135 research outputs found

    Restricted rr-Stirling Numbers and their Combinatorial Applications

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    We study set partitions with rr distinguished elements and block sizes found in an arbitrary index set SS. The enumeration of these (S,r)(S,r)-partitions leads to the introduction of (S,r)(S,r)-Stirling numbers, an extremely wide-ranging generalization of the classical Stirling numbers and the rr-Stirling numbers. We also introduce the associated (S,r)(S,r)-Bell and (S,r)(S,r)-factorial numbers. We study fundamental aspects of these numbers, including recurrence relations and determinantal expressions. For SS with some extra structure, we show that the inverse of the (S,r)(S,r)-Stirling matrix encodes the M\"obius functions of two families of posets. Through several examples, we demonstrate that for some SS the matrices and their inverses involve the enumeration sequences of several combinatorial objects. Further, we highlight how the (S,r)(S,r)-Stirling numbers naturally arise in the enumeration of cliques and acyclic orientations of special graphs, underlining their ubiquity and importance. Finally, we introduce related (S,r)(S,r) generalizations of the poly-Bernoulli and poly-Cauchy numbers, uniting many past works on generalized combinatorial sequences

    A generalization of the "probléme des rencontres"

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    In this paper, we study a generalization of the classical \emph{probl\'eme des rencontres} (\emph{problem of coincidences}), consisting in the enumeration of all permutations \pi \in \SS_n with kk fixed points, and, in particular, in the enumeration of all permutations \pi \in \SS_n with no fixed points (derangements). Specifically, we study this problem for the permutations of the n+mn+m symbols 11, 22, \ldots, nn, v1v_1, v2v_2, \ldots, vmv_m, where vi∉{1,2,,n} v_i \not\in\{1,2,\ldots,n\} for every i=1,2,,mi=1,2,\ldots,m. In this way, we obtain a generalization of the derangement numbers, the rencontres numbers and the rencontres polynomials. For these numbers and polynomials, we obtain the exponential generating series, some recurrences and representations, and several combinatorial identities. Moreover, we obtain the expectation and the variance of the number of fixed points in a random permutation of the considered kind. Finally, we obtain some asymptotic formulas for the generalized rencontres numbers and the generalized derangement numbers

    Closed-form formulas, determinantal expressions, recursive relations, power series, and special values of several functions used in Clark--Ismail's two conjectures

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    In the paper, by virtue of the famous formula of Fa\`a di Bruno, with the aid of several identities of partial Bell polynomials, by means of a formula for derivatives of the ratio of two differentiable functions, and with availability of other techniques, the authors establish closed-form formulas in terms of the Bernoulli numbers and the second kind Stirling numbers, present determinantal expressions, derive recursive relations, obtain power series, and compute special values of the function vj1ev\frac{v^j}{1-\operatorname{e}^{-v}}, its derivatives, and related ones used in Clark--Ismail's two conjectures. By these results, the authors also discover a formula for the determinant of a Hessenberg matrix and derive logarithmic convexity of a sequence related to the function and its derivatives.Comment: 23 page

    \u3cem\u3eq\u3c/em\u3e-Stirling Identities Revisited

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    We give combinatorial proofs of q-Stirling identities using restricted growth words. This includes a poset theoretic proof of Carlitz\u27s identity, a new proof of the q-Frobenius identity of Garsia and Remmel and of Ehrenborg\u27s Hankel q-Stirling determinantal identity. We also develop a two parameter generalization to unify identities of Mercier and include a symmetric function version

    Theorems, Problems and Conjectures

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    These notes are designed to offer some (perhaps new) codicils to related work, a list of problems and conjectures seeking (preferably) combinatorial proofs. The main items are Eulerian polynomials and hook/contents of Young diagram, mostly on the latter. The new additions include items on Frobenius theorem and multi-core partitions; most recently, some problems on (what we call) colored overpartitions. Formulas analogues to or in the spirit of works by Han, Nekrasov-Okounkov and Stanley are distributed throughout. Concluding remarks are provided at the end in hopes of directing the interested researcher, properly.Comment: 14 page