

    A New Hammerstein Model for Non-Linear System Identification

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    In the present work a newer type of black box nonlinear model in Hammerstein structure is proposed. The model has Wavelet Network coupled with Orthonormal Basis Functions which is capable of modeling a class of non-linear systems with acceptable accuracy. Wavelet basis functions have the property of localization in both the time and frequency domains which enables wavelet networks to approximate severe non-linearities using few number of parameters. Orthonormal Basis functions possess the ability to approximate any linear time invariant system using appropriate basis functions. The efficacy of the model in modeling is demonstrated using numerical examples

    A new class of wavelet networks for nonlinear system identification

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    A new class of wavelet networks (WNs) is proposed for nonlinear system identification. In the new networks, the model structure for a high-dimensional system is chosen to be a superimposition of a number of functions with fewer variables. By expanding each function using truncated wavelet decompositions, the multivariate nonlinear networks can be converted into linear-in-the-parameter regressions, which can be solved using least-squares type methods. An efficient model term selection approach based upon a forward orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm and the error reduction ratio (ERR) is applied to solve the linear-in-the-parameters problem in the present study. The main advantage of the new WN is that it exploits the attractive features of multiscale wavelet decompositions and the capability of traditional neural networks. By adopting the analysis of variance (ANOVA) expansion, WNs can now handle nonlinear identification problems in high dimensions

    Lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks implemented using particle swarm optimization for spatio-temporal system identification

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    In this brief, by combining an efficient wavelet representation with a coupled map lattice model, a new family of adaptive wavelet neural networks, called lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks (LDWNNs), is introduced for spatio-temporal system identification. A new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, coupled with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, is proposed for augmenting the proposed network. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is developed for constructing a parsimonious network model. In the first stage, by applying the OPP algorithm, significant wavelet neurons are adaptively and successively recruited into the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated wavelet neurons are optimized using a particle swarm optimizer. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, however, may be redundant. In the second stage, an orthogonal least squares algorithm is then applied to refine and improve the initially trained network by removing redundant wavelet neurons from the network. An example for a real spatio-temporal system identification problem is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed new modeling framework

    Lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks implemented using particle swarm optimisation for spatio-temporal system identification

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    Starting from the basic concept of coupled map lattices, a new family of adaptive wavelet neural networks, called lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks (LDWNN), is introduced for spatiotemporal system identification, by combining an efficient wavelet representation with a coupled map lattice model. A new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, coupled with a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, is proposed for augmenting the proposed network. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is developed for constructing a parsimonious network model. In the first stage, by applying the orthogonal projection pursuit algorithm, significant wavelet-neurons are adaptively and successively recruited into the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated waveletneurons are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be redundant. In the second stage, an orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm is then applied to refine and improve the initially trained network by removing redundant wavelet-neurons from the network. The proposed two-stage hybrid training procedure can generally produce a parsimonious network model, where a ranked list of wavelet-neurons, according to the capability of each neuron to represent the total variance in the system output signal is produced. Two spatio-temporal system identification examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed new modelling framework

    Generalised additive multiscale wavelet models constructed using particle swarm optimisation and mutual information for spatio-temporal evolutionary system representation

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    A new class of generalised additive multiscale wavelet models (GAMWMs) is introduced for high dimensional spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) system identification. A novel two-stage hybrid learning scheme is developed for constructing such an additive wavelet model. In the first stage, a new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, implemented using a particle swarm optimisation(PSO) algorithm, is proposed for successively augmenting an initial coarse wavelet model, where relevant parameters of the associated wavelets are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be a redundant model. In the second stage, a forward orthogonal regression (FOR) algorithm, implemented using a mutual information method, is then applied to refine and improve the initially constructed wavelet model. The proposed two-stage hybrid method can generally produce a parsimonious wavelet model, where a ranked list of wavelet functions, according to the capability of each wavelet to represent the total variance in the desired system output signal is produced. The proposed new modelling framework is applied to real observed images, relative to a chemical reaction exhibiting a spatio-temporal evolutionary behaviour, and the associated identification results show that the new modelling framework is applicable and effective for handling high dimensional identification problems of spatio-temporal evolution sytems

    Wind Power Forecasting Methods Based on Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Accurate wind power forecasting in wind farm can effectively reduce the enormous impact on grid operation safety when high permeability intermittent power supply is connected to the power grid. Aiming to provide reference strategies for relevant researchers as well as practical applications, this paper attempts to provide the literature investigation and methods analysis of deep learning, enforcement learning and transfer learning in wind speed and wind power forecasting modeling. Usually, wind speed and wind power forecasting around a wind farm requires the calculation of the next moment of the definite state, which is usually achieved based on the state of the atmosphere that encompasses nearby atmospheric pressure, temperature, roughness, and obstacles. As an effective method of high-dimensional feature extraction, deep neural network can theoretically deal with arbitrary nonlinear transformation through proper structural design, such as adding noise to outputs, evolutionary learning used to optimize hidden layer weights, optimize the objective function so as to save information that can improve the output accuracy while filter out the irrelevant or less affected information for forecasting. The establishment of high-precision wind speed and wind power forecasting models is always a challenge due to the randomness, instantaneity and seasonal characteristics

    A new class of multiscale lattice cell (MLC) models for spatio-temporal evolutionary image representation

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    Spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) images are a class of complex dynamical systems that evolve over both space and time. With increased interest in the investigation of nonlinear complex phenomena, especially spatio-temporal behaviour governed by evolutionary laws that are dependent on both spatial and temporal dimensions, there has been an increased need to investigate model identification methods for this class of complex systems. Compared with pure temporal processes, the identification of spatio-temporal models from observed images is much more difficult and quite challenging. Starting with an assumption that there is no apriori information about the true model but only observed data are available, this study introduces a new class of multiscale lattice cell (MLC) models to represent the rules of the associated spatio-temporal evolutionary system. An application to a chemical reaction exhibiting a spatio-temporal evolutionary behaviour, is investigated to demonstrate the new modelling framework

    Innovative Second-Generation Wavelets Construction With Recurrent Neural Networks for Solar Radiation Forecasting

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    Solar radiation prediction is an important challenge for the electrical engineer because it is used to estimate the power developed by commercial photovoltaic modules. This paper deals with the problem of solar radiation prediction based on observed meteorological data. A 2-day forecast is obtained by using novel wavelet recurrent neural networks (WRNNs). In fact, these WRNNS are used to exploit the correlation between solar radiation and timescale-related variations of wind speed, humidity, and temperature. The input to the selected WRNN is provided by timescale-related bands of wavelet coefficients obtained from meteorological time series. The experimental setup available at the University of Catania, Italy, provided this information. The novelty of this approach is that the proposed WRNN performs the prediction in the wavelet domain and, in addition, also performs the inverse wavelet transform, giving the predicted signal as output. The obtained simulation results show a very low root-mean-square error compared to the results of the solar radiation prediction approaches obtained by hybrid neural networks reported in the recent literature

    Wavelet-Based High-Order Adaptive Modeling of Lossy Interconnects

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    Abstract—This paper presents a numerical-modeling strategy for simulation of fast transients in lossy electrical interconnects. The proposed algorithm makes use of wavelet representations of voltages and currents along the structure, with the aim of reducing the computational complexity of standard time-domain solvers. A special weak procedure for the implementation of possibly dynamic and nonlinear boundary conditions allows to preserve stability as well as a high approximation order, thus leading to very accurate schemes. On the other hand, the wavelet expansion allows the computation of the solution by using few significant coefficients which are automatically determined at each time step. A dynamically refinable mesh is then used to perform a sparse time-stepping. Several numerical results illustrate the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm, which has been tuned and optimized for best performance in fast digital applications typically found on modern PCB structures. Index Terms—Finite difference methods, time-domain analysis, transmission lines, wavelet transforms. I

    Adaptive transient solution of nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines using wavelets

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    Abstract—This paper presents a highly adaptive algorithm for the transient simulation of nonuniform interconnects loaded with arbitrary nonlinear and dynamic terminations. The discretization of the governing equations is obtained through a weak formula-tion using biorthogonal wavelet bases as trial and test functions. It is shown how the multiresolution properties of wavelets lead to very sparse approximations of the voltages and currents in typical transient analyzes. A simple yet effective time–space adaptive al-gorithm capable of selecting the minimal number of unknowns at each time iteration is described. Numerical results show the high degree of adaptivity of the proposed scheme. Index Terms—Electromagnetic (EM) transient analysis, multi-conductor transmission lines (TLs), wavelet transforms. I
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