9,374 research outputs found

    PROCRUSTES: A computer algebra package for post-Newtonian calculations in General Relativity

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    We report on a package of routines for the computer algebra system Maple which supports the explicit determination of the geometric quantities, field equations, equations of motion, and conserved quantities of General Relativity in the post-Newtonian approximation. The package structure is modular and allows for an easy modification by the user. The set of routines can be used to verify hand calculations or to generate the input for further numerical investigations.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. The latest version of the package can be obtained from http://www.thp.uni-koeln.de/~dp/procrustes.htm

    Post-Newtonian limitations on measurement of the PPN parameters caused by motion of gravitating bodies

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    We derive explicit Lorentz-invariant solution of the Einstein and null geodesic equations for data processing of the time delay and ranging experiments in gravitational field of moving gravitating bodies of the solar system - the Sun and major planets. We discuss general-relativistic interpretation of these experiments and the limitations imposed by motion of the massive bodies on measurement of the parameters gamma_{PPN}, beta_{PPN} and delta_{PPN} of the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication to MNRA

    Why the Quantum Must Yield to Gravity

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    After providing an extensive overview of the conceptual elements -- such as Einstein's `hole argument' -- that underpin Penrose's proposal for gravitationally induced quantum state reduction, the proposal is constructively criticised. Penrose has suggested a mechanism for objective reduction of quantum states with postulated collapse time T = h/E, where E is an ill-definedness in the gravitational self-energy stemming from the profound conflict between the principles of superposition and general covariance. Here it is argued that, even if Penrose's overall conceptual scheme for the breakdown of quantum mechanics is unreservedly accepted, his formula for the collapse time of superpositions reduces to T --> oo (E --> 0) in the strictly Newtonian regime, which is the domain of his proposed experiment to corroborate the effect. A suggestion is made to rectify this situation. In particular, recognising the cogency of Penrose's reasoning in the domain of full `quantum gravity', it is demonstrated that an appropriate experiment which could in principle corroborate his argued `macroscopic' breakdown of superpositions is not the one involving non-rotating mass distributions as he has suggested, but a Leggett-type SQUID or BEC experiment involving superposed mass distributions in relative rotation. The demonstration thereby brings out one of the distinctive characteristics of Penrose's scheme, rendering it empirically distinguishable from other state reduction theories involving gravity. As an aside, a new geometrical measure of gravity-induced deviation from quantum mechanics in the manner of Penrose is proposed, but now for the canonical commutation relations [Q, P] = ih.Comment: 33 pages (TeX, uses mtexsis) plus 3 figures (epsf). To appear in ``Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale'' (Cambridge University Press). Two footnotes adde

    Gravitational Radiation from Two-Body Systems

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    Thanks to the new generation of gravitational wave detectors LIGO and VIRGO, the theory of general relativity will face new and important confrontations to observational data with unprecedented precision. Indeed the detection and analysis of the gravitational waves from compact binary star systems requires beforehand a very precise solution of the two-body problem within general relativity. The approximation currently used to solve this problem is the post-Newtonian one, and must be pushed to high order in order to describe with sufficient accuracy (given the sensitivity of the detectors) the inspiral phase of compact bodies, which immediately precedes their final merger. The resulting post-Newtonian ``templates'' are currently known to 3.5PN order, and are used for searching and deciphering the gravitational wave signals in VIRGO and LIGO.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting ``A Century of Relativity Physics'' (ERE05), Edited by Lysiane Mornas and Joaquin Diaz-Alons

    On the Speed of Gravity and Relativistic v/c Corrections to the Shapiro Time Delay

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    Recent papers by Samuel declared that the linearized post-Newtonian v/c effects are too small to have been measured in the recent experiment involving Jupiter and quasar J0842+1845 that was used to measure the ultimate speed of gravity defined as a fundamental constant entering in front of each time derivative of the metric tensor in the Einstein gravity field equations. We describe our Lorentz-invariant formulation of the Jovian deflection experiment and confirm that v/c effects are do observed, as contrasted to the erroneous claim by Samuel, and that they vanish if and only if the speed of gravity is infinite.Comment: 7 pages. Final version published in Physics Letters
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