5,761 research outputs found

    Symplectic integrators with adaptive time steps

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    In recent decades, there have been many attempts to construct symplectic integrators with variable time steps, with rather disappointing results. In this paper we identify the causes for this lack of performance, and find that they fall into two categories. In the first, the time step is considered a function of time alone, \Delta=\Delta(t). In this case, backwards error analysis shows that while the algorithms remain symplectic, parametric instabilities arise because of resonance between oscillations of \Delta(t) and the orbital motion. In the second category the time step is a function of phase space variables \Delta=\Delta(q,p). In this case, the system of equations to be solved is analyzed by introducing a new time variable \tau with dt=\Delta(q,p) d\tau. The transformed equations are no longer in Hamiltonian form, and thus are not guaranteed to be stable even when integrated using a method which is symplectic for constant \Delta. We analyze two methods for integrating the transformed equations which do, however, preserve the structure of the original equations. The first is an extended phase space method, which has been successfully used in previous studies of adaptive time step symplectic integrators. The second, novel, method is based on a non-canonical mixed-variable generating function. Numerical trials for both of these methods show good results, without parametric instabilities or spurious growth or damping. It is then shown how to adapt the time step to an error estimate found by backward error analysis, in order to optimize the time-stepping scheme. Numerical results are obtained using this formulation and compared with other time-stepping schemes for the extended phase space symplectic method.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Plasma Phys. Control. Fusio

    Modelling ripples in Orion with coupled dust dynamics and radiative transfer

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    In light of the recent detection of direct evidence for the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the Orion nebula, we expand upon previous modelling efforts by numerically simulating the shear-flow driven gas and dust dynamics in locations where the HII_{II} region and the molecular cloud interact. We aim to directly confront the simulation results with the infrared observations. Methods: To numerically model the onset and full nonlinear development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability we take the setup proposed to interpret the observations, and adjust it to a full 3D hydrodynamical simulation that includes the dynamics of gas as well as dust. A dust grain distribution with sizes between 5-250 nm is used, exploiting the gas+dust module of the MPI-AMRVAC code, in which the dust species are represented by several pressureless dust fluids. The evolution of the model is followed well into the nonlinear phase. The output of these simulations is then used as input for the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code to obtain infrared images at several stages of the evolution, which can be compared to the observations. Results: We confirm that a 3D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is able to develop in the proposed setup, and that the formation of the instability is not inhibited by the addition of dust. Kelvin-Helmholtz billows form at the end of the linear phase, and synthetic observations of the billows show striking similarities to the infrared observations. It is pointed out that the high density dust regions preferentially collect on the flanks of the billows. To get agreement with the observed Kelvin-Helmholtz ripples, the assumed geometry between the background radiation, the billows and the observer is seen to be of critical importance.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Time integration and steady-state continuation for 2d lubrication equations

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    Lubrication equations allow to describe many structurin processes of thin liquid films. We develop and apply numerical tools suitable for their analysis employing a dynamical systems approach. In particular, we present a time integration algorithm based on exponential propagation and an algorithm for steady-state continuation. In both algorithms a Cayley transform is employed to overcome numerical problems resulting from scale separation in space and time. An adaptive time-step allows to study the dynamics close to hetero- or homoclinic connections. The developed framework is employed on the one hand to analyse different phases of the dewetting of a liquid film on a horizontal homogeneous substrate. On the other hand, we consider the depinning of drops pinned by a wettability defect. Time-stepping and path-following are used in both cases to analyse steady-state solutions and their bifurcations as well as dynamic processes on short and long time-scales. Both examples are treated for two- and three-dimensional physical settings and prove that the developed algorithms are reliable and efficient for 1d and 2d lubrication equations, respectively.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Coarsening dynamics in one dimension: The phase diffusion equation and its numerical implementation

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    Many nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) display a coarsening dynamics, i.e., an emerging pattern whose typical length scale LL increases with time. The so-called coarsening exponent nn characterizes the time dependence of the scale of the pattern, L(t)≈tnL(t)\approx t^n, and coarsening dynamics can be described by a diffusion equation for the phase of the pattern. By means of a multiscale analysis we are able to find the analytical expression of such diffusion equations. Here, we propose a recipe to implement numerically the determination of D(λ)D(\lambda), the phase diffusion coefficient, as a function of the wavelength λ\lambda of the base steady state u0(x)u_0(x). DD carries all information about coarsening dynamics and, through the relation ∣D(L)∣≃L2/t|D(L)| \simeq L^2 /t, it allows us to determine the coarsening exponent. The main conceptual message is that the coarsening exponent is determined without solving a time-dependent equation, but only by inspecting the periodic steady-state solutions. This provides a much faster strategy than a forward time-dependent calculation. We discuss our method for several different PDEs, both conserved and not conserved

    A mollified Ensemble Kalman filter

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    It is well recognized that discontinuous analysis increments of sequential data assimilation systems, such as ensemble Kalman filters, might lead to spurious high frequency adjustment processes in the model dynamics. Various methods have been devised to continuously spread out the analysis increments over a fixed time interval centered about analysis time. Among these techniques are nudging and incremental analysis updates (IAU). Here we propose another alternative, which may be viewed as a hybrid of nudging and IAU and which arises naturally from a recently proposed continuous formulation of the ensemble Kalman analysis step. A new slow-fast extension of the popular Lorenz-96 model is introduced to demonstrate the properties of the proposed mollified ensemble Kalman filter.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Minor revisions, added algorithmic summary and extended appendi
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