7 research outputs found

    Kurdish Dialects and Neighbor Languages Automatic Recognition

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    Dialect recognition is one of the most hot topics in the speech analysis area. In this study a system for dialect and language recognition is developed using phonetic and a style based features. The study suggests a new set of feature using one-dimensional LBP feature.  The results show that the proposed LBP set of feature is useful to improve dialect and language recognition accuracy. The acquired data involved in this study are three Kurdish dialects (Sorani, Badini and Hawrami) with three neighbor languages (Arabic, Persian and Turkish). The study proposed a new method to interpret the closeness of the Kurdish dialects and their neighbor languages using confusion matrix and a non-metric multi-dimensional visualization technique. The result shows that the Kurdish dialects can be clustered and linearly separated from the neighbor languages

    Kurdish Dialect Recognition using 1D CNN

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    Dialect recognition is one of the most attentive topics in the speech analysis area. Machine learning algorithms have been widely used to identify dialects. In this paper, a model that based on three different 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structures is developed for Kurdish dialect recognition. This model is evaluated, and CNN structures are compared to each other. The result shows that the proposed model has outperformed the state of the art. The model is evaluated on the experimental data that have been collected by the staff of department of computer science at the University of Halabja. Three dialects are involved in the dataset as the Kurdish language consists of three major dialects, namely Northern Kurdish (Badini variant), Central Kurdish (Sorani variant), and Hawrami. The advantage of the CNN model is not required to concern handcraft as the CNN model is featureless. According to the results, the 1 D CNN method can make predictions with an average accuracy of 95.53% on the Kurdish dialect classification. In this study, a new method is proposed to interpret the closeness of the Kurdish dialects by using a confusion matrix and a non-metric multi-dimensional visualization technique. The outcome demonstrates that it is straightforward to cluster given Kurdish dialects and linearly isolated from the neighboring dialects

    Non-Negative Factor Analysis of Gaussian Mixture Model Weight Adaptation for Language and Dialect Recognition

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    Recent studies show that Gaussian mixture model (GMM) weights carry less, yet complementary, information to GMM means for language and dialect recognition. However, state-of-the-art language recognition systems usually do not use this information. In this research, a non-negative factor analysis (NFA) approach is developed for GMM weight decomposition and adaptation. This modeling, which is conceptually simple and computationally inexpensive, suggests a new low-dimensional utterance representation method using a factor analysis similar to that of the i-vector framework. The obtained subspace vectors are then applied in conjunction with i-vectors to the language/dialect recognition problem. The suggested approach is evaluated on the NIST 2011 and RATS language recognition evaluation (LRE) corpora and on the QCRI Arabic dialect recognition evaluation (DRE) corpus. The assessment results show that the proposed adaptation method yields more accurate recognition results compared to three conventional weight adaptation approaches, namely maximum likelihood re-estimation, non-negative matrix factorization, and a subspace multinomial model. Experimental results also show that the intermediate-level fusion of i-vectors and NFA subspace vectors improves the performance of the state-of-the-art i-vector framework especially for the case of short utterances.Bahari M.H., Dehak N., Van hamme H., Burget L., Ali A.M., Glass J., ''Non-negative factor analysis of Gaussian mixture model weight adaptation for language and dialect recognition'', IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 1117-1129, July 2014.status: publishe

    Modeling DNN as human learner

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    In previous experiments, human listeners demonstrated that they had the ability to adapt to unheard, ambiguous phonemes after some initial, relatively short exposures. At the same time, previous work in the speech community has shown that pre-trained deep neural network-based (DNN) ASR systems, like humans, also have the ability to adapt to unseen, ambiguous phonemes after retuning their parameters on a relatively small set. In the first part of this thesis, the time-course of phoneme category adaptation in a DNN is investigated in more detail. By retuning the DNNs with more and more tokens with ambiguous sounds and comparing classification accuracy of the ambiguous phonemes in a held-out test across the time-course, we found out that DNNs, like human listeners, also demonstrated fast adaptation: the accuracy curves were step-like in almost all cases, showing very little adaptation after seeing only one (out of ten) training bins. However, unlike our experimental setup mentioned above, in a typical lexically guided perceptual learning experiment, listeners are trained with individual words instead of individual phones, and thus to truly model such a scenario, we would require a model that could take the context of a whole utterance into account. Traditional speech recognition systems accomplish this through the use of hidden Markov models (HMM) and WFST decoding. In recent years, bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) trained under connectionist temporal classification (CTC) criterion has also attracted much attention. In the second part of this thesis, previous experiments on ambiguous phoneme recognition were carried out again on a new Bi-LSTM model, and phonetic transcriptions of words ending with ambiguous phonemes were used as training targets, instead of individual sounds that consisted of a single phoneme. We found out that despite the vastly different architecture, the new model showed highly similar behavior in terms of classification rate over the time course of incremental retuning. This indicated that ambiguous phonemes in a continuous context could also be quickly adapted by neural network-based models. In the last part of this thesis, our pre-trained Dutch Bi-LSTM from the previous part was treated as a Dutch second language learner and was asked to transcribe English utterances in a self-adaptation scheme. In other words, we used the Dutch model to generate phonetic transcriptions directly and retune the model on the transcriptions it generated, although ground truth transcriptions were used to choose a subset of all self-labeled transcriptions. Self-adaptation is of interest as a model of human second language learning, but also has great practical engineering value, e.g., it could be used to adapt speech recognition to a lowr-resource language. We investigated two ways to improve the adaptation scheme, with the first being multi-task learning with articulatory feature detection during training the model on Dutch and self-labeled adaptation, and the second being first letting the model adapt to isolated short words before feeding it with longer utterances.Ope