24 research outputs found


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    Two methods which are suitable to monitor the small movements of the patient in a horizontal position on the bed are compared. The methods use sensors based on strain gauge bridges configured to measure the torsion deformation and sensors based on strain gauge bridges configured to measure the bending deformation of two two-arm brackets. Both methods provide information about the patient's physiological movements. The methods were tested and compared in order to decide which methods may be most appropriate in clinical practice. The two methods have never been compared before, and the results can be used in development of the new methods of patient monitoring

    A fully automated health-care monitoring at home without attachment of any biological sensors and its clinical evaluation.

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系Daily monitoring of health condition is important for an effective scheme for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as adiposis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. Commercially available devices for health care monitoring at home are cumbersome in terms of self-attachment of biological sensors and self-operation of the devices. From this viewpoint, we have been developing a non-conscious physiological monitor installed in a bath, a lavatory, and a bed for home health care and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a biological sensors directly attached to the body surface. In order to investigate its applicability to health condition monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can automatically monitor and store the health condition data. In this study, by evaluation on 3 patients with cardiac infarct or sleep apnea syndrome, patients\u27 health condition such as body and excretion weight in the toilet and apnea and hypopnea during sleeping were successfully monitored, indicating that the system appears useful for monitoring the health condition during daily living

    Development of a ubiquitous healthcare monitoring system combined with non-conscious and ambulatory physiological measurements and its application to medical care

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    The demand for ubiquitous healthcare monitoring has been increasingly raised for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, acute life support or chronic therapies for inpatients and/or outpatients having chronic disorder and home medical care. From these view points, we developed a non-conscious healthcare monitoring system without any attachment of biological sensors and operations of devices, and an ambulatory postural changes and activities monitoring system. Furthermore in this study, in order to investigate those applicability to the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring, we have developed a new healthcare monitoring system combined with the non-conscious and the ambulatory measurements developed by us. In patients with chronic cardiovascular disease or stroke, the daily health conditions such as pulse, respiration, activities and so on, could be continuously measured in the hospital, the rehabilitation room and subject\u27s own home, using the present system. The results demonstrated that the system appears useful for the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring not only at medical facility, but also during daily living at home. © 2011 IEEE

    Development of a ubiquitous healthcare monitoring system combined with non-conscious and ambulatory physiological measurements and its application to medical care.

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    The demand for ubiquitous healthcare monitoring has been increasingly raised for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, acute life support or chronic therapies for inpatients and/or outpatients having chronic disorder and home medical care. From these view points, we developed a non-conscious healthcare monitoring system without any attachment of biological sensors and operations of devices, and an ambulatory postural changes and activities monitoring system. Furthermore in this study, in order to investigate those applicability to the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring, we have developed a new healthcare monitoring system combined with the non-conscious and the ambulatory measurements developed by us. In patients with chronic cardiovascular disease or stroke, the daily health conditions such as pulse, respiration, activities and so on, could be continuously measured in the hospital, the rehabilitation room and subject\u27s own home, using the present system. The results demonstrated that the system appears useful for the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring not only at medical facility, but also during daily living at home

    Switched Uses of a Bidirectional Microphone as a Microphone and Sensors with High Gain and Wide Frequency Range

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    Mass-produced bidirectional microphones have attractive characteristics. They work as a microphone as well as a sensor with high gain over a wide frequency range; they are also highly reliable and economical. We present novel multiple functional uses of the microphones. A mathematical model for explaining the directivity and high-pass-filtering characteristics of bidirectional microphones was presented. Based on the model, the characteristics of the microphone were investigated, and a novel use for the microphone as a sensor with a wide frequency range was presented. In this study, applications for using the microphone as a security sensor, an environment sensor, and a human biosensor were introduced. The mathematical model was validated through experiments, and the feasibility of the abovementioned applications for security monitoring, environment monitoring, and the biosignal monitoring were examined through experiments.修士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Emfit ja PulseOn-antureiden sykemittauksen analysointi ja vertailu

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    Tässä kandidaatin työssä tutkittiin Emfit QS-unianturin sekä PulseOn Medical Trackerin sykkeenmittaustarkkuutta. Työn tavoitteena oli verrata mittalaitteiden mittaustarkkuuksissa. Vertailussa käytettiin 14 verisuonikirurgiselta potilaalta leikkauksen jälkeen noin vuorokauden pituisissa mittauksissa kerättyä dataa. Työtä taustoitetaan esittelemällä tutkimuksessa käytettyjen antureiden toimintaperiaatteet sekä tarkastellaan mittalaitteiden hyviä ja huonoja puolia. Lisäksi työssä kerrotaan EKG-signaalista laskettavasta sykemittauksesta, jota käytettiin työssä referenssinä. Työ nojautui vahvasti Matlabin avulla tehtyyn signaalinkäsittelyyn sekä virheenlaskentaan. Vertailukelpoisten tulosten saamiseksi kehitettiin menetelmä, jolla signaalit saatiin synkronoitua. Laitteiden tarkkuuksia verrattiin laskemalla niiden tuottamien sykesignaalien keskineliövirheen neliöjuuri (RMSE) sekä absoluuttinen keskivirhe (MAE) suhteessa EKG-signaalista laskettuun referenssisykesignaaliin. Tulokseksi saatiin, että PulseOnin ilmoittama syke oli tilastollisesti merkittävästi tarkempi kuin Emfitin sykelukema. MAE oli Emfitille 3,1 bpm (iskua minuutissa) ja PulseOnille 1,7 bpm. Virhe ei ole kummallakaan mittarilla kovin suuri. Siksi käyttötarkoituksesta riippuen mittalaitteen valinnassa kannattaa keskittyä enemmän niihin ominaisuuksiin, joita kyseisessä käyttötarkoituksessa tarvitaan

    Digital Optical Ballistocardiographic System for Activity, Heart Rate, and Breath Rate Determination during Sleep

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    In this work, we present a ballistocardiographic (BCG) system for the determination of heart and breath rates and activity of a user lying in bed. Our primary goal was to simplify the analog and digital processing usually required in these kinds of systems while retaining high performance. A novel sensing approach is proposed consisting of a white LED facing a digital light detector. This detector provides precise measurements of the variations of the light intensity of the incident light due to the vibrations of the bed produced by the subject’s breathing, heartbeat, or activity. Four small springs, acting as a bandpass filter, connect the boards where the LED and the detector are mounted. Owing to the mechanical bandpass filtering caused by the compressed springs, the proposed system generates a BCG signal that reflects the main frequencies of the heartbeat, breathing, and movement of the lying subject. Without requiring any analog signal processing, this device continuously transmits the measurements to a microcontroller through a twowire communication protocol, where they are processed to provide an estimation of the parameters of interest in configurable time intervals. The final information of interest is wirelessly sent to the user’s smartphone by means of a Bluetooth connection. For evaluation purposes, the proposed system has been compared with typical BCG systems showing excellent performance for different subject positions. Moreover, applied postprocessing methods have shown good behavior for information separation from a single-channel signal. Therefore, the determination of the heart rate, breathing rate, and activity of the patient is achieved through a highly simplified signal processing without any need for analog signal conditioning.Junta de Andalucia European Commission PYC20-RE-040 UGR MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/with PID2019-103938RB-I00European Commissio

    An Adaptive Framework for Real-Time ECG Transmission in Mobile Environments

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    Wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring involves the measurement of ECG signals and their timely transmission over wireless networks to remote healthcare professionals. However, fluctuations in wireless channel conditions pose quality-of-service challenges for real-time ECG monitoring services in a mobile environment. We present an adaptive framework for layered coding and transmission of ECG data that can cope with a time-varying wireless channel. The ECG is segmented into layers with differing importance with respect to the quality of the reconstructed signal. According to this observation, we have devised a simple and efficient real-time scheduling algorithm based on the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy, which decides the order of transmitting or retransmitting packets that contain ECG data at any given time for the delivery of scalable ECG data over a lossy channel. The algorithm takes into account the differing priorities of packets in each layer, which prevents the perceived quality of the reconstructed ECG signal from degrading abruptly as channel conditions worsen, while using the available bandwidth efficiently. Extensive simulations demonstrate this improvement in perceived quality

    Unconstrained noninvasive vital signs monitoring for detection of obstructive sleep apnea with automated prevention

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    The Bioengineering Laboratory at UNH has demonstrated the usefulness of medical device interoperability through previous work that involved connecting an advanced hospital bed with blood pressure monitors over an electrical communication bus known as Controller Area Network (CAN). The medical devices utilize the software communication protocol known as CANopen for communicating relevant patient data to one another. This thesis explores the opportunity to detect a person\u27s heartbeat and respiration while lying in a hospital bed noninvasively and unconstrained for accurately identifying an episode of obstructive sleep apnea. The design and development of this device is a CANopen compatible therapeutic automatic bed adjustment to counteract a sleep apnea episode by restoring a person to normal respiratory sleep