1,291 research outputs found

    Project Awakesure: Intelligent Drowsiness Detection Using Eye Tracking

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    Being sleepy or drowsy is referred to as being drowsy. A person who is sleepy may feel exhausted or lethargic and struggle to stay awake. People who are sleepy tend to be less attentive and may even nod off, though they can still be awakened. An increasing number of vocations nowadays call for sustained focus. In order for drivers to respond quickly to unexpected incidents, they must maintain a watchful eye on the road. Many road incidents are directly caused by tired drivers. In order to drastically lower the frequency of fatigue-related auto accidents, it is crucial to develop technologies that can identify and alert a driver to a poor psychophysical state. However, there are many challenges in developing systems that can quickly and accurately recognize a driver's signs of fatigue. Using vision-based technology is one technological option for implementing driver fatigue monitoring systems. The available driver drowsiness detection systems are described in this article. Here, we are assessing the driver's level of sleepiness utilizing his visual system. The automated system for preventing accidents and monitoring sleepy drivers developed for this study is based on detecting variations in the length of eye blinks. Our recommended technique makes use of the eyes' postulated horizontal symmetry property to identify visual changes in eye positions. Our novel approach precisely positions a standard webcam in front of the driver's seat to identify eye blinks. It will identify the eyeballs based on a specific EAR (Eye Aspect Ratio)

    Human-Centric Detection and Mitigation Approach for Various Levels of Cell Phone-Based Driver Distractions

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    abstract: Driving a vehicle is a complex task that typically requires several physical interactions and mental tasks. Inattentive driving takes a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving, which can endanger the safety of driver, passenger(s), as well as pedestrians. According to several traffic safety administration organizations, distracted and inattentive driving are the primary causes of vehicle crashes or near crashes. In this research, a novel approach to detect and mitigate various levels of driving distractions is proposed. This novel approach consists of two main phases: i.) Proposing a system to detect various levels of driver distractions (low, medium, and high) using a machine learning techniques. ii.) Mitigating the effects of driver distractions through the integration of the distracted driving detection algorithm and the existing vehicle safety systems. In phase- 1, vehicle data were collected from an advanced driving simulator and a visual based sensor (webcam) for face monitoring. In addition, data were processed using a machine learning algorithm and a head pose analysis package in MATLAB. Then the model was trained and validated to detect different human operator distraction levels. In phase 2, the detected level of distraction, time to collision (TTC), lane position (LP), and steering entropy (SE) were used as an input to feed the vehicle safety controller that provides an appropriate action to maintain and/or mitigate vehicle safety status. The integrated detection algorithm and vehicle safety controller were then prototyped using MATLAB/SIMULINK for validation. A complete vehicle power train model including the driver’s interaction was replicated, and the outcome from the detection algorithm was fed into the vehicle safety controller. The results show that the vehicle safety system controller reacted and mitigated the vehicle safety status-in closed loop real-time fashion. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient, accurate, and adaptable to dynamic changes resulting from the driver, as well as the vehicle system. This novel approach was applied in order to mitigate the impact of visual and cognitive distractions on the driver performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Applied Psychology 201

    Video surveillance for monitoring driver's fatigue and distraction

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    Fatigue and distraction effects in drivers represent a great risk for road safety. For both types of driver behavior problems, image analysis of eyes, mouth and head movements gives valuable information. We present in this paper a system for monitoring fatigue and distraction in drivers by evaluating their performance using image processing. We extract visual features related to nod, yawn, eye closure and opening, and mouth movements to detect fatigue as well as to identify diversion of attention from the road. We achieve an average of 98.3% and 98.8% in terms of sensitivity and specificity for detection of driver's fatigue, and 97.3% and 99.2% for detection of driver's distraction when evaluating four video sequences with different drivers

    Investigating the feasibility of vehicle telemetry data as a means of predicting driver workload

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    Driving is a safety critical task that requires a high level of attention and workload from the driver. Despite this, people often also perform secondary tasks such as eating or using a mobile phone, which increase workload levels and divert cognitive and physical attention from the primary task of driving. If a vehicle is aware that the driver is currently under high workload, the vehicle functionality can be changed in order to minimize any further demand. Traditionally, workload measurements have been performed using intrusive means such as physiological sensors. Another approach may be to use vehicle telemetry data as a performance measure for workload. In this paper, we present the Warwick-JLR Driver Monitoring Dataset (DMD) and analyse it to investigate the feasibility of using vehicle telemetry data for determining the driver workload. We perform a statistical analysis of subjective ratings, physiological data, and vehicle telemetry data collected during a track study. A data mining methodology is then presented to build predictive models using this data, for the driver workload monitoring problem

    Real-Time Detection System of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning

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    A Review of Driver Gaze Estimation and Application in Gaze Behavior Understanding

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    Driver gaze plays an important role in different gaze-based applications such as driver attentiveness detection, visual distraction detection, gaze behavior understanding, and building driver assistance system. The main objective of this study is to perform a comprehensive summary of driver gaze fundamentals, methods to estimate driver gaze, and it's applications in real world driving scenarios. We first discuss the fundamentals related to driver gaze, involving head-mounted and remote setup based gaze estimation and the terminologies used for each of these data collection methods. Next, we list out the existing benchmark driver gaze datasets, highlighting the collection methodology and the equipment used for such data collection. This is followed by a discussion of the algorithms used for driver gaze estimation, which primarily involves traditional machine learning and deep learning based techniques. The estimated driver gaze is then used for understanding gaze behavior while maneuvering through intersections, on-ramps, off-ramps, lane changing, and determining the effect of roadside advertising structures. Finally, we have discussed the limitations in the existing literature, challenges, and the future scope in driver gaze estimation and gaze-based applications

    Machine Learning-based Methods for Driver Identification and Behavior Assessment: Applications for CAN and Floating Car Data

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    The exponential growth of car generated data, the increased connectivity, and the advances in artificial intelligence (AI), enable novel mobility applications. This dissertation focuses on two use-cases of driving data, namely distraction detection and driver identification (ID). Low and medium-income countries account for 93% of traffic deaths; moreover, a major contributing factor to road crashes is distracted driving. Motivated by this, the first part of this thesis explores the possibility of an easy-to-deploy solution to distracted driving detection. Most of the related work uses sophisticated sensors or cameras, which raises privacy concerns and increases the cost. Therefore a machine learning (ML) approach is proposed that only uses signals from the CAN-bus and the inertial measurement unit (IMU). It is then evaluated against a hand-annotated dataset of 13 drivers and delivers reasonable accuracy. This approach is limited in detecting short-term distractions but demonstrates that a viable solution is possible. In the second part, the focus is on the effective identification of drivers using their driving behavior. The aim is to address the shortcomings of the state-of-the-art methods. First, a driver ID mechanism based on discriminative classifiers is used to find a set of suitable signals and features. It uses five signals from the CAN-bus, with hand-engineered features, which is an improvement from current state-of-the-art that mainly focused on external sensors. The second approach is based on Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), although it uses two signals and fewer features, it shows improved accuracy. In this system, the enrollment of a new driver does not require retraining of the models, which was a limitation in the previous approach. In order to reduce the amount of training data a Triplet network is used to train a deep neural network (DNN) that learns to discriminate drivers. The training of the DNN does not require any driving data from the target set of drivers. The DNN encodes pieces of driving data to an embedding space so that in this space examples of the same driver will appear closer to each other and far from examples of other drivers. This technique reduces the amount of data needed for accurate prediction to under a minute of driving data. These three solutions are validated against a real-world dataset of 57 drivers. Lastly, the possibility of a driver ID system is explored that only uses floating car data (FCD), in particular, GPS data from smartphones. A DNN architecture is then designed that encodes the routes, origin, and destination coordinates as well as various other features computed based on contextual information. The proposed model is then evaluated against a dataset of 678 drivers and shows high accuracy. In a nutshell, this work demonstrates that proper driver ID is achievable. The constraints imposed by the use-case and data availability negatively affect the performance; in such cases, the efficient use of the available data is crucial

    A Low Cost Real Time Embedded Control System Design Using Infrared Signal Processing with Application to Vehicle Accident Prevention

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    Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if heis alcoholic. Driver drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents. It was demonstrated that drivingperformance deteriorates with increased drowsiness with resulting crashes constituting more than 20% of all vehicleaccidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-winded. Advanced technology offers some hope avoid these up to some extent.A car simulator study was designed to collect physiological data for validation of this technology. Methodology for analysisof physiological data, independent assessment of driver drowsiness and development of drowsiness detection algorithm bymeans of sequential fitting and selection of regression models is presented. In this paper proposes an approach towardsdesign of a Low cost real time embedded control system which involves measure and controls the eye blink using sensor. Ascar manufacturers / industrial automotive communities, incorporate intelligent vehicle systems in order to satisfy theconsumer’s ever increasing demand for more assistant systems for comfort, navigation, or communication, to address theissue of increased level of cognitive stress on drivers to the sources of distraction from the most basic task at hand, i.e.,driving the vehicle. Driver’s drowsiness detection systems are actually receiving a large interest in the academic andindustrial automotive communities for their potentiality to reduce fatalities Eye detection is a crucial aspect in many usefulapplications ranging from face recognition / detection to human computer interface for, driver behavior analysis. Visionbaseddriver fatigue detection which is non-contact has a key advantage over applicability. In this paper proposes a simpleand economical prototype design as a solution in developing a intelligent vehicles based on IR signal processing formonitoring the driver’s drowsiness level, vigilance and alerting the driver to prevent accidents. This approach is economicaland all the lower income side vehicle owners can afford to installation of this system.Keywords- Intelligent Vehicles, Driver Vigilance, Human fatigue, Safe Navigatio
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