4,843 research outputs found

    Atomic commitment in transactional DHTs

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    We investigate the problem of atomic commit in transactional database systems built on top of Distributed Hash Tables. DHTs provide a decentralized way to store and look up data. To solve the atomic commit problem we propose to use an adaption of Paxos commit as a non-blocking algorithm. We exploit the symmetric replication technique existing in the DKS DHT to determine which nodes are necessary to execute the commit algorithm. By doing so we achieve a lower number of communication rounds and a reduction of meta-data in contrast to traditional Three-Phase-Commit protocols. We also show how the proposed solution can cope with dynamism due to churn in DHTs. Our solution works correctly relying only on an inaccurate failure detection of node failure which is necessary for systems running over the Internet

    PaRiS: Causally Consistent Transactions with Non-blocking Reads and Partial Replication

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    Geo-replicated data platforms are at the backbone of several large-scale online services. Transactional Causal Consistency (TCC) is an attractive consistency level for building such platforms. TCC avoids many anomalies of eventual consistency, eschews the synchronization costs of strong consistency, and supports interactive read-write transactions. Partial replication is another attractive design choice for building geo-replicated platforms, as it increases the storage capacity and reduces update propagation costs. This paper presents PaRiS, the first TCC system that supports partial replication and implements non-blocking parallel read operations, whose latency is paramount for the performance of read-intensive applications. PaRiS relies on a novel protocol to track dependencies, called Universal Stable Time (UST). By means of a lightweight background gossip process, UST identifies a snapshot of the data that has been installed by every DC in the system. Hence, transactions can consistently read from such a snapshot on any server in any replication site without having to block. Moreover, PaRiS requires only one timestamp to track dependencies and define transactional snapshots, thereby achieving resource efficiency and scalability. We evaluate PaRiS on a large-scale AWS deployment composed of up to 10 replication sites. We show that PaRiS scales well with the number of DCs and partitions, while being able to handle larger data-sets than existing solutions that assume full replication. We also demonstrate a performance gain of non-blocking reads vs. a blocking alternative (up to 1.47x higher throughput with 5.91x lower latency for read-dominated workloads and up to 1.46x higher throughput with 20.56x lower latency for write-heavy workloads)

    Real-time databases : an overview

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    NCC: Natural Concurrency Control for Strictly Serializable Datastores by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall

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    Strictly serializable datastores greatly simplify the development of correct applications by providing strong consistency guarantees. However, existing techniques pay unnecessary costs for naturally consistent transactions, which arrive at servers in an order that is already strictly serializable. We find these transactions are prevalent in datacenter workloads. We exploit this natural arrival order by executing transaction requests with minimal costs while optimistically assuming they are naturally consistent, and then leverage a timestamp-based technique to efficiently verify if the execution is indeed consistent. In the process of designing such a timestamp-based technique, we identify a fundamental pitfall in relying on timestamps to provide strict serializability, and name it the timestamp-inversion pitfall. We find timestamp-inversion has affected several existing works. We present Natural Concurrency Control (NCC), a new concurrency control technique that guarantees strict serializability and ensures minimal costs -- i.e., one-round latency, lock-free, and non-blocking execution -- in the best (and common) case by leveraging natural consistency. NCC is enabled by three key components: non-blocking execution, decoupled response control, and timestamp-based consistency check. NCC avoids timestamp-inversion with a new technique: response timing control, and proposes two optimization techniques, asynchrony-aware timestamps and smart retry, to reduce false aborts. Moreover, NCC designs a specialized protocol for read-only transactions, which is the first to achieve the optimal best-case performance while ensuring strict serializability, without relying on synchronized clocks. Our evaluation shows that NCC outperforms state-of-the-art solutions by an order of magnitude on many workloads
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