1,087 research outputs found

    Multimodal interface for an intelligent wheelchair

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    The human eye as human-machine interface

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    Eye tracking as an interface to operate a computer is under research for a while and new systems are still being developed nowadays that provide some encouragement to those bound to illnesses that incapacitates them to use any other form of interaction with a computer. Although using computer vision processing and a camera, these systems are usually based on head mount technology being considered a contact type system. This paper describes the implementation of a human-computer interface based on a fully non-contact eye tracking vision system in order to allow people with tetraplegia to interface with a computer. As an assistive technology, a graphical user interface with special features was developed including a virtual keyboard to allow user communication, fast access to pre-stored phrases and multimedia and even internet browsing. This system was developed with the focus on low cost, user friendly functionality and user independency and autonomy.The authors would like to thank the important contributions of Mr. Abel, his wife and Mr. Sampaio for the success of this work. This work was supported by the Automation and Robotics Laboratory from the Algoritmi Research Center at the University of Minho in Guimaraes. This work is funded by FEDER through the Operational Competitiveness Programme — COMPETE — and by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology — FCT — in the scope of project: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    Brain–Computer Interface-Based Adaptive Automation to Prevent Out-Of-The-Loop Phenomenon in Air Traffic Controllers Dealing With Highly Automated Systems

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    International audienceIncreasing the level of automation in air traffic management is seen as a measure to increase the performance of the service to satisfy the predicted future demand. This is expected to result in new roles for the human operator: he will mainly monitor highly automated systems and seldom intervene. Therefore, air traffic controllers (ATCos) would often work in a supervisory or control mode rather than in a direct operating mode. However, it has been demonstrated how human operators in such a role are affected by human performance issues, known as Out-Of-The-Loop (OOTL) phenomenon, consisting in lack of attention, loss of situational awareness and de-skilling. A countermeasure to this phenomenon has been identified in the adaptive automation (AA), i.e., a system able to allocate the operative tasks to the machine or to the operator depending on their needs. In this context, psychophysiological measures have been highlighted as powerful tool to provide a reliable, unobtrusive and real-time assessment of the ATCo’s mental state to be used as control logic for AA-based systems. In this paper, it is presented the so-called “Vigilance and Attention Controller”, a system based on electroencephalography (EEG) and eye-tracking (ET) techniques, aimed to assess in real time the vigilance level of an ATCo dealing with a highly automated human–machine interface and to use this measure to adapt the level of automation of the interface itself. The system has been tested on 14 professional ATCos performing two highly realistic scenarios, one with the system disabled and one with the system enabled. The results confirmed that (i) long high automated tasks induce vigilance decreasing and OOTL-related phenomena; (ii) EEG measures are sensitive to these kinds of mental impairments; and (iii) AA was able to counteract this negative effect by keeping the ATCo more involved within the operative task. The results were confirmed by EEG and ET measures as well as by performance and subjective ones, providing a clear example of potential applications and related benefits of AA

    Applications of the electric potential sensor for healthcare and assistive technologies

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    The work discussed in this thesis explores the possibility of employing the Electric Potential Sensor for use in healthcare and assistive technology applications with the same and in some cases better degrees of accuracy than those of conventional technologies. The Electric Potential Sensor is a generic and versatile sensing technology capable of working in both contact and non-contact (remote) modes. New versions of the active sensor were developed for specific surface electrophysiological signal measurements. The requirements in terms of frequency range, electrode size and gain varied with the type of signal measured for each application. Real-time applications based on electrooculography, electroretinography and electromyography are discussed, as well as an application based on human movement. A three sensor electrooculography eye tracking system was developed which is of interest to eye controlled assistive technologies. The system described achieved an accuracy at least as good as conventional wet gel electrodes for both horizontal and vertical eye movements. Surface recording of the electroretinogram, used to monitor eye health and diagnose degenerative diseases of the retina, was achieved and correlated with both corneal fibre and wet gel surface electrodes. The main signal components of electromyography lie in a higher bandwidth and surface signals of the deltoid muscle were recorded over the course of rehabilitation of a subject with an injured arm. Surface electromyography signals of the bicep were also recorded and correlated with the joint dynamics of the elbow. A related non-contact application of interest to assistive technologies was also developed. Hand movement within a defined area was mapped and used to control a mouse cursor and a predictive text interface

    Brain\u2013Computer Interface-Based Adaptive Automation to Prevent Out-Of-The-Loop Phenomenon in Air Traffic Controllers Dealing With Highly Automated Systems

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    Increasing the level of automation in air traffic management is seen as a measure to increase the performance of the service to satisfy the predicted future demand. This is expected to result in new roles for the human operator: he will mainly monitor highly automated systems and seldom intervene. Therefore, air traffic controllers (ATCos) would often work in a supervisory or control mode rather than in a direct operating mode. However, it has been demonstrated how human operators in such a role are affected by human performance issues, known as Out-Of-The-Loop (OOTL) phenomenon, consisting in lack of attention, loss of situational awareness and de-skilling. A countermeasure to this phenomenon has been identified in the adaptive automation (AA), i.e., a system able to allocate the operative tasks to the machine or to the operator depending on their needs. In this context, psychophysiological measures have been highlighted as powerful tool to provide a reliable, unobtrusive and real-time assessment of the ATCo's mental state to be used as control logic for AA-based systems. In this paper, it is presented the so-called "Vigilance and Attention Controller", a system based on electroencephalography (EEG) and eye-tracking (ET) techniques, aimed to assess in real time the vigilance level of an ATCo dealing with a highly automated human-machine interface and to use this measure to adapt the level of automation of the interface itself. The system has been tested on 14 professional ATCos performing two highly realistic scenarios, one with the system disabled and one with the system enabled. The results confirmed that (i) long high automated tasks induce vigilance decreasing and OOTL-related phenomena; (ii) EEG measures are sensitive to these kinds of mental impairments; and (iii) AA was able to counteract this negative effect by keeping the ATCo more involved within the operative task. The results were confirmed by EEG and ET measures as well as by performance and subjective ones, providing a clear example of potential applications and related benefits of AA
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