445 research outputs found

    Nominated Texture Based Cervical Cancer Classification

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    Accurate classification of Pap smear images becomes the challenging task in medical image processing. This can be improved in two ways. One way is by selecting suitable well defined specific features and the other is by selecting the best classifier. This paper presents a nominated texture based cervical cancer (NTCC) classification system which classifies the Pap smear images into any one of the seven classes. This can be achieved by extracting well defined texture features and selecting best classifier. Seven sets of texture features (24 features) are extracted which include relative size of nucleus and cytoplasm, dynamic range and first four moments of intensities of nucleus and cytoplasm, relative displacement of nucleus within the cytoplasm, gray level cooccurrence matrix, local binary pattern histogram, tamura features, and edge orientation histogram. Few types of support vector machine (SVM) and neural network (NN) classifiers are used for the classification. The performance of the NTCC algorithm is tested and compared to other algorithms on public image database of Herlev University Hospital, Denmark, with 917 Pap smear images. The output of SVM is found to be best for the most of the classes and better results for the remaining classes

    Improving Hierarchical Decision Approach for Single Image Classification of Pap Smear

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    The single image classification of Pap smears is an important part of the early detection of cervical cancer through Pap smear tests. Unfortunately, most classification processes still require accuracy enhancement, especially to complete the classification in seven classes and to get a qualified classification process. In addition, attempts to improve the single image classification of Pap smears were performed to be able to distinguish normal and abnormal cells. This study proposes a better approach by providing different handling of the initial data preparation process in the form of the distribution for training data and testing data so that it resulted in a new model of Hierarchial Decision Approach (HDA) which has the higher learning rate and momentum values in the proposed new model. This study evaluated 20 different features in hierarchical decision approach model based on Neural Network (NN) and genetic algorithm method for single image classification of Pap smear which resulted in classification experiment using value learning rate of 0.3 and momentum of 0.2 and value of learning rate of 0.5 and momentum of 0.5 by generating classification of 7 classes (Normal Intermediate, Normal Colummar, Mild (Light) Dyplasia, Moderate Dyplasia, Servere Dyplasia and Carcinoma In Situ) better. The accuracy value enhancemenet were also influenced by the application of Genetic Algorithm to feature selection. Thus, from the results of model testing, it can be concluded that the Hierarchical Decision Approach (HDA) method for Pap Smear image classification can be used as a reference for initial screening process to analyze Pap Smear image classification


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    Perubahan orientasi objek pada saat akuisisi memerlukan metode ekstraksi fitur yang invariant terhadap rotasi. Ekstraksi fitur tekstur yang telah digunakan dalam kombinasi fitur sebelumnya untuk klasifikasi sel serviks pada dataset Herlev antara lain homogenitas GLCM dan Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier (LBP-HF). Namun perhitungan GLCM sensitif terhadap rotasi dan transformasi fourier LBP-HF mengabaikan penataan struktur histogram dengan hanya mempertimbangkan magnitude spektrum transformasi sehingga kehilangan beberapa informasi diskriminatif dan informasi frekuensi citra.Penelitian ini mengusulkan kombinasi fitur bentuk deskriptor regional dan fitur tekstur Uniform Rotated Local Binary Pattern (uRLBP). uRLBP merupakan metode ekstraksi fitur yang dapat mengatasi kelemahan metode tekstur sebelumnya dengan mengatur arah referensi lokal yang dapat mempertahankan informasi orientasi lokal dan informasi diskriminatif citra sehingga mencapai invariant terhadap rotasi. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil klasifikasi metode yang diusulkan dengan metode pada penelitian sebelumnya dalam melakukan klasifikasi sel serviks pada citra pap smear.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu mengklasifikasikan sel serviks lebih optimal dibandingkan metode kombinasi fitur bentuk & fitur tekstur homogenitas GLCM dan metode kombinasi fitur bentuk & fitur tekstur LBP-HF. Nilai akurasi menggunakan metode klasifikasi Fuzzy k-NN adalah 91.59% untuk dua kategori sel dan 67.89% untuk tujuh kelas sel

    Automatic Segmentation of Cells of Different Types in Fluorescence Microscopy Images

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    Recognition of different cell compartments, types of cells, and their interactions is a critical aspect of quantitative cell biology. This provides a valuable insight for understanding cellular and subcellular interactions and mechanisms of biological processes, such as cancer cell dissemination, organ development and wound healing. Quantitative analysis of cell images is also the mainstay of numerous clinical diagnostic and grading procedures, for example in cancer, immunological, infectious, heart and lung disease. Computer automation of cellular biological samples quantification requires segmenting different cellular and sub-cellular structures in microscopy images. However, automating this problem has proven to be non-trivial, and requires solving multi-class image segmentation tasks that are challenging owing to the high similarity of objects from different classes and irregularly shaped structures. This thesis focuses on the development and application of probabilistic graphical models to multi-class cell segmentation. Graphical models can improve the segmentation accuracy by their ability to exploit prior knowledge and model inter-class dependencies. Directed acyclic graphs, such as trees have been widely used to model top-down statistical dependencies as a prior for improved image segmentation. However, using trees, a few inter-class constraints can be captured. To overcome this limitation, polytree graphical models are proposed in this thesis that capture label proximity relations more naturally compared to tree-based approaches. Polytrees can effectively impose the prior knowledge on the inclusion of different classes by capturing both same-level and across-level dependencies. A novel recursive mechanism based on two-pass message passing is developed to efficiently calculate closed form posteriors of graph nodes on polytrees. Furthermore, since an accurate and sufficiently large ground truth is not always available for training segmentation algorithms, a weakly supervised framework is developed to employ polytrees for multi-class segmentation that reduces the need for training with the aid of modeling the prior knowledge during segmentation. Generating a hierarchical graph for the superpixels in the image, labels of nodes are inferred through a novel efficient message-passing algorithm and the model parameters are optimized with Expectation Maximization (EM). Results of evaluation on the segmentation of simulated data and multiple publicly available fluorescence microscopy datasets indicate the outperformance of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art. The proposed method has also been assessed in predicting the possible segmentation error and has been shown to outperform trees. This can pave the way to calculate uncertainty measures on the resulting segmentation and guide subsequent segmentation refinement, which can be useful in the development of an interactive segmentation framework

    ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma

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    A European consensus conference on endometrial carcinoma was held in 2014 to produce multi-disciplinary evidence-based guidelines on selected questions. Given the large body of literature on the management of endometrial carcinoma published since 2014, the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), and the European Society of Pathology (ESP) jointly decided to update these evidence-based guidelines and to cover new topics in order to improve the quality of care for women with endometrial carcinoma across Europe and worldwide

    Klasifikasi Sel Serviks Pada Citra Pap Smear Berdasarkan Fitur Bentuk Deskriptor Regional Dan Fitur Tekstur Uniform Rotated Local Binary Pattern

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    Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian kanker pada wanita di dunia. Hal ini dapat dicegah jika diperiksa pada tahap pre-cancerous. Papanicolaou test adalah pemeriksaan kanker serviks secara manual yang membutuhkan waktu lama dalam mengklasifikasi sel, sehingga dibutuhkan sistem klasifikasi sel berbasis komputer. Perubahan orientasi objek pada saat akuisisi memerlukan metode ekstraksi fitur yang invariant terhadap rotasi. Area dan compactness merupakan deskriptor regional bentuk yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap orientasi objek dan deskriptor tekstur merupakan deskriptor penting untuk mendeteksi setiap tahapan kanker. Ekstraksi fitur tekstur yang telah digunakan dalam kombinasi fitur sebelumnya untuk klasifikasi sel serviks pada dataset Herlev antara lain Homogenitas GLCM, Uniform Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern (LBPriu), dan Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier (LBP-HF). Namun perhitungan GLCM sensitif terhadap rotasi, LBPriu mengabaikan beberapa informasi orientasi lokal dan kehilangan beberapa informasi diskriminatif citra karena pemetaan yang padat, dan transformasi fourier LBP-HF mengabaikan penataan struktur histogram dengan hanya mempertimbangkan magnitude spektrum transformasi, sehingga kehilangan beberapa informasi diskriminatif dan informasi frekuensi citra. Uniform Rotated Local Binary Pattern (uRLBP) merupakan metode ekstraksi fitur yang dapat mengatasi kelemahan metode tekstur sebelumnya dengan mengatur arah referensi lokal mengikuti orientasi objek yang dapat mempertahankan informasi orientasi lokal dan informasi diskriminatif citra sehingga mencapai invariant terhadap rotasi. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan peningkatan akurasi ketika fitur bentuk dan fitur tekstur dikombinasikan yang menjadi dasar dalam mengombinasikan fitur bentuk dan fitur tekstur untuk membedakan ciri antar kelas sel agar lebih spesifik. Penelitian ini mengusulkan kombinasi fitur bentuk deskriptor regional dan fitur tekstur uRLBP yang invariant terhadap rotasi untuk mengklasifikasikan sel serviks pada citra pap smear. Dari evaluasi diperoleh bahwa kombinasi fitur bentuk dan fitur tekstur untuk klasifikasi berdasarkan dua kategori sel dan tujuh kelas sel untuk klasifikasi sel serviks pada citra pap smear menggunakan Fuzzy k-NN, yaitu dengan akurasi tertinggi 91.59% dan 67.89% ketika parameter (P=8,R=3) pada uRLBP dan k=14 pada Fuzzy k-NN. ================================================================= Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women in the world. This can be prevented if examined at a pre-cancerous stage. Papanicolaou test is a manual cervical cancer examination that takes a long time in classifying the cell, so it takes a computer-based classification system. Changes in object orientation at the time of acquisition require feature extraction methods that produces a rotation invariant. Area and compactness are regional descriptor shapes that have no effect on object orientation and texture descriptor is an important to detect every stage of cancer. Extraction of texture features that have been used in previous feature combinations for cervical cell classification in Herlev dataset including homogeneity of GLCM, Uniform Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern (LBPriu), and Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier (LBP-HF). But the GLCM calculation is sensitive to rotation, LBPriu ignores some local orientation information and loses some discriminative information of image due to the compact mapping, and the fourier transform of LBP-HF completely ignores the structure arrangement of histogram by only considering the magnitude of the transformation spectrum, thereby losing some discriminative information and the information present in the frequency from image. Uniform Rotated Local Binary Pattern (uRLBP) is a feature extraction method that able to overcome the limitation of previous texture methods by setting the local reference direction according to object orientation that able to maintain local orientation information and discriminative information so as to achieve rotation invariant. Previous studies have proven that classification accuracy will be increased when the shape and texture features were combine. This become the motivation in combining shape and texture feature to discriminate the between-class characteristics of the cell to be more specific. This study proposes the combination of regional descriptor shape and uRLBP texture features that produces a rotation invariant feature to classify cervical cells in pap smear images. The evaluation result shows that the combination of shape and texture features is able to produce a rotation invariant feature and used to classify cervical cells in pap smear images based on two cell categories and seven cell classes using Fuzzy k-NN, with highest accuracy is 91.59% and 67.89% respectively when parameters (P=8,R=3) on uRLBP and k=14 on Fuzzy k-NN

    Otimização de descritores usados nos estudos de cambios associadas à malignidade em imagens digitais de células cervicais

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    Orientadores: Marco Antonio Garcia de Carvalho, Guilherme Palermo CoelhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de TecnologiaResumo: O Câncer de Colo de Útero (CCU) é um problema de saúde coletiva em todo o mundo, nesse sentido foram feitos grandes avanços para sua detecção e prevenção. Apesar dos esforços feitos pelos países da América Latina para reduzir os indicadores de mortes por essa doença, eles ainda não são suficientes em comparação com o progresso de outros países europeus.Uma das razões, é que os sistemas de saúde pública em vários países da América têm limitações importantes em seus programas de acompanhamento e prevenção.O vírus do papanicolau está associado a 95 % dos cânceres cervicais, embora as instituições de saúde pública em todo o mundo invistam esforços técnicos, humanos e econômicos para reduzir o impacto da CCU em suas comunidades. Desde 1960, são realizadas pesquisas a respeito ao exame do Papanicolau, considerado este como um dos mecanismos mais utilizados pelo mundo para controlar e diagnosticar esta doença. Alterações Associadas à Malignidade (MAC), são pequenas alterações na morfologia e textura da cromatina, predizendo possíveis lesões malignas associadas ao CCU, tornando-se uma investigação interessante na aplicação do exame do panicolau. A identificação de MAC¿s em imagens de células cervicais é um problema accessível a possíveis investigações, devido às complexidades da identificação visual de estruturas nucleares. A partir das técnicas de Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI), tem se conseguido grandes avanços, especialmente na obtenção de 400 descritores para o estudo de MAC's, no entanto a pequena quantidade de imagens focadas no estudo MAC, assim como a limitação técnica do equipamento e poucos profissionais que trabalham nesses estudos limitam o progresso nesta área. Esta tese tem como objetivo, otimizar descritores propostos na literatura para o estudo do MAC utilizando PDI. Para atingir este objetivo, foi criado em conjunto com a Fundação Universitária de Ciências para a Saúde da Colômbia (FUCS), um Data set de imagens de células cervicais que possibilitará o estudo de MAC's. Para adquirir imagens para o estudo, foram digitalizadas 6 folhas de pacientes com diferentes patologias que foram diagnosticadas e marcadas por uma cito-técnica especializada. As imagens foram pré-processadas empregando filtros espaciais e núcleos segmentados usando o algoritmo k-means e watershed. Os canais de cor foram separados pela sua contribuição de hematoxilina e corante Orange G6 dos núcleos segmentados; se extraíram 800 descritores morfológicos, de textura, densidade óptica e iluminação dos núcleos para sua posterior classificação. Contribuímos com a criação de um conjunto de dados para o estudo do MAC em imagens de CCU de exames de citologia convencional. Comparamos três classificadores supervisionados, treinados com 795 descritores, 412 descritores, 200 descritores e 962 instâncias. Calculamos e ordenamos os descritores extraídos pela informação obtida de cada um deles. Com um grupo de descritores, a precisão da classificação é 95,3 %. A segmentação dos núcleos mostrou uma precisão de 85,6 %. A otimização dos descritores foi de 4,3% melhor que a dos descritores propostos pela literatura, sendo composta por 30% de descritores de textura, 27% de descritores morfológicos, 11,5% de descritores de densidade óptica e 17% de descritores associados à concordância de níveis de cinzaAbstract: Cervical cancer (CCU) is a collective health problem worldwide, in that sense great advances have been made for its detection and prevention. Despite the efforts made by Latin American countries to reduce the indicators of deaths from this disease, they are still not sufficient compared to the progress of other European countries. One of the reasons is that the public health systems of several countries in the Americas present important limitations in their monitoring and prevention programs. The Human Papilloma Virus is associated with 95% of cervical cancers. Public health institutions around the world invest technical, human, and economic efforts to lessen the impact of the CCU on their communities. The mechanism most used by the world to control and diagnose this disease is the examination of the Human Papilloma. Research on this test has been conducted since 1960. The Malignancy Associated Changes MAC, are slight alterations in the morphology and texture of chromatin predicting possible malignant lesions associated to CCU, becoming one of the promising researches to be applied in the examination of the human papilloma. The identification of MAC's in cervical cell images is an open problem, due to the complexities of visual identification of nuclear structures. From Digital Image Processing (DIP) techniques great advances have been made especially in obtaining 400 descriptors for the study of MAC's, however the small amount of images focused on MAC's study, as well as the technical limitation of the equipment and few professionals who worked to these studies has limited progress in this area. The objective of this thesis is to optimize the descriptors proposed in the literature for the study of MAC using DIP. In order to achieve this objective, a set of cervical cell images was created for the study of MAC's, in conjunction with the Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias para la Salud-Colombia (FUCS). With the purpose of acquiring images for the study, 6 slides of patients with different pathologies were digitalized, which were diagnosed and labeled by a specialized cyto-technique. The images were pre-processed using spatial filters and segmented nuclei using the k-means and watershed algorithm. The color channels were separated by contribution of Hematoxylin and Orange G6 dye from the segmented nuclei; 800 morphological, texture, optical density and illumination descriptors were extracted from the nuclei for later classification. We contributed with the creation of a Data Set for the study of MAC in CCU images of conventional cytology examinations. We compared three supervised classifiers with 795 descriptors, 412 descriptors, 200 descriptors and 962 instances. We calculated and sorted the extracted descriptors by the information gain of each one of them. The optimization of the descriptors was 4.3% better than the descriptors proposed in the literature, consisting of 30% texture descriptors, 27% morphological descriptors, 11.5% optical density descriptors and 17% descriptors associated with the agreement of gray levelsDoutoradoSistemas de Informação e ComunicaçãoDoutor em TecnologiaCAPE