614 research outputs found

    The quantum Arnold transformation

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    By a quantum version of the Arnold transformation of classical mechanics, all quantum dynamical systems whose classical equations of motion are non-homogeneous linear second-order ordinary differential equations, including systems with friction linear in velocity, can be related to the quantum free-particle dynamical system. This transformation provides a basic (Heisenberg-Weyl) algebra of quantum operators, along with well-defined Hermitian operators which can be chosen as evolution-like observables and complete the entire Schr\"odinger algebra. It also proves to be very helpful in performing certain computations quickly, to obtain, for example, wave functions and closed analytic expressions for time-evolution operators.Comment: 19 pages, minor changes, references update

    Quantum Correlations and Quantum Non-Locality: A Review and a Few New Ideas

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    In this paper we make an extensive description of quantum non-locality, one of the most intriguing and fascinating facets of quantum mechanics. After a general presentation of several studies on this subject, we consider if quantum non-locality, and the friction it carries with special relativity, can eventually find a "solution" by considering higher dimensional spaces.Comment: 1

    Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics

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    This book collects contributions to the Special Issue entitled "Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics" of the journal Symmetry. These contributions focus on recent advancements in the study of PT–invariance of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, the supersymmetric quantum mechanics of relativistic and non-relativisitc systems, duality transformations for power–law potentials and conformal transformations. New aspects on the spreading of wave packets are also discussed

    Bohmian quantum trajectories from coherent states

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    We find that real and complex Bohmian quantum trajectories resulting from well-localized Klauder coherent states in the quasi-Poissonian regime possess qualitatively the same type of trajectories as those obtained from a purely classical analysis of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation. In the complex cases we treated the quantum potential results to a constant, such that the agreement is exact. For the real cases we provide conjectures for analytical solutions for the trajectories as well as the corresponding quantum potentials. The overall qualitative behavior is governed by the Mandel parameter determining the regime in which the wave functions evolve as solitonlike structures. We demonstrate these features explicitly for the harmonic oscillator and the Pöschl-Teller potential

    Quantum-spacetime effects on nonrelativistic Schr\"odinger evolution

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    The last three decades have witnessed the surge of quantum gravity phenomenology in the ultraviolet regime as exemplified by the Planck-scale accuracy of time-delay measurements from highly energetic astrophysical events. Yet, recent advances in precision measurements and control over quantum phenomena may usher in a new era of low-energy quantum gravity phenomenology. In this study, we investigate relativistic modified dispersion relations (MDRs) in curved spacetime and derive the corresponding nonrelativistic Schr\"odinger equation using two complementary approaches. First, we take the nonrelativistic limit, and canonically quantise the result. Second, we apply a WKB-like expansion to an MDR-inspired deformed relativistic wave equation. Within the area of applicability of single-particle quantum mechanics, both approaches imply equivalent results. Surprisingly, we recognise in the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP), the prevailing approach in nonrelativistic quantum gravity phenomenology, the MDR which is least amenable to low-energy experiments. Consequently, importing data from the mentioned time-delay measurements, we constrain the linear GUP up to the Planck scale and improve on current bounds to the quadratic one by 17 orders of magnitude. MDRs with larger implications in the infrared, however, can be tightly constrained in the nonrelativistic regime. We use the ensuing deviation from the equivalence principle to bound some MDRs, for example the one customarily associated with the bicrossproduct basis of the κ\kappa-Poincar\'e algebra, to up to four orders of magnitude below the Planck scale.Comment: 34 pages, one figur

    From the arrow of time in Badiali's quantum approach to the dynamic meaning of Riemann's hypothesis

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    The novelty of the Jean Pierre Badiali last scientific works stems to a quantum approach based on both (i) a return to the notion of trajectories (Feynman paths) and (ii) an irreversibility of the quantum transitions. These iconoclastic choices find again the Hilbertian and the von Neumann algebraic point of view by dealing statistics over loops. This approach confers an external thermodynamic origin to the notion of a quantum unit of time (Rovelli Connes' thermal time). This notion, basis for quantization, appears herein as a mere criterion of parting between the quantum regime and the thermodynamic regime. The purpose of this note is to unfold the content of the last five years of scientific exchanges aiming to link in a coherent scheme the Jean Pierre's choices and works, and the works of the authors of this note based on hyperbolic geodesics and the associated role of Riemann zeta functions. While these options do not unveil any contradictions, nevertheless they give birth to an intrinsic arrow of time different from the thermal time. The question of the physical meaning of Riemann hypothesis as the basis of quantum mechanics, which was at the heart of our last exchanges, is the backbone of this note.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    The Random Walk in Generalised Quantum Theory

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    One can view quantum mechanics as a generalization of classical probability theory that provides for pairwise interference among alternatives. Adopting this perspective, we “quantize” the classical random walk by finding, subject to a certain condition of “strong positivity”, the most general Markovian, translationally invariant “decoherence functional” with nearest neighbor transitions