197,477 research outputs found

    Requirements-driven design and configuration management of business processes

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    The success of a business process (BP) depends on whether it meets its business goal as well as non-functional requirements associated with it. BP specifications frequently need to accommodate changing business priorities, varying client preferences, etc. However, since business process goals and preferences are rarely captured explicitly in the dominant BP modeling approaches, adapting business processes proves difficult. We propose a systematic requirements-driven approach for BP design and configuration management that uses requirements goal models to capture alternative process configurations and provides the ability to tailor deployed processes to changing business priorities or customer preferences (i.e., non-functional constraints) by configuring their corresponding goal models at the goal level. A set of design time and runtime tools for configuring business processes implemented using WS-BPEL is provided, allowing to easily change the behaviour of deployed BP instances at a high level, based on business priorities and stakeholder preferences

    Towards a scope management of non-functional requirements in requirements engineering

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    Getting business stakeholders’ goals formulated clearly and project scope defined realistically increases the chance of success for any application development process. As a consequence, stakeholders at early project stages acquire as much as possible knowledge about the requirements, their risk estimates and their prioritization. Current industrial practice suggests that in most software projects this scope assessment is performed on the user’s functional requirements (FRs), while the non-functional requirements (NFRs) remain, by and large, ignored. However, the increasing software complexity and competition in the software industry has highlighted the need to consider NFRs as an integral part of software modeling and development. This paper contributes towards harmonizing the need to build the functional behavior of a system with the need to model the associated NFRs while maintaining a scope management for NFRs. The paper presents a systematic and precisely defined model towards an early integration of NFRs within the requirements engineering (RE). Early experiences with the model indicate its ability to facilitate the process of acquiring the knowledge on the priority and risk of NFRs

    Secure activity resource coordination: empirical evidence of enhanced security awareness in designing secure business processes

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    Systems development methodologies incorporate security requirements as an afterthought in the non-functional requirements of systems. The lack of appropriate access control on information exchange among business activities can leave organizations vulnerable to information assurance threats. The gap between systems development and systems security leads to software development efforts that lack an understanding of security risks. We address the research question: how can we incorporate security as a functional requirement in the analysis and modeling of business processes? This study extends the Semantic approach to Secure Collaborative Inter-Organizational eBusiness Processes in D’Aubeterre et al. (2008). In this study, we develop the secure activity resource coordination (SARC) artifact for a real-world business process. We show how SARC can be used to create business process models characterized by the secure exchange of information within and across organizational boundaries. We present an empirical evaluation of the SARC artifact against the Enriched-Use Case (Siponen et al., 2006) and standard UML-Activity Diagram to demonstrate the utility of the proposed design method

    Collaborative Requirements Engineering Notation for Planning Globally Distributed Projects

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    Requirements engineering represents a critical phase of the software development lifecycle in which requirements describing the functional and non-functional behaviors of a system are elicited, modeled, analyzed, negotiated, agreed, and specified. In traditional software systems these tasks are typically performed in face-to-face meetings between requirements engineers and the project level stakeholders. However, in today’s global software development environment, it is becoming increasingly commonplace for stakeholders to be dispersed across multiple geographical locations and time zones. Under these circumstances, face-to-face meetings become expensive, and often impossible to facilitate, and as a result the success of the requirements process relies, at least partially, on tools and processes that support distributed communication and collaboration. To investigate the challenges and effective practices for performing requirements activities in distributed environments, we conducted a series of in-depth interviews with project managers and business analysts who have worked with non-co-located stakeholders. Since many project managers fail to plan and deploy the necessary infrastructures to support quality communication, and in practice requirements are often elicited and managed via email exchanges; we introduced a visual modeling notation to help project managers proactively plan the collaboration infrastructures needed to support requirements-related activities in globally distributed projects. An underlying meta-model defines the elements of the modeling language, including locations, stakeholder roles, communication flows, critical documents, and supporting tools and repositories. The interview findings were further analyzed to identify practices that led to success or created significant challenges for the projects; resulting in a set of patterns for globally distributed requirements engineering

    A Design Theory for Secure Semantic E-Business Processes (SSEBP)

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    This dissertation develops and evaluates a Design theory. We follow the design science approach (Hevener, et al., 2004) to answer the following research question: "How can we formulate a design theory to guide the analysis and design of Secure Semantic eBusiness processes (SSeBP)?" Goals of SSeBP design theory include (i) unambiguously represent information and knowledge resources involved in eBusiness processes to solve semantic conflicts and integrate heterogeneous information systems; (ii) analyze and model business processes that include access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to resources; and (iii) facilitate the coordination of eBusiness process activities-resources by modeling their dependencies. Business processes modeling techniques such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) (BPMI, 2004) and UML Activity Diagrams (OMG, 2003) lack theoretical foundations and are difficult to verify for correctness and completeness (Soffer and Wand, 2007). Current literature on secure information systems design methods are theoretically underdeveloped and consider security as a non-functional requirement and as an afterthought (Siponen et al. 2006, Mouratidis et al., 2005). SSeBP design theory is one of the first attempts at providing theoretically grounded guidance to design richer secure eBusiness processes for secure and coordinated seamless knowledge exchange among business partners in a value chain. SSeBP design theory allows for the inclusion of non-repudiation mechanisms into the analysis and design of eBusiness processes which lays the foundations for auditing and compliance with regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley. SSeBP design theory is evaluated through a rigorous multi-method evaluation approach including descriptive, observational, and experimental evaluation. First, SSeBP design theory is validated by modeling business processes of an industry standard named Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) approach. Our model enhances CPFR by incorporating security requirements in the process model, which is critically lacking in the current CPFR technical guidelines. Secondly, we model the demand forecasting and capacity planning business processes for two large organizations to evaluate the efficacy and utility of SSeBP design theory to capture the realistic requirements and complex nuances of real inter-organizational business processes. Finally, we empirically evaluate SSeBP, against enhanced Use Cases (Siponen et al., 2006) and UML activity diagrams, for informational equivalence (Larkin and Simon, 1987) and its utility in generating situational awareness (Endsley, 1995) of the security and coordination requirements of a business process. Specific contributions of this dissertation are to develop a design theory (SSeBP) that presents a novel and holistic approach that contributes to the IS knowledge base by filling an existing research gap in the area of design of information systems to support secure and coordinated business processes. The proposed design theory provides practitioners with the meta-design and the design process, including the system components and principles to guide the analysis and design of secure eBusiness processes that are secure and coordinated


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    The company is seen as a collection of integrated processes and business processes become a strategic asset for a company to maintain its presence in the market. An organization generally has a goal to be able to survive and always increase its performance and productivity. Business processes that run within a company are one of the most important things for the company. PT. Jaya Victori Cemerlang is a trading company that distributes a variety of JVC Car Audio products, Panasonic Car Audio, and automotive components. Business processes that are running at the company today are still using the old method such as the delivery process, which in its management still uses paper media and still mentions one by serial number. Therefore this research aims to analyze business processes to determine the functional and non-functional requirements of the system which will then be modeled using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this study using the Business Process Improvement (BPI) approach to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. The results of this study are a more effective and efficient system modeling of car audio reportingPerusahaan dilihat sebagai kumpulan proses yang saling berintegrasi dan proses bisnis menjadi aset strategis bagi suatu perusahaan untuk mempertahankan keberadaannya dalam pasar. Suatu organisasi umumnya mempunyai tujuan agar dapat bertahan dan selalu meningkat performance serta produktifitasnya. Proses bisnis yang berjalan dalam suatu perusahaan merupakan salah satu hal terpenting bagi perusahaan. PT. Jaya Victori Cemerlang merupakan sebuah perusahaan trading yang mendristribusikan  berbagai produk JVC Car Audio, Panasonic Car Audio, dan komponen otomotif Proses bisnis yang berjalan pada perusahaan saat ini masih menggunakan cara lama seperti pada proses delivery, yang dalam pengelolaanya masih menggunakan media kertas  dan masih menyebutkan satu persatu serial number. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis proses bisnis untuk menentukan kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional sistem yang kemudian akan dimodelkan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Business Process Improvement (BPI) untuk membatu meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses bisnis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah pemodelan sistem dari pelaporan car audio yang lebih efektif dan efisien


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    The company is seen as a collection of integrated processes and business processes become a strategic asset for a company to maintain its presence in the market. An organization generally has a goal to be able to survive and always increase its performance and productivity. Business processes that run within a company are one of the most important things for the company. PT. Jaya Victori Cemerlang is a trading company that distributes a variety of JVC Car Audio products, Panasonic Car Audio, and automotive components. Business processes that are running at the company today are still using the old method such as the delivery process, which in its management still uses paper media and still mentions one by serial number. Therefore this research aims to analyze business processes to determine the functional and non-functional requirements of the system which will then be modeled using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this study using the Business Process Improvement (BPI) approach to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. The results of this study are a more effective and efficient system modeling of car audio reportingPerusahaan dilihat sebagai kumpulan proses yang saling berintegrasi dan proses bisnis menjadi aset strategis bagi suatu perusahaan untuk mempertahankan keberadaannya dalam pasar. Suatu organisasi umumnya mempunyai tujuan agar dapat bertahan dan selalu meningkat performance serta produktifitasnya. Proses bisnis yang berjalan dalam suatu perusahaan merupakan salah satu hal terpenting bagi perusahaan. PT. Jaya Victori Cemerlang merupakan sebuah perusahaan trading yang mendristribusikan  berbagai produk JVC Car Audio, Panasonic Car Audio, dan komponen otomotif Proses bisnis yang berjalan pada perusahaan saat ini masih menggunakan cara lama seperti pada proses delivery, yang dalam pengelolaanya masih menggunakan media kertas  dan masih menyebutkan satu persatu serial number. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis proses bisnis untuk menentukan kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional sistem yang kemudian akan dimodelkan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Business Process Improvement (BPI) untuk membatu meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses bisnis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah pemodelan sistem dari pelaporan car audio yang lebih efektif dan efisien

    Modeling Software Process Configurations for Enterprise Adaptability

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    Abstract. Modern enterprises are expected to continuously evolve and adapt to uncertain environmental conditions and evolving customer trends. Adaptability in software processes enable enterprises to respond to changing situations by selecting software process configurations that help best meet enterprise-level business goals. Conventional methods of modeling and designing software processes are limited in their ability to visualize these software process configurations, reason about them and select an appropriate configuration which meet functional and non-functional requirements while considering enterprise-level perspectives. As part of our PhD project, we propose a requirements-based software process adaptability framework that considers software process adaptability, first at a process-centric and then at an agent-centric level. Key constructs for this framework are discussed and illustrated by using the DevOps approach as an example

    Sistem Informasi ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) untuk Mendukung Fungsi Bisnis pada PT. Cipta Mandiri Elektrindo

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    The development of information technology that has an impact on behavior and culture in business can be so easy and fast. It becomes a challenge for a company to be able to balance and play an active role in order to compete in the business world. In this study researchers tried to model the ERP concept as the basic foundation of integrated business processes. The usecase and squares diagrams are used as business process modeling. the implementation of software development involving modules, views and controllers reinforced with the LRS design is used to display database connectivity. The basis path test gives results with value 3 is an use of algorithms in low risk categories. Validation testing with valid results becomes a response with fulfilled functional requirements. While the results of testing non-functional requirements related to usability through the calculation of the T test where t hit = 4.580> t 0.05, 9 = 2.265, indicating that the system application is acceptable and influences the efficiency and effectiveness of work

    Multi-perspective requirements engineering for networked business systems: a framework for pattern composition

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    How business and software analysts explore, document, and negotiate requirements for enterprise systems is critical to the benefits their organizations will eventually derive. In this paper, we present a framework for analysis and redesign of networked business systems. It is based on libraries of patterns which are derived from existing Internet businesses. The framework includes three perspectives: Economic value, Business processes, and Application communication, each of which applies a goal-oriented method to compose patterns. By means of consistency relationships between perspectives, we demonstrate the usefulness of the patterns as a light-weight approach to exploration of business ideas
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