182 research outputs found

    Evolution of variants of yeast site-specific recombinase Flp that utilize native genomic sequences as recombination target sites

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    As a tool in directed genome manipulations, site-specific recombination is a double-edged sword. Exquisite specificity, while highly desirable, makes it imperative that the target site be first inserted at the desired genomic locale before it can be manipulated. We describe a combination of computational and experimental strategies, based on the tyrosine recombinase Flp and its target site FRT, to overcome this impediment. We document the systematic evolution of Flp variants that can utilize, in a bacterial assay, two sites from the human interleukin 10 gene, IL10, as recombination substrates. Recombination competence on an end target site is acquired via chimeric sites containing mixed sequences from FRT and the genomic locus. This is the first time that a tyrosine site-specific recombinase has been coaxed successfully to perform DNA exchange within naturally occurring sequences derived from a foreign genomic context. We demonstrate the ability of an Flp variant to mediate integration of a reporter cassette in Escherichia coli via recombination at one of the IL10-derived sites

    A randomized library approach to identifying functional lox site domains for the Cre recombinase

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    The bacteriophage P1 Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system is a useful tool in a number of genetic engineering processes. The Cre recombinase has been shown to act on DNA sequences that vary considerably from that of its bacteriophage recognition sequence, loxP. However, little is known about the sequence requirements for functional lox-like sequences. In this study, we have implemented a randomized library approach to identify the sequence characteristics of functional lox site domains. We created a randomized spacer library and a randomized arm library, and then tested them for recombination in vivo and in vitro. Results from the spacer library show that, while there is great plasticity, identity between spacer pairs is the most important factor influencing function, especially in in vitro reactions. The presence of one completely randomized arm in a functional loxP recombination reaction revealed that only three wild-type loxP arms are necessary for successful recombination in Cre-expressing bacteria, and that there are nucleotide preferences at the first three and last three positions of the randomized arm for the most efficiently recombined sequences. Finally, we found that in vitro Cre recombination reactions are much more stringent for evaluating which sequences can support efficient recombination compared to the 294-CRE system

    Directed evolution of an HIV-1 LTR specific recombinase for anti-retroviral therapy- a proof of concept study

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    The prospect of the work presented in this thesis has been to engineer Cre recombinase to recognize and recombine a sequence from an HIV-1 Long Terminal Repeat (LTR), characterize the recombination proficiency of the evolved recombinase in mammalian cells and explore the potential of the recombinase for a novel antiretroviral strategy

    The protein-protein interactions required for assembly of the Tn3 resolution synapse

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    The site‐specific recombinase Tn3 resolvase initiates DNA strand exchange when two res recombination sites and six resolvase dimers interact to form a synapse. The detailed architecture of this intricate recombination machine remains unclear. We have clarified which of the potential dimer‐dimer interactions are required for synapsis and recombination, using a novel complementation strategy that exploits a previously uncharacterized resolvase from Bartonella bacilliformis (“Bart”). Tn3 and Bart resolvases recognize different DNA motifs, via diverged C‐terminal domains (CTDs). They also differ substantially at N‐terminal domain (NTD) surfaces involved in dimerization and synapse assembly. We designed NTD‐CTD hybrid proteins, and hybrid res sites containing both Tn3 and Bart dimer binding sites. Using these components in in vivo assays, we demonstrate that productive synapsis requires a specific “R ” interface involving resolvase NTDs at all three dimer‐binding sites in res . Synapses containing mixtures of wild‐type Tn3 and Bart resolvase NTD dimers are recombination‐defective, but activity can be restored by replacing patches of Tn3 resolvase R interface residues with Bart residues, or vice versa . We conclude that the Tn3 /Bart family synapse is assembled exclusively by R interactions between resolvase dimers, except for the one special dimer‐dimer interaction required for catalysis

    A Genome-Wide Analysis of FRT-Like Sequences in the Human Genome

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    Efficient and precise genome manipulations can be achieved by the Flp/FRT system of site-specific DNA recombination. Applications of this system are limited, however, to cases when target sites for Flp recombinase, FRT sites, are pre-introduced into a genome locale of interest. To expand use of the Flp/FRT system in genome engineering, variants of Flp recombinase can be evolved to recognize pre-existing genomic sequences that resemble FRT and thus can serve as recombination sites. To understand the distribution and sequence properties of genomic FRT-like sites, we performed a genome-wide analysis of FRT-like sites in the human genome using the experimentally-derived parameters. Out of 642,151 identified FRT-like sequences, 581,157 sequences were unique and 12,452 sequences had at least one exact duplicate. Duplicated FRT-like sequences are located mostly within LINE1, but also within LTRs of endogenous retroviruses, Alu repeats and other repetitive DNA sequences. The unique FRT-like sequences were classified based on the number of matches to FRT within the first four proximal bases pairs of the Flp binding elements of FRT and the nature of mismatched base pairs in the same region. The data obtained will be useful for the emerging field of genome engineering

    Evaluation of a library of loxP variants with a wide range of recombination efficiencies by Cre

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    Sparse labeling of individual cells is an important approach in neuroscience and many other fields of research. Various methods have been developed to sparsely label only a small population of cells; however, there is no simple and reproducible strategy for managing the probability of sparse labeling at desired levels. Here, we aimed to develop a novel methodology based on the Cre-lox system to regulate sparseness at desired levels, and we purely analyzed cleavage efficiencies of loxP mutants by Cre. We hypothesized that mutations in the loxP sequence reduce the recognition efficiency by Cre, which enables the regulation of the sparseness level of gene expression. In this research, we mutagenized the loxP sequence and analyzed a library of loxP variants. We evaluated more than 1000 mutant loxP sequences, including mutants with reduced excision efficiencies by Cre ranging from 0.51% to 59%. This result suggests that these mutant loxP sequences can be useful in regulating the sparseness of genetic labeling at desired levels

    Dissection of the Tn3 Resolution Site

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    Resolvase recognises three different sites within res: all three are necessary for recombination in vivo and in vitro, under standard reaction conditions. However, when resolvase In vitro reaction conditions were altered, recombination between a wt-res site and an isolated crossover site (i. e. lacking subsites II and III) proceeded at a reduced efficiency. In these substrates, resolvase disregarded the relative orientation of the crossover site, but still selected the resolution event. The resolution products were simply catenated. Resolvase thus recognises the crossover site as functionally symmetrical. Replacing the crossover site within wt-res with a perfectly symmetrical subsite I (sym-res) resulted in the normal left-to-right alignment of crossover sites for recombination, even for intermolecular recombination between two linear sym-res substrates. Therefore, resolvase uses subsites II and III to determine the polarity of res. When subsites II and III were removed from both res partners, no recombination products were detected. To investigate the effect of FIS on resol vase-mediated recombination, the enhancer site, sis. was cloned into resolvase substrates. Although FIS and sis are required to stimulate inversion by the related Gin, Hin and Cin invertases, they did not appear to have any effect on the recombination properties of isolated res crossover sites; resolvase reactions with other combinations of wt-res and deleted res sites were also unaffected by these accessory proteins and sites. Substrates were made to test whether resolvase acting at subsites II and III can direct a Gin-mediated resolution event between gix sites (i.e. ges' site recombination). No recombination between ges sites was observed in vivo when resolvase and Gin were provided in trans. In collaboration with C. Koch, (Berlin) in vitro recombination between ges sites was tested using a FIS-independent mutant Gin protein capable of recombining directly repeated gix sites; when resolvase was present recombination between ges sites by the mutant Gin was prevented. This may be interpreted as a consequence of synapsis of subsites II and III by resolvase inhibiting Gin-mediated recombination. Subsites II and III alone were also shown to delay recombination between certain pairs of wt-res sites in a multi-res site substrate. This result also suggests that subsites II and III are sufficient for synapsis. Individual res subsites, and combinations of res subsites, on DNA fragments displayed distinctive retarded complexes in resolvase gel binding assays. By using this assay and a set of circularly permuted DNA fragments, resol vase-induced bending of subsite I was demonstrated. Two complexes per subsite were stabilised in the gel, suggesting that resolvase can occupy a subsite in two steps. No severely retarded complexes were trapped by the gel assay that would be indicative of a higher protein-DNA structure, i.e. a synaptic intermediate. Therefore, intermolecular synapsis of sites by resolvase appears to be difficult to capture in the gel assay

    Structural Features of Single-Stranded Integron Cassette attC Sites and Their Role in Strand Selection

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    We recently showed that cassette integration and deletion in integron platforms were occurring through unconventional site-specific recombination reactions involving only the bottom strand of attC sites. The lack of sequence conservation among attC sites led us to hypothesize that sequence-independent structural recognition determinants must exist within attC sites. The structural data obtained from a synaptic complex of the Vibrio cholerae integrase with the bottom strand of an attC site has shown the importance of extra helical bases (EHB) inside the stem-loop structure formed from the bottom strand. Here, we systematically determined the contribution of three structural elements common to all known single-stranded attC site recombination substrates (the EHBs, the unpaired central spacer (UCS), and the variable terminal structure (VTS)) to strand choice and recombination. Their roles have been evaluated in vivo in the attl x attC reaction context using the suicide conjugation assay we previously developed, but also in an attC x attC reaction using a deletion assay. Conjugation was used to deliver the attC sites in single-stranded form. Our results show that strand choice is primarily directed by the first EHB, but the presence of the two other EHBs also serves to increase this strand selection. We found that the structure of the central spacer is essential to achieve high level recombination of the bottom strand, suggesting a dual role for this structure in active site exclusion and for hindering the reverse reaction after the first strand exchange. Moreover, we have shown that the VTS has apparently no role in strand selectivity

    Les systèmes Xer à une seule recombinase

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    Les dimères chromosomiques se produisant lors de la réparation de chromosomes circulaires peuvent être dommageables pour les bactéries en bloquant la ségrégation des chromosomes et le bon déroulement de la division cellulaire. Pour remédier à ce problème, les bactéries utilisent le système Xer de monomérisation des chromosomes. Celui-ci est composé de deux tyrosine recombinases, XerC et XerD, qui vont agir au niveau du site dif et procéder à une recombinaison qui aura pour effet de séparer les deux copies de l’ADN. Le site dif est une séquence d’ADN où deux répétitions inversées imparfaites séparées par six paires de bases permettent la liaison de chacune des recombinases. Cette recombinaison est régulée à l’aide de FtsK, une protéine essentielle de l’appareil de division. Ce système a été étudié en profondeur chez Escherichia coli et a aussi été caractérisée dans une multitude d’espèces variées, par exemple Bacillus subtilis. Mais dans certaines espèces du groupe des Streptococcus, des études ont été en mesure d’identifier une seule recombinase, XerS, agissant au niveau d’un site atypique nommée difSL. Peu de temps après, un second système utilisant une seule recombinase a été identifié chez un groupe des epsilon-protéobactéries. La recombinase fut nommée XerH et le site de recombinaison, plus similaire à difSL qu’au site dif classique, difH. Dans cette thèse, des résultats d’expériences in vitro sur les deux systèmes sont présentés, ainsi que certains résultats in vivo. Il est démontré que XerS est en mesure de se lier de façon coopérative à difSL et que cette liaison est asymétrique, puisque XerS est capable de se lier à la moitié gauche du site prise individuellement mais non à la moitié droite. Le clivage par XerS est aussi asymétrique, étant plus efficace au niveau du brin inférieur. Pour ce qui est de XerH, la liaison à difH est beaucoup moins coopérative et n’a pas la même asymétrie. Par contre, le clivage est asymétrique lui aussi. La comparaison de ces deux systèmes montrent qu’ils ne sont pas homologues et que les systèmes Xer à seule recombinase existent sous plusieurs versions. Ces résultats représentent la première découverte d’un espaceur de 11 paires de bases chez les tyrosine recombinases ainsi que la première étude in vitro sur XerH.The chromosome dimers produced during the repair of circular chromosomes can be harmful to bacteria by blocking the segregation of the chromosome and cell division. To overcome this problem, bacteria use the Xer system for the monomerisation of chromosome dimers. It has two components, XerC and XerD, which act on the dif site and complete a recombination that will lead to the separation of the two copies of the DNA. The dif site is a DNA sequence where two imperfect inverted repeats separated by six base pairs allow the binding of each recombinase. This recombination is regulated by the protein FtsK, an essential member of the cell division machinery. The Xer system has been well studied in Escherichia coli and has also been characterized in a variety of species, for example Bacillus subtilis. Furthermore, in certain species of Streptococcus, studies have identified only a single recombinase, XerS, which acts on an atypical site named difSL in order to monomerize dimeric chromosomes. Not long after, a second system using a single recombinase was identified in a group of epsilon-proteobacteria. This recombinase was named XerH and the recombination site, difH, was found to more similar to difSL than to the classical dif sites. In this thesis, results from in vitro experiments on both systems are presented, as well as some results from in vivo experiments. We show that XerS is capable of binding cooperatively to difSL and that this binding is asymmetrical. This is because XerS is able to bind to the left half of the site but not to the right half when they are separated. The cleavage by XerS is also asymmetrical, as it is more efficient on the bottom strand. As for XerH, its binding to difH is much less cooperative and doesn’t have the same asymmetry. But the cleavage is also asymmetrical like the one seen in XerS. Comparing the two systems show that they are not homologuous and that more than one version of Xer systems using a single recombinase exists. These results represent the first discovery of an 11 bases pairs spacer for tyrosine recombinase. It is also the first in vitro studies of XerH