316 research outputs found

    Development of an integrated configuration management/flight director system for piloted STOL approaches

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    A system analysis method for the development of an integrated configuration management/flight director system for IFR STOL approaches is presented. Curved descending decelerating approach trajectories are considered. Considerable emphasis is placed on satisfying the pilot centered requirements (acceptable workload) as well as the usual guidance and control requirements (acceptable performance). The Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Aircraft was utilized to allow illustration by example, and to validate the analysis procedure via manned simulation

    Application of Hierarchical Temporal Memory to Anomaly Detection of Vital Signs for Ambient Assisted Living

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    This thesis presents the development of a framework for anomaly detection of vital signs for an Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) health monitoring scenario. It is driven by spatiotemporal reasoning of vital signs that Cortical Learning Algorithms (CLA) based on Hierarchal Temporal Memory (HTM) theory undertakes in an AAL health monitoring scenario to detect anomalous data points preceding cardiac arrest. This thesis begins with a literature review on the existing Ambient intelligence (AmI) paradigm, AAL technologies and anomaly detection algorithms used in a health monitoring scenario. The research revealed the significance of the temporal and spatial reasoning in the vital signs monitoring as the spatiotemporal patterns of vital signs provide a basis to detect irregularities in the health status of elderly people. The HTM theory is yet to be adequately deployed in an AAL health monitoring scenario. Hence HTM theory, network and core operations of the CLA are explored. Despite the fact that standard implementation of the HTM theory comprises of a single-level hierarchy, multiple vital signs, specifically the correlation between them is not sufficiently considered. This insufficiency is of particular significance considering that vital signs are correlated in time and space, which are used in the health monitoring applications for diagnosis and prognosis tasks. This research proposes a novel framework consisting of multi-level HTM networks. The lower level consists of four models allocated to the four vital signs, Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), Heart Rate (HR) and peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) in order to learn the spatiotemporal patterns of each vital sign. Additionally, a higher level is introduced to learn spatiotemporal patterns of the anomalous data point detected from the four vital signs. The proposed hierarchical organisation improves the model’s performance by using the semantically improved representation of the sensed data because patterns learned at each level of the hierarchy are reused when combined in novel ways at higher levels. To investigate and evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, several data selection techniques are studied, and accordingly, a total record of 247 elderly patients is extracted from the MIMIC-III clinical database. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated and compared against several state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms using both online and traditional metrics. The proposed framework achieved 83% NAB score which outperforms the HTM and k-NN algorithms by 15%, the HBOS and INFLO SVD by 16% and the k-NN PCA by 21% while the SVM scored 34%. The results prove that multiple HTM networks can achieve better performance when dealing with multi-dimensional data, i.e. data collected from more than one source/sensor

    Multimodal Signal Processing for Diagnosis of Cardiorespiratory Disorders

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    This thesis addresses the use of multimodal signal processing to develop algorithms for the automated processing of two cardiorespiratory disorders. The aim of the first application of this thesis was to reduce false alarm rate in an intensive care unit. The goal was to detect five critical arrhythmias using processing of multimodal signals including photoplethysmography, arterial blood pressure, Lead II and augmented right arm electrocardiogram (ECG). A hierarchical approach was used to process the signals as well as a custom signal processing technique for each arrhythmia type. Sleep disorders are a prevalent health issue, currently costly and inconvenient to diagnose, as they normally require an overnight hospital stay by the patient. In the second application of this project, we designed automated signal processing algorithms for the diagnosis of sleep apnoea with a main focus on the ECG signal processing. We estimated the ECG-derived respiratory (EDR) signal using different methods: QRS-complex area, principal component analysis (PCA) and kernel PCA. We proposed two algorithms (segmented PCA and approximated PCA) for EDR estimation to enable applying the PCA method to overnight recordings and rectify the computational issues and memory requirement. We compared the EDR information against the chest respiratory effort signals. The performance was evaluated using three automated machine learning algorithms of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), extreme learning machine (ELM) and support vector machine (SVM) on two databases: the MIT PhysioNet database and the St. Vincent’s database. The results showed that the QRS area method for EDR estimation combined with the LDA classifier was the highest performing method and the EDR signals contain respiratory information useful for discriminating sleep apnoea. As a final step, heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) features were extracted and combined with the EDR features and temporal optimisation techniques were applied. The cross-validation results of the minute-by-minute apnoea classification achieved an accuracy of 89%, a sensitivity of 90%, a specificity of 88%, and an AUC of 0.95 which is comparable to the best results reported in the literature

    Smart Mechanical Ventilators:Learning for Monitoring and Control

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    Smart Mechanical Ventilators:Learning for Monitoring and Control

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    How Laminar Frontal Cortex and Basal Ganglia Circuits Interact to Control Planned and Reactive Saccades

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    The basal ganglia and frontal cortex together allow animals to learn adaptive responses that acquire rewards when prepotent reflexive responses are insufficient. Anatomical studies show a rich pattern of interactions between the basal ganglia and distinct frontal cortical layers. Analysis of the laminar circuitry of the frontal cortex, together with its interactions with the basal ganglia, motor thalamus, superior colliculus, and inferotemporal and parietal cortices, provides new insight into how these brain regions interact to learn and perform complexly conditioned behaviors. A neural model whose cortical component represents the frontal eye fields captures these interacting circuits. Simulations of the neural model illustrate how it provides a functional explanation of the dynamics of 17 physiologically identified cell types found in these areas. The model predicts how action planning or priming (in cortical layers III and VI) is dissociated from execution (in layer V), how a cue may serve either as a movement target or as a discriminative cue to move elsewhere, and how the basal ganglia help choose among competing actions. The model simulates neurophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral data about how monkeys perform saccadic eye movement tasks, including fixation; single saccade, overlap, gap, and memory-guided saccades; anti-saccades; and parallel search among distractors.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-l-0409, N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-95-1-0657); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333)
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