16 research outputs found

    Implementasi Algoritma Penjadwalan Multilevel Feedback Queue pada Aplikasi Berbasis Flutter

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    Application development has experienced a shift towards a cross-platform approach, where developers can write code once for multiple platforms. Flutter, as a fast-growing cross-platform framework with a wide community is one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks today. However, along with that, there is an increase in application complexity which makes the concept of multitasking very important. This article proposes the implementation of the Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLQ) scheduling algorithm in Flutter applications, which can help manage tasks and improve application efficiency. This research aims to examine the changes in application efficiency after the implementation of MLQ, as well as examine whether the changes remain relevant on different operating systems, namely Windows and Android. The implemented MLQ algorithm is an algorithm with adjustments to the calculation of time quantum and integration with the Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm based on previous research. Tests were conducted using the Flutter benchmarking feature to measure the application frame rate before and after MLQ implementation on Windows and Android. The results of this study found that the implementation of MLQ increased application efficiency by 269% on the Windows operating system and 155% on the Android operating system

    Online Scheduling on Identical Machines using SRPT

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    Due to its optimality on a single machine for the problem of minimizing average flow time, Shortest-Remaining-Processing-Time (\srpt) appears to be the most natural algorithm to consider for the problem of minimizing average flow time on multiple identical machines. It is known that \srpt achieves the best possible competitive ratio on multiple machines up to a constant factor. Using resource augmentation, \srpt is known to achieve total flow time at most that of the optimal solution when given machines of speed 2βˆ’1m2- \frac{1}{m}. Further, it is known that \srpt's competitive ratio improves as the speed increases; \srpt is ss-speed 1s\frac{1}{s}-competitive when sβ‰₯2βˆ’1ms \geq 2- \frac{1}{m}. However, a gap has persisted in our understanding of \srpt. Before this work, the performance of \srpt was not known when \srpt is given (1+\eps)-speed when 0 < \eps < 1-\frac{1}{m}, even though it has been thought that \srpt is (1+\eps)-speed O(1)O(1)-competitive for over a decade. Resolving this question was suggested in Open Problem 2.9 from the survey "Online Scheduling" by Pruhs, Sgall, and Torng \cite{PruhsST}, and we answer the question in this paper. We show that \srpt is \emph{scalable} on mm identical machines. That is, we show \srpt is (1+\eps)-speed O(\frac{1}{\eps})-competitive for \eps >0. We complement this by showing that \srpt is (1+\eps)-speed O(\frac{1}{\eps^2})-competitive for the objective of minimizing the β„“k\ell_k-norms of flow time on mm identical machines. Both of our results rely on new potential functions that capture the structure of \srpt. Our results, combined with previous work, show that \srpt is the best possible online algorithm in essentially every aspect when migration is permissible.Comment: Accepted for publication at SODA. This version fixes an error in a preliminary versio

    SELFISHMIGRATE: A Scalable Algorithm for Non-clairvoyantly Scheduling Heterogeneous Processors

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    We consider the classical problem of minimizing the total weighted flow-time for unrelated machines in the online \emph{non-clairvoyant} setting. In this problem, a set of jobs JJ arrive over time to be scheduled on a set of MM machines. Each job jj has processing length pjp_j, weight wjw_j, and is processed at a rate of β„“ij\ell_{ij} when scheduled on machine ii. The online scheduler knows the values of wjw_j and β„“ij\ell_{ij} upon arrival of the job, but is not aware of the quantity pjp_j. We present the {\em first} online algorithm that is {\em scalable} ((1+\eps)-speed O(1Ο΅2)O(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2})-competitive for any constant \eps > 0) for the total weighted flow-time objective. No non-trivial results were known for this setting, except for the most basic case of identical machines. Our result resolves a major open problem in online scheduling theory. Moreover, we also show that no job needs more than a logarithmic number of migrations. We further extend our result and give a scalable algorithm for the objective of minimizing total weighted flow-time plus energy cost for the case of unrelated machines and obtain a scalable algorithm. The key algorithmic idea is to let jobs migrate selfishly until they converge to an equilibrium. Towards this end, we define a game where each job's utility which is closely tied to the instantaneous increase in the objective the job is responsible for, and each machine declares a policy that assigns priorities to jobs based on when they migrate to it, and the execution speeds. This has a spirit similar to coordination mechanisms that attempt to achieve near optimum welfare in the presence of selfish agents (jobs). To the best our knowledge, this is the first work that demonstrates the usefulness of ideas from coordination mechanisms and Nash equilibria for designing and analyzing online algorithms

    Scalably Scheduling Processes with Arbitrary Speedup Curves

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    Provably Efficient Adaptive Scheduling for Parallel Jobs

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    Scheduling competing jobs on multiprocessors has always been an important issue for parallel and distributed systems. The challenge is to ensure global, system-wide efficiency while offering a level of fairness to user jobs. Various degrees of successes have been achieved over the years. However, few existing schemes address both efficiency and fairness over a wide range of work loads. Moreover, in order to obtain analytical results, most of them require prior information about jobs, which may be difficult to obtain in real applications. This paper presents two novel adaptive scheduling algorithms -- GRAD for centralized scheduling, and WRAD for distributed scheduling. Both GRAD and WRAD ensure fair allocation under all levels of workload, and they offer provable efficiency without requiring prior information of job's parallelism. Moreover, they provide effective control over the scheduling overhead and ensure efficient utilization of processors. To the best of our knowledge, they are the first non-clairvoyant scheduling algorithms that offer such guarantees. We also believe that our new approach of resource request-allotment protocol deserves further exploration. Specifically, both GRAD and WRAD are O(1)-competitive with respect to mean response time for batched jobs, and O(1)-competitive with respect to makespan for non-batched jobs with arbitrary release times. The simulation results show that, for non-batched jobs, the makespan produced by GRAD is no more than 1.39 times of the optimal on average and it never exceeds 4.5 times. For batched jobs, the mean response time produced by GRAD is no more than 2.37 times of the optimal on average, and it never exceeds 5.5 times.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Achievable performance of blind policies in heavy traffic

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    For a GI/GI/1 queue, we show that the average sojourn time under the (blind) Randomized Multilevel Feedback algorithm is no worse than that under the Shortest Remaining Processing Time algorithm times a logarithmic function of the system load. Moreover, it is verified that this bound is tight in heavy traffic, up to a constant multiplicative factor. We obtain this result by combining techniques from two disparate areas: competitive analysis and applied probability

    Characterizing Policies with Optimal Response Time Tails under Heavy-Tailed Job Sizes

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    We consider the tail behavior of the response time distribution in an M/G/1 queue with heavy-tailed job sizes, specifically those with intermediately regularly varying tails. In this setting, the response time tail of many individual policies has been characterized, and it is known that policies such as Shortest Remaining Processing Time (SRPT) and Foreground-Background (FB) have response time tails of the same order as the job size tail, and thus such policies are tail-optimal. Our goal in this work is to move beyond individual policies and characterize the set of policies that are tail-optimal. Toward that end, we use the recently introduced SOAP framework to derive sufficient conditions on the form of prioritization used by a scheduling policy that ensure the policy is tail-optimal. These conditions are general and lead to new results for important policies that have previously resisted analysis, including the Gittins policy, which minimizes mean response time among policies that do not have access to job size information. As a by-product of our analysis, we derive a general upper bound for fractional moments of M/G/1 busy periods, which is of independent interest