4,694 research outputs found

    No occurrence obstructions in geometric complexity theory

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    The permanent versus determinant conjecture is a major problem in complexity theory that is equivalent to the separation of the complexity classes VP_{ws} and VNP. Mulmuley and Sohoni (SIAM J. Comput., 2001) suggested to study a strengthened version of this conjecture over the complex numbers that amounts to separating the orbit closures of the determinant and padded permanent polynomials. In that paper it was also proposed to separate these orbit closures by exhibiting occurrence obstructions, which are irreducible representations of GL_{n^2}(C), which occur in one coordinate ring of the orbit closure, but not in the other. We prove that this approach is impossible. However, we do not rule out the general approach to the permanent versus determinant problem via multiplicity obstructions as proposed by Mulmuley and Sohoni.Comment: Substantial revision. This version contains an overview of the proof of the main result. Added material on the model of power sums. Theorem 4.14 in the old version, which had a complicated proof, became the easy Theorem 5.4. To appear in the Journal of the AM

    Geometric complexity theory and matrix powering

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    Valiant's famous determinant versus permanent problem is the flagship problem in algebraic complexity theory. Mulmuley and Sohoni (Siam J Comput 2001, 2008) introduced geometric complexity theory, an approach to study this and related problems via algebraic geometry and representation theory. Their approach works by multiplying the permanent polynomial with a high power of a linear form (a process called padding) and then comparing the orbit closures of the determinant and the padded permanent. This padding was recently used heavily to show no-go results for the method of shifted partial derivatives (Efremenko, Landsberg, Schenck, Weyman, 2016) and for geometric complexity theory (Ikenmeyer Panova, FOCS 2016 and B\"urgisser, Ikenmeyer Panova, FOCS 2016). Following a classical homogenization result of Nisan (STOC 1991) we replace the determinant in geometric complexity theory with the trace of a variable matrix power. This gives an equivalent but much cleaner homogeneous formulation of geometric complexity theory in which the padding is removed. This radically changes the representation theoretic questions involved to prove complexity lower bounds. We prove that in this homogeneous formulation there are no orbit occurrence obstructions that prove even superlinear lower bounds on the complexity of the permanent. This is the first no-go result in geometric complexity theory that rules out superlinear lower bounds in some model. Interestingly---in contrast to the determinant---the trace of a variable matrix power is not uniquely determined by its stabilizer

    On Geometric Complexity Theory: Multiplicity Obstructions Are Stronger Than Occurrence Obstructions

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    Geometric Complexity Theory as initiated by Mulmuley and Sohoni in two papers (SIAM J Comput 2001, 2008) aims to separate algebraic complexity classes via representation theoretic multiplicities in coordinate rings of specific group varieties. The papers also conjecture that the vanishing behavior of these multiplicities would be sufficient to separate complexity classes (so-called occurrence obstructions). The existence of such strong occurrence obstructions has been recently disproven in 2016 in two successive papers, Ikenmeyer-Panova (Adv. Math.) and B\"urgisser-Ikenmeyer-Panova (J. AMS). This raises the question whether separating group varieties via representation theoretic multiplicities is stronger than separating them via occurrences. This paper provides for the first time a setting where separating with multiplicities can be achieved, while the separation with occurrences is provably impossible. Our setting is surprisingly simple and natural: We study the variety of products of homogeneous linear forms (the so-called Chow variety) and the variety of polynomials of bounded border Waring rank (i.e. a higher secant variety of the Veronese variety). As a side result we prove a slight generalization of Hermite's reciprocity theorem, which proves Foulkes' conjecture for a new infinite family of cases.Comment: 24 page

    On vanishing of Kronecker coefficients

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    We show that the problem of deciding positivity of Kronecker coefficients is NP-hard. Previously, this problem was conjectured to be in P, just as for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Our result establishes in a formal way that Kronecker coefficients are more difficult than Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, unless P=NP. We also show that there exists a #P-formula for a particular subclass of Kronecker coefficients whose positivity is NP-hard to decide. This is an evidence that, despite the hardness of the positivity problem, there may well exist a positive combinatorial formula for the Kronecker coefficients. Finding such a formula is a major open problem in representation theory and algebraic combinatorics. Finally, we consider the existence of the partition triples (λ,μ,π)(\lambda, \mu, \pi) such that the Kronecker coefficient kμ,πλ=0k^\lambda_{\mu, \pi} = 0 but the Kronecker coefficient klμ,lπlλ>0k^{l \lambda}_{l \mu, l \pi} > 0 for some integer l>1l>1. Such "holes" are of great interest as they witness the failure of the saturation property for the Kronecker coefficients, which is still poorly understood. Using insight from computational complexity theory, we turn our hardness proof into a positive result: We show that not only do there exist many such triples, but they can also be found efficiently. Specifically, we show that, for any 0<ϵ≤10<\epsilon\leq1, there exists 0<a<10<a<1 such that, for all mm, there exist Ω(2ma)\Omega(2^{m^a}) partition triples (λ,μ,μ)(\lambda,\mu,\mu) in the Kronecker cone such that: (a) the Kronecker coefficient kμ,μλk^\lambda_{\mu,\mu} is zero, (b) the height of μ\mu is mm, (c) the height of λ\lambda is ≤mϵ\le m^\epsilon, and (d) ∣λ∣=∣μ∣≤m3|\lambda|=|\mu| \le m^3. The proof of the last result illustrates the effectiveness of the explicit proof strategy of GCT.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figur

    Even Partitions in Plethysms

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    We prove that for all natural numbers k,n,d with k <= d and every partition lambda of size kn with at most k parts there exists an irreducible GL(d, C)-representation of highest weight 2*lambda in the plethysm Sym^k(Sym^(2n) (C^d)). This gives an affirmative answer to a conjecture by Weintraub (J. Algebra, 129 (1):103-114, 1990). Our investigation is motivated by questions of geometric complexity theory and uses ideas from quantum information theory.Comment: 9 page

    The Saxl Conjecture and the Dominance Order

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    In 2012 Jan Saxl conjectured that all irreducible representations of the symmetric group occur in the decomposition of the tensor square of the irreducible representation corresponding to the staircase partition. We make progress on this conjecture by proving the occurrence of all those irreducibles which correspond to partitions that are comparable to the staircase partition in the dominance order. Moreover, we use our result to show the occurrence of all irreducibles corresponding to hook partitions. This generalizes results by Pak, Panova, and Vallejo from 2013.Comment: 11 page

    Implementing Geometric Complexity Theory: On the Separation of Orbit Closures via Symmetries

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    Understanding the difference between group orbits and their closures is a key difficulty in geometric complexity theory (GCT): While the GCT program is set up to separate certain orbit closures, many beautiful mathematical properties are only known for the group orbits, in particular close relations with symmetry groups and invariant spaces, while the orbit closures seem much more difficult to understand. However, in order to prove lower bounds in algebraic complexity theory, considering group orbits is not enough. In this paper we tighten the relationship between the orbit of the power sum polynomial and its closure, so that we can separate this orbit closure from the orbit closure of the product of variables by just considering the symmetry groups of both polynomials and their representation theoretic decomposition coefficients. In a natural way our construction yields a multiplicity obstruction that is neither an occurrence obstruction, nor a so-called vanishing ideal occurrence obstruction. All multiplicity obstructions so far have been of one of these two types. Our paper is the first implementation of the ambitious approach that was originally suggested in the first papers on geometric complexity theory by Mulmuley and Sohoni (SIAM J Comput 2001, 2008): Before our paper, all existence proofs of obstructions only took into account the symmetry group of one of the two polynomials (or tensors) that were to be separated. In our paper the multiplicity obstruction is obtained by comparing the representation theoretic decomposition coefficients of both symmetry groups. Our proof uses a semi-explicit description of the coordinate ring of the orbit closure of the power sum polynomial in terms of Young tableaux, which enables its comparison to the coordinate ring of the orbit.Comment: 47 page

    Explicit polynomial sequences with maximal spaces of partial derivatives and a question of K. Mulmuley

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    We answer a question of K. Mulmuley: In [Efremenko-Landsberg-Schenck-Weyman] it was shown that the method of shifted partial derivatives cannot be used to separate the padded permanent from the determinant. Mulmuley asked if this "no-go" result could be extended to a model without padding. We prove this is indeed the case using the iterated matrix multiplication polynomial. We also provide several examples of polynomials with maximal space of partial derivatives, including the complete symmetric polynomials. We apply Koszul flattenings to these polynomials to have the first explicit sequence of polynomials with symmetric border rank lower bounds higher than the bounds attainable via partial derivatives.Comment: 18 pages - final version to appear in Theory of Computin
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