460 research outputs found

    OTS: A One-shot Learning Approach for Text Spotting in Historical Manuscripts

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    Historical manuscript processing poses challenges like limited annotated training data and novel class emergence. To address this, we propose a novel One-shot learning-based Text Spotting (OTS) approach that accurately and reliably spots novel characters with just one annotated support sample. Drawing inspiration from cognitive research, we introduce a spatial alignment module that finds, focuses on, and learns the most discriminative spatial regions in the query image based on one support image. Especially, since the low-resource spotting task often faces the problem of example imbalance, we propose a novel loss function called torus loss which can make the embedding space of distance metric more discriminative. Our approach is highly efficient and requires only a few training samples while exhibiting the remarkable ability to handle novel characters, and symbols. To enhance dataset diversity, a new manuscript dataset that contains the ancient Dongba hieroglyphics (DBH) is created. We conduct experiments on publicly available VML-HD, TKH, NC datasets, and the new proposed DBH dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that OTS outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in one-shot text spotting. Overall, our proposed method offers promising applications in the field of text spotting in historical manuscripts

    Hyperspectral image analysis for questioned historical documents.

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    This thesis describes the application of spectroscopy and hyperspectral image processing to examine historical manuscripts and text. Major activities in palaeographic and manuscript studies include the recovery of illegible or deleted text, the minute analyses of scribal hands, the identification of inks and the segmentation and dating of text. This thesis describes how Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI), applied in a novel manner, can be used to perform quality text recovery, segmentation and dating of historical documents. The non-destructive optical imaging process of Spectroscopy is described in detail and how it can be used to assist historians and document experts in the exemption of aged manuscripts. This non-destructive optical method of analysis can distinguish subtle differences in the reflectance properties of the materials under study. Many historically significant documents from libraries such as the Royal Irish Academy and the Russell Library at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, have been the selected for study using the hyperspectral imaging technique. Processing techniques have are described for the applications to the study of manuscripts in a poor state of conservation. The research provides a comprehensive overview of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) and associated statistical and analytical methods, and also an in-depth investigation of the practical implementation of such methods to aid document analysts. Specifically, we provide results from employing statistical analytical methods including principal component analysis (PCA), independent component analysis (ICA) and both supervised and automatic clustering methods to historically significant manuscripts and text VIII such as Leabhar na hUidhre, a 12th century Irish text which was subject to part-erasure and rewriting, a 16th Century pastedown cover, and a multi-ink example typical of that found in, for example, late medieval administrative texts such as Gttingen’s kundige bok. The purpose of which is to achieve an overall greater insight into the historical context of the document, which includes the recovery or enhancement of faded or illegible text or text lost through fading, staining, overwriting or other forms of erasure. In addition, we demonstrate prospect of distinguishing different ink-types, and furnishing us with details of the manuscript’s composition, all of which are refinements, which can be used to answer questions about date and provenance. This process marks a new departure for the study of manuscripts and may provide answer many long-standing questions posed by palaeographers and by scholars in a variety of disciplines. Furthermore, through text retrieval, it holds out the prospect of adding considerably to the existing corpus of texts and to providing very many new research opportunities for coming generations of scholars

    The ESPOSALLES database: An ancient marriage license corpus for off-line handwriting recognition

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern RecognitionVolume 46, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages 1658–1669 DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2012.11.024[EN] Historical records of daily activities provide intriguing insights into the life of our ancestors, useful for demography studies and genealogical research. Automatic processing of historical documents, however, has mostly been focused on single works of literature and less on social records, which tend to have a distinct layout, structure, and vocabulary. Such information is usually collected by expert demographers that devote a lot of time to manually transcribe them. This paper presents a new database, compiled from a marriage license books collection, to support research in automatic handwriting recognition for historical documents containing social records. Marriage license books are documents that were used for centuries by ecclesiastical institutions to register marriage licenses. Books from this collection are handwritten and span nearly half a millennium until the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, a study is presented about the capability of state-of-the-art handwritten text recognition systems, when applied to the presented database. Baseline results are reported for reference in future studies. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Work supported by the EC (FEDER/FSE) and the Spanish MEC/MICINN under the MIPRCV ‘‘Consolider Ingenio 2010’’ program (CSD2007-00018), MITTRAL (TIN2009-14633-C03-01) and KEDIHC ((TIN2009-14633-C03-03) projects. This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council Advanced Grant (ERC-2010-AdG-20100407: 269796-5CofM) and the European seventh framework project (FP7-PEOPLE-2008-IAPP: 230653-ADAO). Also supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant Prometeo/2009/014 and FPU AP2007-02867, and by the Universitat Politecnica de Val encia (PAID-05-11). We would also like to thank the Center for Demographic Studies (UAB) and the Cathedral of Barcelona.Romero Gómez, V.; Fornés, A.; Serrano Martínez-Santos, N.; Sánchez Peiró, JA.; Toselli ., AH.; Frinken, V.; Vidal, E.... (2013). The ESPOSALLES database: An ancient marriage license corpus for off-line handwriting recognition. Pattern Recognition. 46(6):1658-1669. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2012.11.024S1658166946

    DARIAH and the Benelux

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    Offline Writer Identification Using Convolutional Neural Network Activation Features

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently become the state-of-the-art tool for large-scale image classification. In this work we propose the use of activation features from CNNs as local descriptors for writer identification. A global descriptor is then formed by means of GMM supervector encoding, which is further improved by normalization with the KL-Kernel. We evaluate our method on two publicly available datasets: the ICDAR 2013 benchmark database and the CVL dataset. While we perform comparably to the state of the art on CVL, our proposed method yields about 0.21 absolute improvement in terms of mAP on the challenging bilingual ICDAR dataset.Comment: fixed tab 1

    Machine Learning for handwriting text recognition in historical documents

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    Olmos ABSTRACT In this thesis, we focus on the handwriting text recognition task over historical documents that are difficult to read for any person that is not an expert in ancient languages and writing style. We aim to take advantage and improve the neural networks architectures and techniques that other authors are proposing for handwriting text recognition in modern handwritten documents. These models perform this task very precisely when a large amount of data is available. However, the low availability of labeled data is a widespread problem in historical documents. The type of writing is singular, and it is pretty expensive to hire an expert to transcribe a large number of pages. After investigating and analyzing the state-of-the-art, we propose the efficient application of methods such as transfer learning and data augmentation. We also contribute an algorithm for purging mislabeled samples that affect the learning of models. Finally, we develop a variational auto encoder method for generating synthetic samples of handwritten text images for data augmentation. Experiments are performed on various historical handwritten text databases to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms. The various included analyses focus on the evolution of the character and word error rate (CER and WER) as we increase the training dataset. One of the most important results is the participation in a contest for transcription of historical handwritten text. The organizers provided us with a dataset of documents to train the model, then just a few labeled pages of 5 new documents were handled to adjust the solution further. Finally, the transcription of nonlabeled images was requested to evaluate the algorithm. Our method raked second in this contest

    GR-RNN:Global-Context Residual Recurrent Neural Networks for Writer Identification

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    This paper presents an end-to-end neural network system to identify writers through handwritten word images, which jointly integrates global-context information and a sequence of local fragment-based features. The global-context information is extracted from the tail of the neural network by a global average pooling step. The sequence of local and fragment-based features is extracted from a low-level deep feature map which contains subtle information about the handwriting style. The spatial relationship between the sequence of fragments is modeled by the recurrent neural network (RNN) to strengthen the discriminative ability of the local fragment features. We leverage the complementary information between the global-context and local fragments, resulting in the proposed global-context residual recurrent neural network (GR-RNN) method. The proposed method is evaluated on four public data sets and experimental results demonstrate that it can provide state-of-the-art performance. In addition, the neural networks trained on gray-scale images provide better results than neural networks trained on binarized and contour images, indicating that texture information plays an important role for writer identification. The source code will be available: \url{https://github.com/shengfly/writer-identification}.Comment: To appear: Pattern Recognitio
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