6,926 research outputs found

    Autonomous take-off and landing of a tethered aircraft: a simulation study

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    The problem of autonomous launch and landing of a tethered rigid aircraft for airborne wind energy generation is addressed. The system operates with ground-based power conversion and pumping cycles, where the tether is repeatedly reeled in and out of a winch installed on the ground and linked to an electric motor/generator. In order to accelerate the aircraft to take-off speed, the ground station is augmented with a linear motion system composed by a slide translating on rails and controlled by a second motor. An onboard propeller is used to sustain the forward velocity during the ascend of the aircraft. During landing, a slight tension on the line is kept, while the onboard control surfaces are used to align the aircraft with the rails and to land again on them. A model-based, decentralized control approach is proposed, capable to carry out a full cycle of launch, low-tension flight, and landing again on the rails. The derived controller is tested via numerical simulations with a realistic dynamical model of the system, in presence of different wind speeds and turbulence, and its performance in terms of landing accuracy is assessed. This study is part of a project aimed to experimentally verify the launch and landing approach on a small-scale prototype.Comment: This is the longer version of a paper submitted to the 2016 American Control Conference 2016, with more details on the simulation parameter

    Maneuverability assessment of a compound helicopter configuration

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    The compound helicopter design could potentially satisfy the new emerging requirements placed on the next generation of rotorcraft. The main benefit of the compound helicopter is its ability to reach speeds that significantly surpass those of the conventional helicopter. However, it is possible that the compound helicopter design can provide additional benefits in terms of maneuverability. The paper features a conventional helicopter and a compound helicopter. The conventional helicopter features a standard helicopter design with a main rotor providing the propulsive and lifting forces, while a tail rotor, mounted at the rear of the aircraft, provides the yaw control. The compound helicopter configuration features both lift and thrust compounding. The wing offloads the main rotor at high speeds, and two propellers provide additional axial thrust as well as yaw control. This study investigates the maneuverability of these two helicopter configurations using inverse simulation. The results predict that a compound helicopter configuration is capable of attaining greater load factors than its conventional counterpart, when flying a pullup–pushover maneuver. In terms of the accel–decel maneuver, the compound helicopter configuration is capable of completing the maneuver in a shorter time than the conventional helicopter, but at the expense of greater installed engine power. The addition of thrust compounding to the compound helicopter design reduces the pitch attitude required throughout the acceleration stage of the maneuver

    Manoeuvrability assessment of a hybrid compound helicopter configuration

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    The compound helicopter design could potentially satisfy the new emerging requirements placed on the next generation of rotorcraft. The main benefit of the compound helicopter is its ability to reach speeds that significantly surpass the conventional helicopter. However, it is possible that the compound helicopter design can provide additional benefits in terms of manoeuvrability. The paper features a conventional helicopter and a hybrid compound helicopter. The conventional helicopter features a standard helicopter design with a main rotor providing the propulsive and lifting forces, whereas a tail rotor, mounted at the rear of the aircraft provides the yaw control. The compound helicopter configuration, known as the hybrid compound helicopter, features both wing and thrust compounding. The wing offloads the main rotor at high speeds whereas two propellers provide additional axial thrust as well as yaw control. This study investigates the manoeuvrability of these two helicopter configurations using inverse simulation. The results predict that a hybrid compound helicopter configuration is capable of attaining greater load factors than its conventional counterpart, when flying a Pullup-Pushover manoeuvre. In terms of the Accel-Decel man oeuvre, the two helicopter configurations are capable of completing the manoeuvre in comparable time-scales. However, the addition of thrust compounding to the compound helicopter design reduces the pitch attitude required throughout the acceleration stage of the manoeuvre

    Model-based Aeroservoelastic Design and Load Alleviation of Large Wind Turbine Blades

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    This paper presents an aeroservoelastic modeling approach for dynamic load alleviation in large wind turbines with trailing-edge aerodynamic surfaces. The tower, potentially on a moving base, and the rotating blades are modeled using geometrically non-linear composite beams, which are linearized around reference conditions with arbitrarily-large structural displacements. Time-domain aerodynamics are given by a linearized 3-D unsteady vortexlattice method and the resulting dynamic aeroelastic model is written in a state-space formulation suitable for model reductions and control synthesis. A linear model of a single blade is used to design a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian regulator on its root-bending moments, which is finally shown to provide load reductions of about 20% in closed-loop on the full wind turbine non-linear aeroelastic model

    Criterion and parameter analysis in aircraft shimmy study

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    Aircraft shimmy, a dynamic instability phenomenon of the landing gear has been a problem for over half a century. It is important to predict and control nose landing gear shimmy effectively in aircraft design phase. Simulation with typical cases is a better way compared to the tests on real aircraft to investigate early stage design and give modification suggestions at a reasonable cost .In this paper, the simulation for a certain type of aircraft is presented based on actual data. In the rigid-flexible coupling model of aircraft, non-linear factors are considered, such as airframe flexibility, steering clearance and tire parameters. The model is checked with test results of static and modal experiments and proved with sufficient accuracy. Figures of stable region are presented, formed by taxing speed and critical anti-shimmy damping coefficient. Accordingly, details of shimmy criterion are discussed and effects of factors mentioned above are studied. The result shows that self-alignment torque coefficient, relaxation length of tire, and steering clearance of nose landing gear affect critical damping coefficient significantly

    Development and validation of a general purpose linearization program for rigid aircraft models

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    A FORTRAN program that provides the user with a powerful and flexible tool for the linearization of aircraft models is discussed. The program LINEAR numerically determines a linear systems model using nonlinear equations of motion and a user-supplied, nonlinear aerodynamic model. The system model determined by LINEAR consists of matrices for both the state and observation equations. The program has been designed to allow easy selection and definition of the state, control, and observation variables to be used in a particular model. Also, included in the report is a comparison of linear and nonlinear models for a high performance aircraft

    Simulation model of a twin-tail, high performance airplane

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    The mathematical model and associated computer program to simulate a twin-tailed high performance fighter airplane (McDonnell Douglas F/A-18) are described. The simulation program is written in the Advanced Continuous Simulation Language. The simulation math model includes the nonlinear six degree-of-freedom rigid-body equations, an engine model, sensors, and first order actuators with rate and position limiting. A simplified form of the F/A-18 digital control laws (version 8.3.3) are implemented. The simulated control law includes only inner loop augmentation in the up and away flight mode. The aerodynamic forces and moments are calculated from a wind-tunnel-derived database using table look-ups with linear interpolation. The aerodynamic database has an angle-of-attack range of -10 to +90 and a sideslip range of -20 to +20 degrees. The effects of elastic deformation are incorporated in a quasi-static-elastic manner. Elastic degrees of freedom are not actively simulated. In the engine model, the throttle-commanded steady-state thrust level and the dynamic response characteristics of the engine are based on airflow rate as determined from a table look-up. Afterburner dynamics are switched in at a threshold based on the engine airflow and commanded thrust

    Modal Analysis of a Two-Parachute System

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    The Orion capsule is designed to land under a nominal configuration of three main parachutes; however, the system is required to be fault tolerant and land successfully if one of the main parachutes fails to open. The Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) Team performed a series of drop tests in order to characterize the performance of the system with two main parachutes. During the series of drop tests, several distinct dynamical modes were observed. The most consequential of these is the pendulum mode. Three other modes are benign: flyout (scissors), maypole, and breathing. The actual multi-body system is nonlinear, flexible, and possesses significant cross-coupling. Rather than perform analysis of this highly complex system directly, we conduct analysis of each dynamical mode observed during flight, based on first principles. This approach is analogous to traditional aircraft flight dynamics analysis in which the full nonlinear behavior of the airframe is decomposed into longitudinal dynamics (phugoid and short-period modes) and lateral dynamics (spiral, roll-subsidence, and dutch-roll modes). This analysis is intended to supplement multi-body nonlinear simulations in order to provide further insight into the system

    Computer simulation of a pilot in V/STOL aircraft control loops

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    The objective was to develop a computerized adaptive pilot model for the computer model of the research aircraft, the Harrier II AV-8B V/STOL with special emphasis on propulsion control. In fact, two versions of the adaptive pilot are given. The first, simply called the Adaptive Control Model (ACM) of a pilot includes a parameter estimation algorithm for the parameters of the aircraft and an adaption scheme based on the root locus of the poles of the pilot controlled aircraft. The second, called the Optimal Control Model of the pilot (OCM), includes an adaption algorithm and an optimal control algorithm. These computer simulations were developed as a part of the ongoing research program in pilot model simulation supported by NASA Lewis from April 1, 1985 to August 30, 1986 under NASA Grant NAG 3-606 and from September 1, 1986 through November 30, 1988 under NASA Grant NAG 3-729. Once installed, these pilot models permitted the computer simulation of the pilot model to close all of the control loops normally closed by a pilot actually manipulating the control variables. The current version of this has permitted a baseline comparison of various qualitative and quantitative performance indices for propulsion control, the control loops and the work load on the pilot. Actual data for an aircraft flown by a human pilot furnished by NASA was compared to the outputs furnished by the computerized pilot and found to be favorable
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