9 research outputs found

    From WOM to aWOM - The evolution of unpaid influence: A perspective article

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    Purpose. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) natural language processing may see the emergence of algorithmic word of mouth (aWOM), content created and shared by automated tools. As AI tools improve, aWOM will increase in volume and sophistication, displacing eWOM as an influence on customer decision-making. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the socio technological trends that have encouraged the evolution of informal infulence strategies from WOM to aWOM. Design/methodology/approach. This paper examines the origins and path of development of influential customer communications from word of mouth (WOM) to electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and the emerging trend of aWOM. The growth of aWOM is theorized as a result of new developments in AI natural language processing tools along with autonomous distribution systems in the form of software robots and virtual assistants. Findings. aWOM may become a dominant source of information for tourists, as it can support multimodal delivery of useful contextual information. Individuals, organizations and social media platforms will have to ensure that aWOM is developed and deployed responsibly and ethically. Practical implications. aWOM may emerge as the dominant source of information for tourist decision-making, displacing WOM or eWOM. aWOM may also impact online opinion leaders, as they may be challenged by algorithmically generated content. aWOM tools may also generate content using sensors on personal devices, creating privacy and information security concerns if users did not give permission for such activities. Originality/value. This paper is the first to theorize the emergence of aWOM as autonomous AI communication within the framework of unpaid influence or WOM. As customer engagement will increasingly occur in algorithmic environments that comprise person–machine interactions, aWOM will influence future tourism research and practice

    A Reinforcement Learning Motivated Algorithm for Process Optimization

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    In process scheduling problems there are several processes and resources. Any process consists of several tasks, and there may be precedence constraints among them. In our paper we consider a special case, where the precedence constraints form short disjoint (directed) paths. This model occurs frequently in practice, but as far as we know it is considered very rarely in the literature. The goal is to find a good resource allocation (schedule) to minimize the makespan. The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard, and such hard problems are often solved by heuristic methods. We found only one paper which is closely related to our topic, this paper proposes the heuristic method HH. We propose a new heuristic called QLM which is inspired by reinforcement learning methods from the area of machine learning. As we did not find appropriate benchmark problems for the investigated model. We have created such inputs and we have made exhaustive comparisons, comparing the results of HH and QLM, and an exact solver using CPLEX. We note that a heuristic method can give a “near optimal” solution very fast while an exact solver provides the optimal solution, but it may need a huge amount of time to find it. In our computational evaluation we experienced that our heuristic is more effective than HH and finds the optimal solution in many cases and very fast

    Distributed strategy adaptation with a prediction function in multi-agent task allocation

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    Coordinating multiple agents to complete a set of tasks under time constraints is a complex problem. Distributed consensus-based task allocation algorithms address this problem without the need for human supervision. With such algorithms, agents add tasks to their own schedule according to specified allocation strategies. Various factors, such as the available resources and number of tasks, may affect the efficiency of a particular allocation strategy. The novel idea we suggest is that each individual agent can predict locally the best task inclusion strategy, based on the limited task assignment information communicated among networked agents. Using supervised classification learning, a function is trained to predict the most appropriate strategy between two well known insertion heuristics. Using the proposed method, agents are shown to correctly predict and select the optimal insertion heuristic to achieve the overall highest number of task allocations. The adaptive agents consistently match the performances of the best non-adaptive agents across a variety of scenarios. This study aims to demonstrate the possibility and potential performance benefits of giving agents greater decision making capabilities to independently adapt the task allocation process in line with the problem of interest

    Resource Management and Scheduling for Big Data Applications in Cloud Computing Environments

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    This chapter presents software architectures of the big data processing platforms. It will provide an in-depth knowledge on resource management techniques involved while deploying big data processing systems on cloud environment. It starts from the very basics and gradually introduce the core components of resource management which we have divided in multiple layers. It covers the state-of-art practices and researches done in SLA-based resource management with a specific focus on the job scheduling mechanisms.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Distributed task allocation optimisation techniques in multi-agent systems

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    A multi-agent system consists of a number of agents, which may include software agents, robots, or even humans, in some application environment. Multi-robot systems are increasingly being employed to complete jobs and missions in various fields including search and rescue, space and underwater exploration, support in healthcare facilities, surveillance and target tracking, product manufacturing, pick-up and delivery, and logistics. Multi-agent task allocation is a complex problem compounded by various constraints such as deadlines, agent capabilities, and communication delays. In high-stake real-time environments, such as rescue missions, it is difficult to predict in advance what the requirements of the mission will be, what resources will be available, and how to optimally employ such resources. Yet, a fast response and speedy execution are critical to the outcome. This thesis proposes distributed optimisation techniques to tackle the following questions: how to maximise the number of assigned tasks in time restricted environments with limited resources; how to reach consensus on an execution plan across many agents, within a reasonable time-frame; and how to maintain robustness and optimality when factors change, e.g. the number of agents changes. Three novel approaches are proposed to address each of these questions. A novel algorithm is proposed to reassign tasks and free resources that allow the completion of more tasks. The introduction of a rank-based system for conflict resolution is shown to reduce the time for the agents to reach consensus while maintaining equal number of allocations. Finally, this thesis proposes an adaptive data-driven algorithm to learn optimal strategies from experience in different scenarios, and to enable individual agents to adapt their strategy during execution. A simulated rescue scenario is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods compared with existing baseline methods