40 research outputs found

    Spatially-Coupled QDLPC Codes

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    Spatially-coupled (SC) codes is a class of convolutional LDPC codes that has been well investigated in classical coding theory thanks to their high performance and compatibility with low-latency decoders. We describe toric codes as quantum counterparts of classical two-dimensional spatially-coupled (2D-SC) codes, and introduce spatially-coupled quantum LDPC (SC-QLDPC) codes as a generalization. We use the convolutional structure to represent the parity check matrix of a 2D-SC code as a polynomial in two indeterminates, and derive an algebraic condition that is both necessary and sufficient for a 2D-SC code to be a stabilizer code. This algebraic framework facilitates the construction of new code families. While not the focus of this paper, we note that small memory facilitates physical connectivity of qubits, and it enables local encoding and low-latency windowed decoding. In this paper, we use the algebraic framework to optimize short cycles in the Tanner graph of 2D-SC HGP codes that arise from short cycles in either component code. While prior work focuses on QLDPC codes with rate less than 1/10, we construct 2D-SC HGP codes with small memory, higher rates (about 1/3), and superior thresholds.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Low-Density Parity-Check Coded High-order Modulation Schemes

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    In this thesis, we investigate how to support reliable data transmissions at high speeds in future communication systems, such as 5G/6G, WiFi, satellite, and optical communications. One of the most fundamental problems in these communication systems is how to reliably transmit information with a limited number of resources, such as power and spectral. To obtain high spectral efficiency, we use coded modulation (CM), such as bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and delayed BICM (DBICM). To be specific, BICM is a pragmatic implementation of CM which has been largely adopted in both industry and academia. While BICM approaches CM capacity at high rates, the capacity gap between BICM and CM is still noticeable at lower code rates. To tackle this problem, DBICM, as a variation of BICM, introduces a delay module to create a dependency between multiple codewords, which enables us to exploit extrinsic information from the decoded delayed sub-blocks to improve the detection of the undelayed sub-blocks. Recent work shows that DBICM improves capacity over BICM. In addition, BICM and DBICM schemes protect each bit-channel differently, which is often referred to as the unequal error protection (UEP) property. Therefore, bit mapping designs are important for constructing pragmatic BICM and DBICM. To provide reliable communication, we have jointly designed bit mappings in DBICM and irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. For practical considerations, spatially coupled LDPC (SC-LDPC) codes have been considered as well. Specifically, we have investigated the joint design of the multi-chain SC-LDPC and the BICM bit mapper. In addition, the design of SC-LDPC codes with improved decoding threshold performance and reduced rate loss has been investigated in this thesis as well. The main body of this thesis consists of three parts. In the first part, considering Gray-labeled square M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations, we investigate the optimal delay scheme with the largest spectrum efficiency of DBICM for a fixed maximum number of delayed time slots and a given signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, we jointly optimize degree distributions and channel assignments of LDPC codes using protograph-based extrinsic information transfer charts. In addition, we proposed a constrained progressive edge growth-like algorithm to jointly construct LDPC codes and bit mappings for DBICM, taking the capacity of each bit-channel into account. Simulation results demonstrate that the designed LDPC-coded DBICM systems significantly outperform LDPC-coded BICM systems. In the second part, we proposed a windowed decoding algorithm for DBICM, which uses the extrinsic information of both the decoded delayed and undelayed sub-blocks, to improve the detection for all sub-blocks. We show that the proposed windowed decoding significantly outperforms the original decoding, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed decoding algorithm. In the third part, we apply multi-chain SC-LDPC to BICM. We investigate various connections for multi-chain SC-LDPC codes and bit mapping designs and analyze the performance of the multi-chain SC-LDPC codes over the equivalent binary erasure channels via density evolution. Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed design over existing connected-chain ensembles and over single-chain ensembles with the existing bit mapping design

    Challenges and Some New Directions in Channel Coding

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    Three areas of ongoing research in channel coding are surveyed, and recent developments are presented in each area: spatially coupled Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, nonbinary LDPC codes, and polar coding.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JCN.2015.00006

    Design and Analysis of Graph-based Codes Using Algebraic Lifts and Decoding Networks

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    Error-correcting codes seek to address the problem of transmitting information efficiently and reliably across noisy channels. Among the most competitive codes developed in the last 70 years are low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, a class of codes whose structure may be represented by sparse bipartite graphs. In addition to having the potential to be capacity-approaching, LDPC codes offer the significant practical advantage of low-complexity graph-based decoding algorithms. Graphical substructures called trapping sets, absorbing sets, and stopping sets characterize failure of these algorithms at high signal-to-noise ratios. This dissertation focuses on code design for and analysis of iterative graph-based message-passing decoders. The main contributions of this work include the following: the unification of spatially-coupled LDPC (SC-LDPC) code constructions under a single algebraic graph lift framework and the analysis of SC-LDPC code construction techniques from the perspective of removing harmful trapping and absorbing sets; analysis of the stopping and absorbing set parameters of hypergraph codes and finite geometry LDPC (FG-LDPC) codes; the introduction of multidimensional decoding networks that encode the behavior of hard-decision message-passing decoders; and the presentation of a novel Iteration Search Algorithm, a list decoder designed to improve the performance of hard-decision decoders. Adviser: Christine A. Kelle

    One and Two Bit Message Passing for SC-LDPC Codes with Higher-Order Modulation

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    Low complexity decoding algorithms are necessary to meet data rate requirements in excess of 1 Tbps. In this paper, we study one and two bit message passing algorithms for belief propagation decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and analyze them by density evolution. The variable nodes (VNs) exploit soft information from the channel output. To decrease the data flow, the messages exchanged between check nodes (CNs) and VNs are represented by one or two bits. The newly proposed quaternary message passing (QMP) algorithm is compared asymptotically and in finite length simulations to binary message passing (BMP) and ternary message passing (TMP) for spectrally efficient communication with higher-order modulation and probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS). To showcase the potential for high throughput forward error correction, spatially coupled LDPC codes and a target spectral efficiency (SE) of 3 bits/QAM symbol are considered. Gains of about 0.7 dB and 0.1 dB are observed compared to BMP and TMP, respectively. The gap to unquantized belief propagation (BP) decoding is reduced to about 0.75 dB. For smaller code rates, the gain of QMP compared to TMP is more pronounced and amounts to 0.24 dB in the considered example.Comment: Accepted for IEEE/OSA Journal on Lightwave Technolog