130 research outputs found

    Functional Data Smoothing Methods and Their Applications

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    In many subjects such as psychology, geography, physiology or behavioral science, researchers collect and analyze non-traditional data, i.e., data that do not consist of a set of scalar or vector observations, but rather a set of sequential observations measured over a fine grid on a continuous domain, such as time, space, etc. Because the underlying functional structure of the individual datum is of interest, Ramsay and Dalzell (1991) named the collection of topics involving analyzing these functional observations functional data analysis (FDA). Topics in functional data analysis include data smoothing, data registration, regression analysis with functional responses, cluster analysis on functional data, etc. Among these topics, data smoothing and data registration serve as preliminary steps that allow for more reliable statistical inference afterwards. In this dissertation, we include three research projects on functional data smoothing and its effects on functional data applications. In particular, Chapter 2 mainly presents a unified Bayesian approach that borrows the idea of time warping to represent functional curves of various shapes. Based on a comparison with the method of B-splines developed by de Boor (2001) and some other methods that are well known for its broad applications in curve fitting, our method is proved to adapt more flexibly to highly irregular curves. Then, Chapter 3 discusses subsequent regression and clustering methods for functional data, and investigates the accuracy of functional regression prediction as well as clustering results as measured by either traditional in-sample and out-of-sample sum of squares or the Rand index. It is showed that using our Bayesian smoothing method on the raw curves prior to carrying out the corresponding applications provides very competitive statistical inference and analytic results in most scenarios compared to using other standard smoothing methods prior to the applications. Lastly, notice that one restriction for our method in Chapter 2 is that it can only be applied to functional curves that are observed on a fine grid of time points. Hence, in Chapter 4, we extend the idea of our transformed basis smoothing method in Chapter 2 to the sparse functional data scenario. We show via simulations and analysis that the proposed method gives a very good approximation of the overall pattern as well as the individual trends for the data with the cluster of sparsely observed curves

    A numerical framework for sobolev metrics on the space of curves

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    Statistical shape analysis can be done in a Riemannian framework by endowing the set of shapes with a Riemannian metric. Sobolev metrics of order two and higher on shape spaces of parametrized or unparametrized curves have several desirable properties not present in lower order metrics, but their discretization is still largely missing. In this paper, we present algorithms to numerically solve the geodesic initial and boundary value problems for these metrics. The combination of these algorithms enables one to compute Karcher means in a Riemannian gradient-based optimization scheme and perform principal component analysis and clustering. Our framework is sufficiently general to be applicable to a wide class of metrics. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing a collection of shapes representing HeLa cell nuclei.All authors were partially supported by the Erwin Schr odinger Institute programme: In nite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis. M. Bruveris was supported by the BRIEF award from Brunel University London. M. Bauer was supported by the FWF project \Geometry of shape spaces and related in nite dimensional spaces" (P246251

    Reparameterization of ruled surfaces: toward generating smooth jerk-minimized toolpaths for multi-axis flank CNC milling

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    This paper presents a novel jerk minimization algorithm in the context of multi-axis flank CNC machining. The toolpath of the milling axis in a flank milling process, a ruled surface, is reparameterized by a B-spline function, whose control points and knot vector are unknowns in an optimization-based framework. The total jerk of the tool's motion is minimized, implying the tool is moving as smooth as possible, without changing the geometry of the given toolpath. Our initialization stage stems from measuring the ruling distance metric (RDM) of the ruled surface. We show on several examples that this initialization reliably finds close initial guesses of jerk-minimizers and is also computationally efficient. The applicability of the presented approach is illustrated by some practical case studies.RYC-2017-2264

    A comparative analysis of nature-inspired optimization approaches to 2d geometric modelling for turbomachinery applications

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    A vast variety of population-based optimization techniques have been formulated in recent years for use in different engineering applications, most of which are inspired by natural processes taking place in our environment. However, the mathematical and statistical analysis of these algorithms is still lacking. This paper addresses a comparative performance analysis on some of the most important nature-inspired optimization algorithms with a different basis for the complex high-dimensional curve/surface fitting problems. As a case study, the point cloud of an in-hand gas turbine compressor blade measured by touch trigger probes is optimally fitted using B-spline curves. In order to determine the optimum number/location of a set of Bezier/NURBS control points for all segments of the airfoil profiles, five dissimilar population-based evolutionary and swarm optimization techniques are employed. To comprehensively peruse and to fairly compare the obtained results, parametric and nonparametric statistical evaluations as the mathematical study are presented before designing an experiment. Results illuminate a number of advantages/disadvantages of each optimization method for such complex geometries’ parameterization from several different points of view. In terms of application, the final appropriate parametric representation of geometries is an essential, significant component of aerodynamic profile optimization processes as well as reverse engineering purposes

    Angle-Uniform Parallel Coordinates

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    We present angle-uniform parallel coordinates, a data-independent technique that deforms the image plane of parallel coordinates so that the angles of linear relationships between two variables are linearly mapped along the horizontal axis of the parallel coordinates plot. Despite being a common method for visualizing multidimensional data, parallel coordinates are ineffective for revealing positive correlations since the associated parallel coordinates points of such structures may be located at infinity in the image plane and the asymmetric encoding of negative and positive correlations may lead to unreliable estimations. To address this issue, we introduce a transformation that bounds all points horizontally using an angle-uniform mapping and shrinks them vertically in a structure-preserving fashion; polygonal lines become smooth curves and a symmetric representation of data correlations is achieved. We further propose a combined subsampling and density visualization approach to reduce visual clutter caused by overdrawing. Our method enables accurate visual pattern interpretation of data correlations, and its data-independent nature makes it applicable to all multidimensional datasets. The usefulness of our method is demonstrated using examples of synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: Computational Visual Media, 202

    NerVE: Neural Volumetric Edges for Parametric Curve Extraction from Point Cloud

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    Extracting parametric edge curves from point clouds is a fundamental problem in 3D vision and geometry processing. Existing approaches mainly rely on keypoint detection, a challenging procedure that tends to generate noisy output, making the subsequent edge extraction error-prone. To address this issue, we propose to directly detect structured edges to circumvent the limitations of the previous point-wise methods. We achieve this goal by presenting NerVE, a novel neural volumetric edge representation that can be easily learned through a volumetric learning framework. NerVE can be seamlessly converted to a versatile piece-wise linear (PWL) curve representation, enabling a unified strategy for learning all types of free-form curves. Furthermore, as NerVE encodes rich structural information, we show that edge extraction based on NerVE can be reduced to a simple graph search problem. After converting NerVE to the PWL representation, parametric curves can be obtained via off-the-shelf spline fitting algorithms. We evaluate our method on the challenging ABC dataset. We show that a simple network based on NerVE can already outperform the previous state-of-the-art methods by a great margin. Project page: https://dongdu3.github.io/projects/2023/NerVE/.Comment: Accepted by CVPR2023. Project page: https://dongdu3.github.io/projects/2023/NerVE

    TCF periodogram's high sensitivity: A method for optimizing detection of small transiting planets

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    We conduct a methodological study for statistically comparing the sensitivities of two periodograms for weak signal planet detection in transit surveys: the widely used Box-Least Squares (BLS) algorithm following light curve detrending and the Transit Comb Filter (TCF) algorithm following autoregressive ARIMA modeling. Small depth transits are injected into light curves with different simulated noise characteristics. Two measures of spectral peak significance are examined: the periodogram signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a False Alarm Probability (FAP) based on the generalized extreme value distribution. The relative performance of the BLS and TCF algorithms for small planet detection is examined for a range of light curve characteristics, including orbital period, transit duration, depth, number of transits, and type of noise. The TCF periodogram applied to ARIMA fit residuals with the SNR detection metric is preferred when short-memory autocorrelation is present in the detrended light curve and even when the light curve noise had white Gaussian noise. BLS is more sensitive to small planets only under limited circumstances with the FAP metric. BLS periodogram characteristics are inferior when autocorrelated noise is present. Application of these methods to TESS light curves with small exoplanets confirms our simulation results. The study ends with a decision tree that advises transit survey scientists on procedures to detect small planets most efficiently. The use of ARIMA detrending and TCF periodograms can significantly improve the sensitivity of any transit survey with regularly spaced cadence.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, submitted to AAS Journal

    Bayesian optimization for sparse neural networks with trainable activation functions

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    In the literature on deep neural networks, there is considerable interest in developing activation functions that can enhance neural network performance. In recent years, there has been renewed scientific interest in proposing activation functions that can be trained throughout the learning process, as they appear to improve network performance, especially by reducing overfitting. In this paper, we propose a trainable activation function whose parameters need to be estimated. A fully Bayesian model is developed to automatically estimate from the learning data both the model weights and activation function parameters. An MCMC-based optimization scheme is developed to build the inference. The proposed method aims to solve the aforementioned problems and improve convergence time by using an efficient sampling scheme that guarantees convergence to the global maximum. The proposed scheme is tested on three datasets with three different CNNs. Promising results demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed approach in improving model accuracy due to the proposed activation function and Bayesian estimation of the parameters
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