36,915 research outputs found

    Detection of weak stochastic force in a parametrically stabilized micro opto-mechanical system

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    Measuring a weak force is an important task for micro-mechanical systems, both when using devices as sensitive detectors and, particularly, in experiments of quantum mechanics. The optimal strategy for resolving a weak stochastic signal force on a huge background (typically given by thermal noise) is a crucial and debated topic, and the stability of the mechanical resonance is a further, related critical issue. We introduce and analyze the parametric control of the optical spring, that allows to stabilize the resonance and provides a phase reference for the oscillator motion, yet conserving a free evolution in one quadrature of the phase space. We also study quantitatively the characteristics of our micro opto-mechanical system as detector of stochastic force for short measurement times (for quick, high resolution monitoring) as well as for the longer term observations that optimize the sensitivity. We compare a simple, naive strategy based on the evaluation of the variance of the displacement (that is a widely used technique) with an optimal Wiener-Kolmogorov data analysis. We show that, thanks to the parametric stabilization of the effective susceptibility, we can more efficiently implement Wiener filtering, and we investigate how this strategy improves the performance of our system. We finally demonstrate the possibility to resolve stochastic force variations well below 1% of the thermal noise

    Suppression of Biodynamic Interference by Adaptive Filtering

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    Preliminary experimental results obtained in moving base simulator tests are presented. Both for pursuit and compensatory tracking tasks, a strong deterioration in tracking performance due to biodynamic interference is found. The use of adaptive filtering is shown to substantially alleviate these effects, resulting in a markedly improved tracking performance and reduction in task difficulty. The effect of simulator motion and of adaptive filtering on human operator describing functions is investigated. Adaptive filtering is found to substantially increase pilot gain and cross-over frequency, implying a more tight tracking behavior. The adaptive filter is found to be effective in particular for high-gain proportional dynamics, low display forcing function power and for pursuit tracking task configurations

    A technique for improved stability of adaptive feedforward controllers without detailed uncertainty measurements

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    Model errors in adaptive controllers for reduction of broadband noise and vibrations may lead to unstable systems or increased error signals. Previous work has shown that the addition of a low-authority controller that increases damping in the system may lead to improved performance of an adaptive, high-authority controller. Other researchers have suggested to use frequency dependent regularization based on measured uncertainties. In this paper an alternative method is presented that avoids the disadvantages of these methods namely the additional complex hardware, and the need to obtain detailed information of the uncertainties. An analysis is made of an active noise control system in which a difference exists between the secondary path and the model as used in the controller. The real parts of the eigenvalues that determine the stability of the system are expressed in terms of the amount of uncertainty and the singular values of the secondary path. Based on these expressions, modifications of the feedforward control scheme are suggested that aim to improved performance without requiring detailed uncertainty measurements. For an active noise control system in a room it is shown that the technique leads to improved performance in terms of robustness and the amount of reduction of the error signals

    Echo Cancellation : the generalized likelihood ratio test for double-talk vs. channel change

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    Echo cancellers are required in both electrical (impedance mismatch) and acoustic (speaker-microphone coupling) applications. One of the main design problems is the control logic for adaptation. Basically, the algorithm weights should be frozen in the presence of double-talk and adapt quickly in the absence of double-talk. The optimum likelihood ratio test (LRT) for this problem was studied in a recent paper. The LRT requires a priori knowledge of the background noise and double-talk power levels. Instead, this paper derives a generalized log likelihood ratio test (GLRT) that does not require this knowledge. The probability density function of a sufficient statistic under each hypothesis is obtained and the performance of the test is evaluated as a function of the system parameters. The receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) indicate that it is difficult to correctly decide between double-talk and a channel change, based upon a single look. However, detection based on about 200 successive samples yields a detection probability close to unity (0.99) with a small false alarm probability (0.01) for the theoretical GLRT model. Application of a GLRT-based echo canceller (EC) to real voice data shows comparable performance to that of the LRT-based EC given in a recent paper

    On linear H∞ equalization of communication channels

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    As an alternative to existing techniques and algorithms, we investigate the merit of the H∞ approach to the linear equalization of communication channels. We first give the formulation of all causal H∞ equalizers using the results of and then look at the finite delay case. We compare the risk-sensitive H∞ equalizer with the MMSE equalizer with respect to both the average and the worst-case BER performances and illustrate the improvement due to the use of the H∞ equalizer