451,980 research outputs found

    Emergence of simple patterns in many-body systems: from macroscopic objects to the atomic nucleus

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    Strongly correlated many-body systems often display the emergence of simple patterns and regular behaviour of their global properties. Phenomena such as clusterization, collective motion and appearance of shell structures are commonly observed across different size, time, and energy scales in our universe. Although at the microscopic level their individual parts are described by complex interactions, the collective behaviour of these systems can exhibit strikingly regular patterns. This contribution provides an overview of the experimental signatures that are commonly used to identify the emergence of shell structures and collective phenomena in distinct physical systems. Examples in macroscopic systems are presented alongside features observed in atomic nuclei. The discussion is focused on the experimental trends observed for exotic nuclei in the vicinity of nuclear closed-shells, and the new challenges that recent experiments have posed in our understanding of emergent phenomena in nuclei.Comment: Invited contribution prepared for the special issue of "The tower of effective (field) theories and the emergence of nuclear phenomen

    Money for everything? Universal basic income in a crisis

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    This paper explores universal basic income (UBI) in relation to crisis, from COVID-19 to techno-economic disruptions to work and prospective post-capitalist transition. Critical debates around automation, wage labour and post-work are brought into conversation with emerging trends in urban political economy around foundational infrastructure, smart cities and platform capitalism. To deliver the socio-economic transformations promised by UBI’s advocates, it is argued that more radical structural interventions in capitalist asset ownership and property relations, alongside democratized state investment in technological development, universal basic services and infrastructure, are necessary counterparts to any sufficient UBI – that is, if we hope to construct new systems of collective coordination capable of contending with complex epidemiological, economic and ecological crises

    Random patterns generated by random permutations of natural numbers

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    We survey recent results on some one- and two-dimensional patterns generated by random permutations of natural numbers. In the first part, we discuss properties of random walks, evolving on a one-dimensional regular lattice in discrete time nn, whose moves to the right or to the left are induced by the rise-and-descent sequence associated with a given random permutation. We determine exactly the probability of finding the trajectory of such a permutation-generated random walk at site XX at time nn, obtain the probability measure of different excursions and define the asymptotic distribution of the number of "U-turns" of the trajectories - permutation "peaks" and "through". In the second part, we focus on some statistical properties of surfaces obtained by randomly placing natural numbers 1,2,3,>...,L1,2,3, >...,L on sites of a 1d or 2d square lattices containing LL sites. We calculate the distribution function of the number of local "peaks" - sites the number at which is larger than the numbers appearing at nearest-neighboring sites - and discuss some surprising collective behavior emerging in this model.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; submitted to European Physical Journal, proceedings of the conference "Stochastic and Complex Systems: New Trends and Expectations" Santander, Spai

    Between food ethics, solidarity and the social construction of alternative markets. Exploring the dimensions of grassroots food movements in Spain

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    In recent years there has been growing attention for the emergence of alternative food networks, first as a possible strategy for farm households to counter deteriorating market conditions and respond to changing societal demands, and more recently as expression of a growing consumer involvement in the shaping of food systems. In debates on AFNs contributions from Spain have been relatively scarce, not because these tendencies do not occur but rather because applied analytical frameworks somehow did not seem to capture the specific nature of experiences in the peninsula. Against this background, this paper aims to analyze emerging grassroots food movements in Spain, explore to what extent different initiatives constitute a coherent alternative paradigm for sustainable local food systems, and identify relevant dimensions that shape their development and potential contribution to the sustainable development of rural areas and society at large. The paper is mainly based on case studies from Andalucia and the Basque country, and stresses that food initiatives have been largely driven by social movements, incl. peasant‐based farmers and consumer groups but also agroecology movements. As a result, Spanish food movements often have a wider focus and combine ethical values like fairness, solidarity and participative democracy with economic and environmental concerns

    Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions of Trees and Forests into Incentives for Sustainable Landscape Management

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    We examine five forested landscapes in Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, and Tanzania) and Asia (Indonesia and Laos) at different stages of landscape change. In all five areas, forest cover (outside of protected areas) continues to decrease despite local people’s recognition of the importance of forest products and services. After forest conversion, agroforestry systems and fallows provide multiple functions and valued products, and retain significant biodiversity. But there are indications that such land use is transitory, with gradual simplification and loss of complex agroforests and fallows as land use becomes increasingly individualistic and profit driven. In Indonesia and Tanzania, farmers favor monocultures (rubber and oil palm, and sugarcane, respectively) for their high financial returns, with these systems replacing existing complex agroforests. In the study sites in Madagascar and Laos, investments in agroforests and new crops remain rare, despite government attempts to eradicate swidden systems and their multifunctional fallows. We discuss approaches to assessing local values related to landscape cover and associated goods and services. We highlight discrepancies between individual and collective responses in characterizing land use tendencies, and discuss the effects of accessibility on land management. We conclude that a combination of social, economic, and spatially explicit assessment methods is necessary to inform land use planning. Furthermore, any efforts to modify current trends will require clear incentives, such as through carbon finance. We speculate on the nature of such incentive schemes and the possibility of rewarding the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale and in a socially equitable manner

    Human Computation and Convergence

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    Humans are the most effective integrators and producers of information, directly and through the use of information-processing inventions. As these inventions become increasingly sophisticated, the substantive role of humans in processing information will tend toward capabilities that derive from our most complex cognitive processes, e.g., abstraction, creativity, and applied world knowledge. Through the advancement of human computation - methods that leverage the respective strengths of humans and machines in distributed information-processing systems - formerly discrete processes will combine synergistically into increasingly integrated and complex information processing systems. These new, collective systems will exhibit an unprecedented degree of predictive accuracy in modeling physical and techno-social processes, and may ultimately coalesce into a single unified predictive organism, with the capacity to address societies most wicked problems and achieve planetary homeostasis.Comment: Pre-publication draft of chapter. 24 pages, 3 figures; added references to page 1 and 3, and corrected typ

    Mapping Varieties of Industrial Relations: Eurofound\u27s Analytical Framework Applied

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    Eurofound’s 2016 report Mapping key dimensions of industrial relations identified four key dimensions of industrial relations: industrial democracy, industrial competitiveness, social justice, and quality of work and employment. This report builds upon that earlier study, developing a dashboard of 45 indicators to assess how and to what extent the conceptual framework of these key dimensions can be applied at national level. The indicators were tested across the Member States by Eurofound’s Network of European Correspondents and show reasonable accuracy when used to map the predominant features and trends of the national industrial relations systems. The study confirms that a dashboard of indicators that can accurately measure and summarise the complex reality of industrial relations across the EU is a valuable tool for comparative research and a useful instrument for supporting policymakers, social partners and stakeholders. The report sets out a range of options for further developing this conceptual approach
