13 research outputs found

    Multilingual manager: a new strategic role in organizations

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    Today?s knowledge management (KM) systems seldom account for language management and, especially, multilingual information processing. Document management is one of the strongest components of KM systems. If these systems do not include a multilingual knowledge management policy, intranet searches, excessive document space occupancy and redundant information slow down what are the most effective processes in a single language environment. In this paper, we model information flow from the sources of knowledge to the persons/systems searching for specific information. Within this framework, we focus on the importance of multilingual information processing, which is a hugely complex component of modern organizations

    The genesis and emergence of Web 3.0: a study in the integration of artificial intelligence and the semantic web in knowledge creation

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    The web as we know it has evolved rapidly over the last decade. We have gone from a phase of rapid growth as seen with the dot.com boom where business was king to the current web 2.0 phase where social networking, Wiki’s, Blogs and other related tools flood the bandwidth of the world wide web. The empowerment of the web user with web 2.0 technologies has led to the exponential growth of data, information and knowledge on the web. With this rapid change, there is a need to logically categorise this information and knowledge so it can be fully utilised by all. It can be argued that the power of the knowledge held on the web is not fully exposed under its current structure and to improve this we need to explore the foundations of the web. This dissertation will explore the evolution of the web from its early days to the present day. It will examine the way web content is stored and discuss the new semantic technologies now available to represent this content. The research aims to demonstrate the possibilities of efficient knowledge extraction from a knowledge portal such as a Wiki or SharePoint portal using these semantic technologies. This generation of dynamic knowledge content within a limited domain will attempt to demonstrate the benefits of semantic web to the knowledge age

    Ontology-based Collaborative Inter-organizational Knowledge Management Network

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    学術論文抄録 : 2008年発表

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    Integration of distributed terminology resources to facilitate subject cross-browsing for library portal systems

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    With the increase in the number of distributed library information resources, users may have to interact with different user interfaces, learn to switch their mental models between these interfaces, and familiarise themselves with controlled vocabularies used by different resources. For this reason, library professionals have developed library portals to integrate these distributed information resources, and assist end-users in cross-accessing distributed resources via a single access point in their own library. There are two important subject-based services that a library portal system might be able to provide. The first is a federated search service, which refers to a process where a user can input a query to cross-search a number of information resources. The second is a subject cross-browsing service, which can offer a knowledge navigation tree to link subject schemes used by distributed resources. However, the development of subject cross-searching and browsing services has been impeded by the heterogeneity of different KOS (Knowledge Organisation System) used by different information resources. Due to the lack of mappings between different KOS, it is impossible to offer a subject cross-browsing service for a library portal system. [Continues.


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    Depuis la parution d’un premier livre La lecture numérique, aux Presses de l’enssib, le paysage des supports numériques de lecture a largement évolué, et la diversité croissante des modalités de lecture suscite autant l’intérêt que la consternation, notamment de la part de bibliothécaires, d’enseignants, de journalistes, mais aussi d’éditeurs et d’écrivains. Bien que le texte soit omniprésent dans la société actuelle, et donc sa lecture une activité largement répandue, des voix de plus en plu..

    Modelo de conhecimento para mapeamento de instrumentos da gestão do conhecimento e de agentes computacionais da engenharia do conhecimento baseado em ontologias

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2009Esta tese tem como base a visão interdisciplinar da práxis das áreas Engenharia do Conhecimento e Gestão do Conhecimento. Para apoiar a Gestão do Conhecimento em seus processos de criação, organização, formalização, compartilhamento, aplicação e refinamento de conhecimento, a Engenharia do Conhecimento desenvolve modelos, utilizando sistemicamente métodos, técnicas e ferramentas. Uma análise da literatura dessas áreas revelou um desconhecimento dos construtos utilizados em pesquisas e desenvolvimentos interdisciplinares e a necessidade de um modelo de conhecimento da convergência de construtos inerentes. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo propor um modelo de conhecimento baseado em ontologias para mapear a utilização de Agentes Computacionais da Engenharia do Conhecimento em Instrumentos da Gestão do Conhecimento. Utilizando elementos da Engenharia de Ontologias, o modelo foi desenvolvido e teve sua viabilidade técnica comprovada em dois cenários, confirmando sua capacidade para: (a) organizar, formalizar e compartilhar conhecimento já estabelecido; e (b) criar conhecimento novo, não estabelecido academicamente, para ser aplicado e/ou refinado. O modelo também foi verificado por nove especialistas de domínio das áreas inerentes, os quais apontaram como resultados: (i) um conjunto de questões que norteiam o entendimento de objetos de investigação em aplicações e pesquisas interdisciplinares da Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento; (ii) a explicitação de parte de um modelo de conhecimento no domínio da Engenharia do Conhecimento a ser utilizado no projeto de seus Agentes Computacionais; (iii) a explicitação de parte de um modelo de conhecimento no domínio da Gestão do Conhecimento a ser utilizado na implantação de seus Instrumentos; (iv) uma forma de integração do conhecimento inerente ao projeto de Agentes Computacionais da Engenharia do Conhecimento como soluções tecnológicas mais aderentes aos Instrumentos da Gestão do Conhecimento; e (v) alguns insumos à prospecção de um ambiente aberto para publicação, compartilhamento e exploração do conhecimento interdisciplinar

    Construction Workflow and Document Diagnostics

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    This research aims to determine if there is sufficient information encoded within construction workflow histories and document meta-data that may be exploited for the development of knowledge constructs such as diagnosis, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge of automation in construction, with a focus on advanced construction information systems. Electronic Product and Process Management [EPPM] systems provide the capability to establish and map information flow between different parties in a construction project as well as to model project processes. The wealth of information contained in an EPPM system can be exploited to extract knowledge that can provide significant benefits to construction companies. Much of the information relating to processes and their structure, the actors (people and machines) that operate them, and the data associated with each instance of a process is encapsulated within workflows. Workflows, therefore, provide an ideal medium for the capture of knowledge over the course of a project lifecycle. Project managers have recognized that workflows provide greater visibility and help enforce stricter compliance standards for project processes. While workflows do facilitate process compliance by ensuring constituent tasks are executed as per ordered definitions, the compliance of these individual tasks and their impact on the compliance of the workflow has not been explored. A framework has been developed to address stricter quality control by capturing knowledge of the execution times of work-items, which was then used as a basis for filtering workflows that may violate compliance norms. This significantly reduces the number of workflow instances that would need to be analyzed in detail during an audit. The framework was applied to a case study of a construction project located in British Columbia and validated. In an ideal EPPM system, the workflow engine would operate silently and seamlessly in the background, automating structured information exchange from the start to the end of a project. In reality, most workflows used in construction projects are of a semi-automated nature requiring manual involvement for tasks ranging from selection of participants to delegation of actors. An adaptive algorithm that is able to recognize and incorporate emergent patterns from prior executed workflow instances and also determine the relative availability of resources can greatly improve the performance of a workflow implementation by reducing its semi-automated nature. An algorithm was developed to demonstrate how a self-adapting workflow methodology could be applied to construction workflows, and two specific cases based on data from a construction project were analyzed showing promising results in terms of time savings. During a construction project, it is important to ensure that accurate and pertinent knowledge is delivered on time to appropriate personnel. Determining the criticality of documents at different stages of the project can aid companies with managing the flow of information in an organized manner, while providing for the detection of potentially disruptive, erroneous material that could result in delays and costs. An algorithm was designed based upon the meta-data and access interaction logs associated with documents in an EPPM system to identify critical documents. A scenario based on a real event and real data was developed on an EPPM system implementation and a simulation was conducted to determine the applicability of the algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness. It is concluded that there is sufficient information encoded within construction workflow histories and document meta-data that may be exploited for the development of knowledge constructs such as diagnosis. Diagnosis based knowledge was used to discriminate between executed behavior and planned behavior to aid compliance checking. Analysis of workflow histories resulted in the development of patterns in workflows which demonstrated time savings if implemented as self-adapting workflows

    Lire dans un monde numérique

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    Que devient la lecture dans un monde numérique ? Zapping, émiettement, papillonnage ou interaction, participation, immersion… La diversité croissante des modalités de lecture sur supports numériques suscite autant l'intérêt que la consternation. Bien que le texte soit omniprésent dans la société actuelle, des voix de plus en plus nombreuses s'élèvent pour alerter, dénoncer une dérive, stigmatiser des modes de lecture qui ne seraient plus que des « parents pauvres » de la « véritable » pratique de lecture. Dans un monde numérique, la lecture perd l'innocence de la proximité, du familier, du connu. Elle se révèle dans toute sa complexité, et oblige le lecteur à entrer dans une plus grande conscience des processus en jeu, des repères qui permettent de comprendre et d'interpréter. Cela n'est nulle part aussi évident qu'avec la littérature numérique qui questionne tout autant qu'elle met en œuvre de nouvelles ouvertures sur l'imaginaire. Proposant ici une véritable réflexion sur les processus de lecture en ligne, sur ebook, sur écran d'ordinateur ou de téléphone mobile, les spécialistes issus du monde universaitaire réunis ici interrogent les habitudes de lecture forgées par la culture du livre papier tout en introduisant aux modalités émergeantes de lecture sur supports numériques

    Lire dans un monde numérique

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    Que devient la lecture dans un monde numérique ? Zapping, émiettement, papillonnage ou interaction, participation, immersion… La diversité croissante des modalités de lecture sur supports numériques suscite autant l'intérêt que la consternation. Bien que le texte soit omniprésent dans la société actuelle, des voix de plus en plus nombreuses s'élèvent pour alerter, dénoncer une dérive, stigmatiser des modes de lecture qui ne seraient plus que des « parents pauvres » de la « véritable » pratique de lecture. Dans un monde numérique, la lecture perd l'innocence de la proximité, du familier, du connu. Elle se révèle dans toute sa complexité, et oblige le lecteur à entrer dans une plus grande conscience des processus en jeu, des repères qui permettent de comprendre et d'interpréter. Cela n'est nulle part aussi évident qu'avec la littérature numérique qui questionne tout autant qu'elle met en œuvre de nouvelles ouvertures sur l'imaginaire. Proposant ici une véritable réflexion sur les processus de lecture en ligne, sur ebook, sur écran d'ordinateur ou de téléphone mobile, les spécialistes issus du monde universaitaire réunis ici interrogent les habitudes de lecture forgées par la culture du livre papier tout en introduisant aux modalités émergeantes de lecture sur supports numériques