12 research outputs found

    Contrast-distorted image quality assessment based on curvelet domain features

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    Contrast is one of the most popular forms of distortion. Recently, the existing image quality assessment algorithms (IQAs) works focusing on distorted images by compression, noise and blurring. Reduced-reference image quality metric for contrast-changed images (RIQMC) and no reference-image quality assessment (NR-IQA) for contrast-distorted images (NR-IQA-CDI) have been created for CDI. NR-IQA-CDI showed poor performance in two out of three image databases, where the pearson correlation coefficient (PLCC) were only 0.5739 and 0.7623 in TID2013 and CSIQ database, respectively. Spatial domain features are the basis of NR-IQA-CDI architecture. Therefore, in this paper, the spatial domain features are complementary with curvelet domain features, in order to take advantage of the potent properties of the curvelet in extracting information from images such as multiscale and multidirectional. The experimental outcome rely on K-fold cross validation (K ranged 2-10) and statistical test showed that the performance of NR-IQA-CDI rely on curvelet domain features (NR-IQA-CDI-CvT) significantly surpasses those which are rely on five spatial domain features

    Automatic Side-Scan Sonar Image Enhancement in Curvelet Transform Domain

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    We propose a novel automatic side-scan sonar image enhancement algorithm based on curvelet transform. The proposed algorithm uses the curvelet transform to construct a multichannel enhancement structure based on human visual system (HVS) and adopts a new adaptive nonlinear mapping scheme to modify the curvelet transform coefficients in each channel independently and automatically. Firstly, the noisy and low-contrast sonar image is decomposed into a low frequency channel and a series of high frequency channels by using curvelet transform. Secondly, a new nonlinear mapping scheme, which coincides with the logarithmic nonlinear enhancement characteristic of the HVS perception, is designed without any parameter tuning to adjust the curvelet transform coefficients in each channel. Finally, the enhanced image can be reconstructed with the modified coefficients via inverse curvelet transform. The enhancement is achieved by amplifying subtle features, improving contrast, and eliminating noise simultaneously. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm produces better enhanced results than state-of-the-art algorithms

    Perceptual Quality Assessment of Digital Images Using Deep Features

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    Perceptual quality assessment is a tough task especially in the absence of reference information. No-reference image quality assessment is more challenging than full-reference or reduced reference methods, as the system has to model the different image distortions in the form of a quality score. Most of the approaches are based on handcrafted features which are based on natural scene statistics and are specific to some distortion types. These approaches provide high correlation with human opinion score for datasets containing specific distortions, but they fail to generalize well in scenarios were multiple distortions or real-time distortions are present in images. Deep learning algorithms, on the other hand, demonstrated their abilities to learn expert features with better discriminatory power for various classification and regression tasks. It is a big challenge to use those deep learning methods for image quality assessment as the image datasets with human opinion score are very small and cannot be used effectively to train a deep learning algorithm. We experimented with activations of different deep layers of thirteen pre-trained models and checked for their suitability for the task of no-reference quality assessment. Fine-tuning of these models on quality assessment datasets provided even better performance. A Gaussian process regression model is trained on these activations to perform the quality assessment and it provided state-of-the-art performance. Cross-dataset validation demonstrated its performance further and also provided further prospects of research in this direction

    Comparative analysis of universal methods no reference quality assessment of digital images

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    The main purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative study of two well-known no-reference image quality assessment algorithms BRISQUE and NIQE in order to analyze the relationship between subjective and quantitative assessments of image quality. As experimental data, we used images with artificially created distortions and mean expert assessments of their quality from the public databases TID2013, CISQ and LIVE. Image quality scores were calculated using the NIQE, BRISQUE functions and their average. The correlation coefficients of Pearson, Spearman and Kendall were analyzed between expert visual assessments and quantitative scores of the image quality, as well as between the values of three compared indicators. For the experiments, the Matlab system and values of its functions niqe and brisque normalized to the range [0, 1] were used. The computation time of niqe is slightly less. The investigated functions poorly estimate the contrast of images, but the additive Gaussian noise, Gaussian blur and loss in compression by the JPEG2000 algorithm are better. The BRISQUE measure shows slightly better results when evaluating images with additive Gaussian noise, while NIQE for blurred by Gaussian. The average of the normalized values of NIQE and BRISQUE is a good compromise. The results of this work may be of interest for the practical implementations of digital image analysis

    Evaluation and Understandability of Face Image Quality Assessment

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    Face image quality assessment (FIQA) has been an area of interest to researchers as a way to improve the face recognition accuracy. By filtering out the low quality images we can reduce various difficulties faced in unconstrained face recognition, such as, failure in face or facial landmark detection or low presence of useful facial information. In last decade or so, researchers have proposed different methods to assess the face image quality, spanning from fusion of quality measures to using learning based methods. Different approaches have their own strength and weaknesses. But, it is hard to perform a comparative assessment of these methods without a database containing wide variety of face quality, a suitable training protocol that can efficiently utilize this large-scale dataset. In this thesis we focus on developing an evaluation platfrom using a large scale face database containing wide ranging face image quality and try to deconstruct the reason behind the predicted scores of learning based face image quality assessment methods. Contributions of this thesis is two-fold. Firstly, (i) a carefully crafted large scale database dedicated entirely to face image quality assessment has been proposed; (ii) a learning to rank based large-scale training protocol is devel- oped. Finally, (iii) a comprehensive study of 15 face image quality assessment methods using 12 different feature types, and relative ranking based label generation schemes, is performed. Evalua- tion results show various insights about the assessment methods which indicate the significance of the proposed database and the training protocol. Secondly, we have seen that in last few years, researchers have tried various learning based approaches to assess the face image quality. Most of these methods offer either a quality bin or a score summary as a measure of the biometric quality of the face image. But, to the best of our knowledge, so far there has not been any investigation on what are the explainable reasons behind the predicted scores. In this thesis, we propose a method to provide a clear and concise understanding of the predicted quality score of a learning based face image quality assessment. It is believed that this approach can be integrated into the FBI’s understandable template and can help in improving the image acquisition process by providing information on what quality factors need to be addressed