13 research outputs found

    Noncoherent iterative (turbo) decoding

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    Iterative carrier synchronization in the absence of distributed pilots for low SNR applications

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    We consider the advanced modulation and coding schemes used in CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) standards for deep space telemetry and telecommand. They are based on a powerful turbo or low-density parity check (LDPC) outer code and binary modulation formats that, for those schemes foreseen to be employed at the lowest baud rates, may contain an unsuppressed carrier to help synchronization. In this paper, we face the problem of carrier phase synchronization for these modulation and coding schemes

    Precoding for Non-coherent Detection of Continuous Phase Modulations

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    Non-coherent trellis based receiver (TBR) is an effective method to demodulate noncoherent continuous-phase modulated sequences. However it requires to increase the observation length to reach the performance of classical coherent TBRs. Furthermore it appears that both receivers offers different behaviours when considered in a bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) system using iterative decoding. Indeed, trellis based outer coding schemes performing well in coherent regime generate error floors in non-coherent regime. In this paper, we show that precoding of the continuous phase modulation (CPM) encoder can deal with the latter issue. The optimization of this non-coherent precoding relies on different objectives than the existing precoding methods introduced in the coherent case. The optimization relies on some asymptotic arguments enabling an efficient BICM scheme using iterative decoding. Using the proposed precoding approach enables to remove error floors in the non-coherent regime while enabling transparent use in the coherent case

    Near Optimum Low Complexity Smoothing Loops for Dynamical Phase Estimation—Application to BPSK Modulated Signals

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    International audience—This correspondence provides and analyzes a low complexity, near optimum, fixed-interval smoothing algorithm that approaches the performance of an optimal smoother for the price of two low complexity sequential estimators, i.e., two phase-locked loops (PLLs). Based on a linear approximation of the problem, a theoretical performance evaluation is given. The theoretical results are compared to some simulation results and to the Bayesian and hybrid Cramér–Rao bounds. They illustrate the good performance of the proposed smoothing PLL (S-PLL) algorithm. Index Terms—Dynamical phase estimation, phase-locked loop (PLL), smoothing algorithm

    Adaptive multiple symbol decision feedback for non-coherent detection.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.Non-coherent detection is a simple form of signal detection and demodulation for digital communications. The main drawback of this detection method is the performance penalty incurred, since the channel state information is not known at the receiver. Multiple symbol detection (MSD) is a technique employed to close the gap between coherent and non-coherent detection schemes. Differentially encoded JW-ary phase shift keying (DM-PSK) is the classic modulation technique that is favourable for non-coherent detection. The main drawback for standard differential detection (SDD) has been the error floor incurred for frequency flat fading channels. Recently a decision feedback differential detection (DFDD) scheme, which uses the concept of MSD was proposed and offered significant performance gain over the SDD in the mobile flat fading channel, almost eliminating the error floor. This dissertation investigates multiple symbol decision feedback detection schemes, and proposes alternate adaptive strategies for non-coherent detection. An adaptive algorithm utilizing the numerically stable QR decomposition that does not require training symbols is proposed, named QR-DFDD. The QR-DFDD is modified to use a simpler QR decomposition method which incorporates sliding windows: QRSW-DFDD. This structure offers good tracking performance in flat fading conditions, while achieving near optimal DFDD performance. A bit interleaved coded decision feedback differential demodulation (DFDM) scheme, which takes advantage of the decision feedback concept and iterative decoding, was introduced by Lampe in 2001. This low complexity iterative demodulator relied on accurate channel statistics for optimal performance. In this dissertation an alternate adaptive DFDM is introduced using the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm. The alternate iterative decoding procedure makes use of the convergence properties of the RLS algorithm that is more stable and achieves superior performance compared to the DFDM

    Electronic processing for optical communication systems

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    I sistemi di comunicazione in fibra ottica risentono di diversi tipi di disturbi, quali ad esempio la dispersione cromatica e la dispersione dei modi di polarizzazione. La compensazione ottica di tali disturbi è possibile ma complessa e costosa, mentre le tecniche di elaborazione elettronica del segnale presentano diversi vantaggi, semplicità, costo, adattabilità. L'equalizzazione elettronica e la strategia di rivelazione di sequenza a massima verosimiglianza rappresentano soluzioni efficaci e realizzabili con semplici modulazioni di ampiezza e anche con più avanzate modulazioni di fase e fase-ampiezza.Optical communication systems are suffering from several typical impairments, chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. Optical compensation of such impairments is possible but it is technological demanding and expensive, whereas electronic signal processing presents many advantages, implementation ease, cost-efficiency, adaptability. Electronic equalization and maximum likelihood sequence detection represent effective and feasible solutions for simple amplitude modulation formats as well as for more advanced phase and phase-amplitude modulation formats

    Residue number system coded differential space-time-frequency coding.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2007.The rapidly growing need for fast and reliable transmission over a wireless channel motivates the development of communication systems that can support high data rates at low complexity. Achieving reliable communication over a wireless channel is a challenging task largely due to the possibility of multipaths which may lead to intersymbol interference (ISI). Diversity techniques such as time, frequency and space are commonly used to combat multipath fading. Classical diversity techniques use repetition codes such that the information is replicated and transmitted over several channels that are sufficiently spaced. In fading channels, the performance across some diversity branches may be excessively attenuated, making throughput unacceptably small. In principle, more powerful coding techniques can be used to maximize the diversity order. This leads to bandwidth expansion or increased transmission power to accommodate the redundant bits. Hence there is need for coding and modulation schemes that provide low error rate performance in a bandwidth efficient manner. If diversity schemes are combined, more independent dimensions become available for information transfer. The first part of the thesis addresses achieving temporal diversity through employing error correcting coding schemes combined with interleaving. Noncoherent differential modulation does not require explicit knowledge or estimate of the channel, instead the information is encoded in the transitions. This lends itself to the possibility of turbo-like serial concatenation of a standard outer channel encoder with an inner modulation code amenable to noncoherent detection through an interleaver. An iterative approach to joint decoding and demodulation can be realized by exchanging soft information between the decoder and the demodulator. This has been shown to be effective and hold hope for approaching capacity over fast fading channels. However most of these schemes employ low rate convolutional codes as their channel encoders. In this thesis we propose the use of redundant residue number system codes. It is shown that these codes can achieve comparable performance at minimal complexity and high data rates. The second part deals with the possibility of combining several diversity dimensions into a reliable bandwidth efficient communication scheme. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been used to combat multipaths. Combining OFDM with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to form MIMO-OFDM not only reduces the complexity by eliminating the need for equalization but also provides large channel capacity and a high diversity potential. Space-time coded OFDM was proposed and shown to be an effective transmission technique for MIMO systems. Spacefrequency coding and space-time-frequency coding were developed out of the need to exploit the frequency diversity due to multipaths. Most of the proposed schemes in the literature maximize frequency diversity predominantly from the frequency-selective nature of the fading channel. In this thesis we propose the use of residue number system as the frequency encoder. It is shown that the proposed space-time-frequency coding scheme can maximize the diversity gains over space, time and frequency domains. The gain of MIMO-OFDM comes at the expense of increased receiver complexity. Furthermore, most of the proposed space-time-frequency coding schemes assume frequency selective block fading channels which is not an ideal assumption for broadband wireless communications. Relatively high mobility in broadband wireless communications systems may result in high Doppler frequency, hence time-selective (rapid) fading. Rapidly changing channel characteristics impedes the channel estimation process and may result in incorrect estimates of the channel coefficients. The last part of the thesis deals with the performance of differential space-time-frequency coding in fast fading channels

    Design of LDPC codes and reliable practical decoders for standard and non-standard channels

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    Synchronization in digital communication systems: performance bounds and practical algorithms

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    Communication channels often transfer signals from different transmitters. To avoid interference the available frequency spectrum is divided into non-overlapping frequency bands (bandpass channels) and each transmitter is assigned to a different bandpass channel. The transmission of a signal over a bandpass channel requires a shift of its frequency-content to a frequency range that is compatible with the designated frequency band (modulation). At the receiver, the modulated signal is demodulated (frequency shifted back to the original frequency band) in order to recover the original signal. The modulation/demodulation process requires the presence of a locally generated sinusoidal signal at both the transmitter and the receiver. To enable a reliable information transfer, it is imperative that these two sinusoids are accurately synchronized. Recently, several powerful channel codes have been developed which enable reliable communication at a very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A by-product of these developments is that synchronization must now be performed at a SNR that is lower than ever before. Of course, this imposes high requirements on the synchronizer design. This doctoral thesis investigates to what extent (performance bounds) and in what way (practical algorithms) the structure that the channel code enforces upon the transmitted signal can be exploited to improve the synchronization accuracy at low SNR