70,531 research outputs found

    Extracting fetal heart beats from maternal abdominal recordings: Selection of the optimal principal components

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    This study presents a systematic comparison of different approaches to the automated selection of the principal components (PC) which optimise the detection of maternal and fetal heart beats from non-invasive maternal abdominal recordings. A public database of 75 4-channel non-invasive maternal abdominal recordings was used for training the algorithm. Four methods were developed and assessed to determine the optimal PC: (1) power spectral distribution, (2) root mean square, (3) sample entropy, and (4) QRS template. The sensitivity of the performance of the algorithm to large-amplitude noise removal (by wavelet de-noising) and maternal beat cancellation methods were also assessed. The accuracy of maternal and fetal beat detection was assessed against reference annotations and quantified using the detection accuracy score F1 [2*PPV*Se / (PPV + Se)], sensitivity (Se), and positive predictive value (PPV). The best performing implementation was assessed on a test dataset of 100 recordings and the agreement between the computed and the reference fetal heart rate (fHR) and fetal RR (fRR) time series quantified. The best performance for detecting maternal beats (F1 99.3%, Se 99.0%, PPV 99.7%) was obtained when using the QRS template method to select the optimal maternal PC and applying wavelet de-noising. The best performance for detecting fetal beats (F1 89.8%, Se 89.3%, PPV 90.5%) was obtained when the optimal fetal PC was selected using the sample entropy method and utilising a fixed-length time window for the cancellation of the maternal beats. The performance on the test dataset was 142.7 beats2/min2 for fHR and 19.9 ms for fRR, ranking respectively 14 and 17 (out of 29) when compared to the other algorithms presented at the Physionet Challenge 2013

    Kalman tracking of linear predictor and harmonic noise models for noisy speech enhancement

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    This paper presents a speech enhancement method based on the tracking and denoising of the formants of a linear prediction (LP) model of the spectral envelope of speech and the parameters of a harmonic noise model (HNM) of its excitation. The main advantages of tracking and denoising the prominent energy contours of speech are the efficient use of the spectral and temporal structures of successive speech frames and a mitigation of processing artefact known as the ‘musical noise’ or ‘musical tones’.The formant-tracking linear prediction (FTLP) model estimation consists of three stages: (a) speech pre-cleaning based on a spectral amplitude estimation, (b) formant-tracking across successive speech frames using the Viterbi method, and (c) Kalman filtering of the formant trajectories across successive speech frames.The HNM parameters for the excitation signal comprise; voiced/unvoiced decision, the fundamental frequency, the harmonics’ amplitudes and the variance of the noise component of excitation. A frequency-domain pitch extraction method is proposed that searches for the peak signal to noise ratios (SNRs) at the harmonics. For each speech frame several pitch candidates are calculated. An estimate of the pitch trajectory across successive frames is obtained using a Viterbi decoder. The trajectories of the noisy excitation harmonics across successive speech frames are modeled and denoised using Kalman filters.The proposed method is used to deconstruct noisy speech, de-noise its model parameters and then reconstitute speech from its cleaned parts. Experimental evaluations show the performance gains of the formant tracking, pitch extraction and noise reduction stages

    Data Reduction Pipeline for the CHARIS Integral-Field Spectrograph I: Detector Readout Calibration and Data Cube Extraction

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    We present the data reduction pipeline for CHARIS, a high-contrast integral-field spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope. The pipeline constructs a ramp from the raw reads using the measured nonlinear pixel response, and reconstructs the data cube using one of three extraction algorithms: aperture photometry, optimal extraction, or χ2\chi^2 fitting. We measure and apply both a detector flatfield and a lenslet flatfield and reconstruct the wavelength- and position-dependent lenslet point-spread function (PSF) from images taken with a tunable laser. We use these measured PSFs to implement a χ2\chi^2-based extraction of the data cube, with typical residuals of ~5% due to imperfect models of the undersampled lenslet PSFs. The full two-dimensional residual of the χ2\chi^2 extraction allows us to model and remove correlated read noise, dramatically improving CHARIS' performance. The χ2\chi^2 extraction produces a data cube that has been deconvolved with the line-spread function, and never performs any interpolations of either the data or the individual lenslet spectra. The extracted data cube also includes uncertainties for each spatial and spectral measurement. CHARIS' software is parallelized, written in Python and Cython, and freely available on github with a separate documentation page. Astrometric and spectrophotometric calibrations of the data cubes and PSF subtraction will be treated in a forthcoming paper.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, replaced with JATIS accepted version (emulateapj formatted here). Software at https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/charis-dep and documentation at http://princetonuniversity.github.io/charis-de

    Systematic methods for the computation of the directional fields and singular points of fingerprints

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    The first subject of the paper is the estimation of a high resolution directional field of fingerprints. Traditional methods are discussed and a method, based on principal component analysis, is proposed. The method not only computes the direction in any pixel location, but its coherence as well. It is proven that this method provides exactly the same results as the "averaged square-gradient method" that is known from literature. Undoubtedly, the existence of a completely different equivalent solution increases the insight into the problem's nature. The second subject of the paper is singular point detection. A very efficient algorithm is proposed that extracts singular points from the high-resolution directional field. The algorithm is based on the Poincare index and provides a consistent binary decision that is not based on postprocessing steps like applying a threshold on a continuous resemblance measure for singular points. Furthermore, a method is presented to estimate the orientation of the extracted singular points. The accuracy of the methods is illustrated by experiments on a live-scanned fingerprint databas