23 research outputs found

    08071 Abstracts Collection -- Scheduling

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    From 10.02. to 15.02., the Dagstuhl Seminar 08071 ``Scheduling\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Hierarchical Scheduling for Real-Time Periodic Tasks in Symmetric Multiprocessing

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    In this paper, we present a new hierarchical scheduling framework for periodic tasks in symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) platforms. Partitioned and global scheduling are the two main approaches used by SMP based systems where global scheduling is recommended for overall performance and partitioned scheduling is recommended for hard real-time performance. Our approach combines both the global and partitioned approaches of traditional SMP-based schedulers to provide hard real-time performance guarantees for critical tasks and improved response times for soft real-time tasks. Implemented as part of VxWorks, the results are confirmed using a real-time benchmark application, where response times were improved for soft real-time tasks while still providing hard real-time performance

    Real-Time Guarantees For Wireless Networked Sensing And Control

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    Wireless networks are increasingly being explored for mission-critical sensing and control in emerging domains such as connected and automated vehicles, Industrial 4.0, and smart city. In wireless networked sensing and control (WSC) systems, reliable and real- time delivery of sensed data plays a crucial role for the control decision since out-of-date information will often be irrelevant and even leads to negative effects to the system. Since WSC differs dramatically from the traditional real-time (RT) systems due to its wireless nature, new design objective and perspective are necessary to achieve real-time guarantees. First, we proposed Optimal Node Activation Multiple Access (ONAMA) scheduling protocol that activates as many nodes as possible while ensuring transmission reliability (in terms of packets delivery ratio). We implemented and tested ONAMA on two testbeds both with 120+ sensor nodes. Second, we proposed algorithms to address the problem of clustering heterogeneous reliability requirements into a limit set of service levels. Our solutions are optimal, and they also provide guaranteed reliability, which is critical for wireless sensing and control. Third, we proposed a probabilistic real-time wireless communication framework that effectively integrates real-time scheduling theory with wireless communication. The per- packet probabilistic real-time QoS was formally modeled. By R3 mapping, the upper-layer requirement and the lower-layer link reliability are translated into the number of trans- mission opportunities needed. By optimal real-time communication scheduling as well as admission test and traffic period optimization, the system utilization is maximized while the schedulability is maintained. Finally, we further investigated the problem of how to minimize delay variation (i.e., jitter) while ensuring that packets are delivered by their deadlines

    The multiprocessor real-time scheduling of general task systems

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    The recent emergence of multicore and related technologies in many commercial systems has increased the prevalence of multiprocessor architectures. Contemporaneously, real-time applications have become more complex and sophisticated in their behavior and interaction. Inevitably, these complex real-time applications will be deployed upon these multiprocessor platforms and require temporal analysis techniques to verify their correctness. However, most prior research in multiprocessor real-time scheduling has addressed the temporal analysis only of Liu and Layland task systems. The goal of this dissertation is to extend real-time scheduling theory for multiprocessor systems by developing temporal analysis techniques for more general task models such as the sporadic task model, the generalized multiframe task model, and the recurring real-time task model. The thesis of this dissertation is: Optimal online multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms for sporadic and more general task systems are impossible; however, efficient, online scheduling algorithms and associated feasibility and schedulability tests, with provably bounded deviation from any optimal test, exist. To support our thesis, this dissertation develops feasibility and schedulability tests for various multiprocessor scheduling paradigms. We consider three classes of multiprocessor scheduling based on whether a real-time job may migrate between processors: full-migration, restricted-migration, and partitioned. For all general task systems, we obtain feasibility tests for arbitrary real-time instances under the full-and restricted-migration paradigms. Despite the existence of tests for feasibility, we show that optimal online scheduling of sporadic and more general systems is impossible. Therefore, we focus on scheduling algorithms that have constant-factor approximation ratios in terms of an analysis technique known as resource augmentation. We develop schedulability tests for scheduling algorithms, earliest-deadline-first (edf) and deadline-monotonic (dm), under full-migration and partitioned scheduling paradigms. Feasibility and schedulability tests presented in this dissertation use the workload metrics of demand-based load and maximum job density and have provably bounded deviation from optimal in terms of resource augmentation. We show the demand-based load and maximum job density metrics may be exactly computed in pseudo-polynomial time for general task systems and approximated in polynomial time for sporadic task systems

    MARACAS: a real-time multicore VCPU scheduling framework

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    This paper describes a multicore scheduling and load-balancing framework called MARACAS, to address shared cache and memory bus contention. It builds upon prior work centered around the concept of virtual CPU (VCPU) scheduling. Threads are associated with VCPUs that have periodically replenished time budgets. VCPUs are guaranteed to receive their periodic budgets even if they are migrated between cores. A load balancing algorithm ensures VCPUs are mapped to cores to fairly distribute surplus CPU cycles, after ensuring VCPU timing guarantees. MARACAS uses surplus cycles to throttle the execution of threads running on specific cores when memory contention exceeds a certain threshold. This enables threads on other cores to make better progress without interference from co-runners. Our scheduling framework features a novel memory-aware scheduling approach that uses performance counters to derive an average memory request latency. We show that latency-based memory throttling is more effective than rate-based memory access control in reducing bus contention. MARACAS also supports cache-aware scheduling and migration using page recoloring to improve performance isolation amongst VCPUs. Experiments show how MARACAS reduces multicore resource contention, leading to improved task progress.http://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/richwest/papers/rtss_2016.pdfAccepted manuscrip

    Algorithms for Hierarchical and Semi-Partitioned Parallel Scheduling

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    We propose a model for scheduling jobs in a parallel machine setting that takes into account the cost of migrations by assuming that the processing time of a job may depend on the specific set of machines among which the job is migrated. For the makespan minimization objective, the model generalizes classical scheduling problems such as unrelated parallel machine scheduling, as well as novel ones such as semi-partitioned and clustered scheduling. In the case of a hierarchical family of machines, we derive a compact integer linear programming formulation of the problem and leverage its fractional relaxation to obtain a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm. Extensions that incorporate memory capacity constraints are also discussed

    Adaptive Mid-term and Short-term Scheduling of Mixed-criticality Systems

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    A mixed-criticality real-time system is a real-time system having multiple tasks classified according to their criticality. Research on mixed-criticality systems started to provide an effective and cost efficient a priori verification process for safety critical systems. The higher the criticality of a task within a system and the more the system should guarantee the required level of service for it. However, such model poses new challenges with respect to scheduling and fault tolerance within real-time systems. Currently, mixed-criticality scheduling protocols severely degrade lower criticality tasks in case of resource shortage to provide the required level of service for the most critical ones. The actual research challenge in this field is to devise robust scheduling protocols to minimise the impact on less critical tasks. This dissertation introduces two approaches, one short-term and the other medium-term, to appropriately allocate computing resources to tasks within mixed-criticality systems both on uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems. The short-term strategy consists of a protocol named Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP) to schedule mixed-criticality task sets on single core architectures. Scheduling decisions are made about tasks that are active in the ready queue and that have to be dispatched to the CPU. LBP minimises the service degradation for lower criticality tasks by providing to them a background execution during the system idle time. After, I refined LBP with variants that aim to further increase the service level provided for lower criticality tasks. However, this is achieved at an increased cost of either system offline analysis or complexity at runtime. The second approach, named Adaptive Tolerance-based Mixed-criticality Protocol (ATMP), decides at runtime which task has to be allocated to the active cores according to the available resources. ATMP permits to optimise the overall system utility by tuning the system workload in case of shortage of computing capacity at runtime. Unlike the majority of current mixed-criticality approaches, ATMP allows to smoothly degrade also higher criticality tasks to keep allocated lower criticality ones

    Complex scheduling models and analyses for property-based real-time embedded systems

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    Modern multi core architectures and parallel applications pose a significant challenge to the worst-case centric real-time system verification and design efforts. The involved model and parameter uncertainty contest the fidelity of formal real-time analyses, which are mostly based on exact model assumptions. In this dissertation, various approaches that can accept parameter and model uncertainty are presented. In an attempt to improve predictability in worst-case centric analyses, the exploration of timing predictable protocols are examined for parallel task scheduling on multiprocessors and network-on-chip arbitration. A novel scheduling algorithm, called stationary rigid gang scheduling, for gang tasks on multiprocessors is proposed. In regard to fixed-priority wormhole-switched network-on-chips, a more restrictive family of transmission protocols called simultaneous progression switching protocols is proposed with predictability enhancing properties. Moreover, hierarchical scheduling for parallel DAG tasks under parameter uncertainty is studied to achieve temporal- and spatial isolation. Fault-tolerance as a supplementary reliability aspect of real-time systems is examined, in spite of dynamic external causes of fault. Using various job variants, which trade off increased execution time demand with increased error protection, a state-based policy selection strategy is proposed, which provably assures an acceptable quality-of-service (QoS). Lastly, the temporal misalignment of sensor data in sensor fusion applications in cyber-physical systems is examined. A modular analysis based on minimal properties to obtain an upper-bound for the maximal sensor data time-stamp difference is proposed