10 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Monotone Multiscale Finite Volume Methods for Porous Media Flow

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    Multiscale finite volume methods are known to produce reduced systems with multipoint stencils which, in turn, could give non-monotone and out-of-bound solutions. We propose a novel solution to the monotonicity issue of multiscale methods. The proposed algorithmic monotone (AM- MsFV/MsRSB) framework is based on an algebraic modification to the original MsFV/MsRSB coarse-scale stencil. The AM-MsFV/MsRSB guarantees monotonic and within bound solutions without compromising accuracy for various coarsening ratios; hence, it effectively addresses the challenge of multiscale methods' sensitivity to coarse grid partitioning choices. Moreover, by preserving the near null space of the original operator, the AM-MsRSB showed promising performance when integrated in iterative formulations using both the control volume and the Galerkin-type restriction operators. We also propose a new approach to enhance the performance of MsRSB for MPFA discretized systems, particularly targeting the construction of the prolongation operator. Results show the potential of our approach in terms of accuracy of the computed basis functions and the overall convergence behavior of the multiscale solver while ensuring a monotone solution at all times.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure

    Multigrid for Chiral Lattice Fermions: Domain Wall

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    Critical slowing down for the Krylov Dirac solver presents a major obstacle to further advances in lattice field theory as it approaches the continuum solution. We propose a new multi-grid approach for chiral fermions, applicable to both the 5-d domain wall or 4-d Overlap operator. The central idea is to directly coarsen the 4-d Wilson kernel, giving an effective domain wall or overlap operator on each level. We provide here an explicit construction for the Shamir domain wall formulation with numerical tests for the 2-d Schwinger prototype, demonstrating near ideal multi-grid scaling. The framework is designed for a natural extension to 4-d lattice QCD chiral fermions, such as the M\"obius, Zolotarev or Borici domain wall discretizations or directly to a rational expansion of the 4-d Overlap operator. For the Shamir operator, the effective overlap operator is isolated by the use of a Pauli-Villars preconditioner in the spirit of the K\"ahler-Dirac spectral map used in a recent staggered MG algorithm [1].Comment: 39 pages, 13 figure