4 research outputs found

    New Method to Characterize Magnetic Hysteresis in Soft Ferrites up to High Frequencies

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    Characterization of magnetic cores is an indispensable task in order to securely accomplish the requirements of a power electronic design and prevent failures. The hysteresis cycle of the material is one of the more complex features to characterize due to the well-known nonlinear and memory effects; moreover, there is a less known but noticeable dependence of the B−H relationship with time. This curve is easily obtained at low frequencies (up to 10 kHz) by means of a well-known traditional method. However, there is a major obstacle when trying to operate at higher frequencies in this manner due to the cost and difficulty of operation of high-frequency–high-voltage generators. In this paper, a new method for measuring hysteresis based on a quasisinusoidal generator that allows us to reach much higher values in frequency with a simple setup is presented

    A new method to characterize magnetic hysteresis in soft ferrites up to high frequencies

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    Characterization of magnetic cores is an indispensable task in order to securely accomplish the requirements of a power electronic design and prevent failures. The hysteresis cycle of the material is one of the more complex feature due to its nonlinear and past-dependent effects over a design. This curve is easily obtained at low frequencies (up to 10kHz) by means of a well-known traditional method. However, there is a major obstacle when trying to operate at higher frequencies in this manner due to the cost and difficulty of operation of high frequency-high voltage generators. In this paper a new method for measuring hysteresis based on a quasi-sinusoidal is presented wich allows us to reach much higher values in frequency with a simple setup

    Modeling, simulation and measurement of ferrite core loss in frequency range up to 1GHz

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    U radu je predložena modifikovana vatmetarska metoda za merenje snage gubitaka u toroidnim feritnim jezgrima koja je prilagođena osciloskopima male ulazne impedanse. Metoda je verifikovana na komercijalnim uzorcima od Mn-Zn i Ni-Zn feritnih materijala. Metoda je upotrebljena za merenje kompleksne permeabilnosti i gustine snage gubitaka dodatno obrađenih komercijalnih Mn-Zn feritnih prahova. Utvrđeno je da se dodatnim tehnološkim procesima (mlevenjem i prosejavanjem) početnog komercijanog praha mogu napraviti feritna jezgra manje gustine snage gubitaka i veće permeabilnosti.The thesis proposes a modified Watt-meter method for measuring core loss of ferrite cores, which is adjusted to oscilloscopes with the small input impedance. The method is verified on comercial Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ring cores. The method is used to measure the influence of starting powder sieving and milling on the core loss density and permeability of Mn-Zn ferrite. The experimental results and calculations show the significance of the additional milling and sieving process on magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrite in the frequency range from 0.1MHz to 10MHz. These processes increase the relative permeability about 3 times and decrease the core loss 4 times by milling of the starting powder

    Modeling and Analysis of Power Transformers under Ferroresonance Phenomenon

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    La Ferroresonancia és un dels fenòmens transitoris més destructius dels sistemes de potència. Associa inductàncies no lineals i capacitancias del sistema, iniciant-se de maneres diferents, el que fa molt difícil la seva caracterització. Per evitar les conseqüències de la ferrorresonancia cal entendre el fenomen, predir-i identificar-lo, per poder evitar-ho o eliminar-lo. No obstant això, el seu comportament complex no permet analitzar usant mètodes lineals. A causa de les no linealitats, la solució d'un circuit ferrorresonante s'obté generalment usant mètodes en el domini del temps; típicament, mètodes d'integració numèrica per ordinador, com ara el EMTP. Algunes eines per a l'enteniment, classificació i predicció de la ferrorresonancia es presenten en aquest estudi: mapes de Poincaré s'utilitzen per identificar el fenomen; Diagrames de Bifurcació s'utilitzen per detallar la ubicació dels canvis abruptes en estudis paramètric; Mapes 3D i 4D s'implementen per generalitzar el comportament complex del sistema. D'altra banda, els transformadors són sens dubte l'equip que requereix un modelatge més detallat. Els paràmetres utilitzats en el model han de ser adequats específicament per al tipus d'estudi a realitzar, d'una altra manera, les simulacions podrien no reproduir els casos correctament. En aquesta tesi, es presenten els detalls per modelar transformadors monofàsics i trifàsics. A més, es presenten noves tendències per representar fenòmens físics com el cicle d'histèresi.La Ferrorresonancia es uno de los fenómenos transitorios más destructivos de los sistemas de potencia. Asocia inductancias no lineales y capacitancias del sistema, iniciándose de maneras diferentes, lo que hace muy difícil su caracterización. Para evitar las consecuencias de la ferrorresonancia es necesario entender el fenómeno, predecirlo e identificarlo, para poder evitarlo o eliminarlo. Sin embargo, su comportamiento complejo no permite analizarlo usando métodos lineales. Debido a las no linealidades, la solución de un circuito ferrorresonante se obtiene generalmente usando métodos en el dominio del tiempo; típicamente, métodos de integración numérica por ordenador, tales como el EMTP. Algunas herramientas para el entendimiento, clasificación y predicción de la ferrorresonancia se presentan en este estudio: mapas de Poincaré se utilizan para identificar el fenómeno; Diagramas de Bifurcación se utilizan para detallar la ubicación de los cambios abruptos en estudios paramétrico; Mapas 3D y 4D se implementan para generalizar el comportamiento complejo del sistema. Por otro lado, los transformadores son sin duda el equipo que requiere un modelado más detallado. Los parámetros utilizados en el modelo deben ser adecuados específicamente para el tipo de estudio a realizar, de otra manera, las simulaciones podrían no reproducir los casos correctamente. En esta tesis, se presentan los detalles para modelar transformadores monofásicos y trifásicos. Además, se presentan nuevas tendencias para representar fenómenos físicos como el ciclo de histéresis.Ferroresonance is one of the most destructive transient phenomena in power systems. It involves the association of nonlinear magnetizing inductances and capacitances, and may be initiated in many different ways, making very difficult its characterization. To prevent the consequences of ferroresonance it is necessary to understand the phenomenon, predict and identify it, to finally avoid it or eliminate it. However, it cannot be analyzed or predicted by computation methods based on linear approximation. Because of nonlinearities, the solution of a ferroresonant circuit is usually obtained using time-domain methods; typically, a computer-based numerical integration method such as the EMTP. Tools for discerning, classifying and predicting ferroresonance are collected in this study: Poincaré maps are used to describe the time behavior of a system; Bifurcation Diagrams are utilized to detail the locations of all the abrupt changes in parametric study; 3D and 4D Maps can be implemented to generalize a complex system behavior. On the other hand, transformers are unquestionably the equipment demanding most detailed modeling. The parameters used in the model should be adequate specifically for the type of study to be performed, other way, the simulation may not reproduce the real cases. In this thesis, details are presented to modeling single- and three-phase transformers. In addition, new trends are presented to address important physical phenomenon such as hysteresis cycle