6,375 research outputs found

    Non Trivial Computations in Anonymous Dynamic Networks

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    In this paper we consider a static set of anonymous processes, i.e., they do not have distinguished IDs, that communicate with neighbors using a local broadcast primitive. The communication graph changes at each computational round with the restriction of being always connected, i.e., the network topology guarantees 1-interval connectivity. In such setting non trivial computations, i.e., answering to a predicate like "there exists at least one process with initial input a?", are impossible. In a recent work, it has been conjectured that the impossibility holds even if a distinguished leader process is available within the computation. In this paper we prove that the conjecture is false. We show this result by implementing a deterministic leader-based terminating counting algorithm. In order to build our counting algorithm we first develop a counting technique that is time optimal on a family of dynamic graphs where each process has a fixed distance h from the leader and such distance does not change along rounds. Using this technique we build an algorithm that counts in anonymous 1-interval connected networks

    A Faster Counting Protocol for Anonymous Dynamic Networks

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    We study the problem of counting the number of nodes in a slotted-time communication network, under the challenging assumption that nodes do not have identifiers and the network topology changes frequently. That is, for each time slot links among nodes can change arbitrarily provided that the network is always connected. Tolerating dynamic topologies is crucial in face of mobility and unreliable communication whereas, even if identifiers are available, it might be convenient to ignore them in massive networks with changing topology. Counting is a fundamental task in distributed computing since knowing the size of the system often facilitates the design of solutions for more complex problems. Currently, the best upper bound proved on the running time to compute the exact network size is double-exponential. However, only linear complexity lower bounds are known, leaving open the question of whether efficient Counting protocols for Anonymous Dynamic Networks exist or not. In this paper we make a significant step towards answering this question by presenting a distributed Counting protocol for Anonymous Dynamic Networks which has exponential time complexity. Our algorithm ensures that eventually every node knows the exact size of the system and stops executing the algorithm. Previous Counting protocols have either double-exponential time complexity, or they are exponential but do not terminate, or terminate but do not provide running-time guarantees, or guarantee only an exponential upper bound on the network size. Other protocols are heuristic and do not guarantee the correct count

    Optimal Computation in Leaderless and Multi-Leader Disconnected Anonymous Dynamic Networks

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    We give a simple characterization of which functions can be computed deterministically by anonymous processes in disconnected dynamic networks, depending on the number of leaders in the network. In addition, we provide efficient distributed algorithms for computing all such functions assuming minimal or no knowledge about the network. Each of our algorithms comes in two versions: one that terminates with the correct output and a faster one that stabilizes on the correct output without explicit termination. Notably, these are the first deterministic algorithms whose running times scale linearly with both the number of processes and a parameter of the network which we call "dynamic disconnectivity". We also provide matching lower bounds, showing that all our algorithms are asymptotically optimal for any fixed number of leaders. While most of the existing literature on anonymous dynamic networks relies on classical mass-distribution techniques, our work makes use of a recently introduced combinatorial structure called "history tree", also developing its theory in new directions. Among other contributions, our results make definitive progress on two popular fundamental problems for anonymous dynamic networks: leaderless Average Consensus (i.e., computing the mean value of input numbers distributed among the processes) and multi-leader Counting (i.e., determining the exact number of processes in the network). In fact, our approach unifies and improves upon several independent lines of research on anonymous networks, including Nedic et al., IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 2009; Olshevsky, SIAM J. Control Optim. 2017; Kowalski-Mosteiro, ICALP 2019, SPAA 2021; Di Luna-Viglietta, FOCS 2022.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2204.0212

    Termination Detection of Local Computations

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    Contrary to the sequential world, the processes involved in a distributed system do not necessarily know when a computation is globally finished. This paper investigates the problem of the detection of the termination of local computations. We define four types of termination detection: no detection, detection of the local termination, detection by a distributed observer, detection of the global termination. We give a complete characterisation (except in the local termination detection case where a partial one is given) for each of this termination detection and show that they define a strict hierarchy. These results emphasise the difference between computability of a distributed task and termination detection. Furthermore, these characterisations encompass all standard criteria that are usually formulated : topological restriction (tree, rings, or triangu- lated networks ...), topological knowledge (size, diameter ...), and local knowledge to distinguish nodes (identities, sense of direction). These results are now presented as corollaries of generalising theorems. As a very special and important case, the techniques are also applied to the election problem. Though given in the model of local computations, these results can give qualitative insight for similar results in other standard models. The necessary conditions involve graphs covering and quasi-covering; the sufficient conditions (constructive local computations) are based upon an enumeration algorithm of Mazurkiewicz and a stable properties detection algorithm of Szymanski, Shi and Prywes
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