347 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Homomorphic Algorithm for Image Enhancement

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    The implementation and analysis of a novel Fuzzy Homomorphic image enhancement technique is presented. The technique combines the logarithmic transform with fuzzy membership functions to deliver an intuitive method of image enhancement. This algorithm reduces the computational complexity by eliminating the need for image-size-dependent filter kernels and the forward and inverse Fourier Transforms.   The proposed algorithm is compared with the more established algorithms for the enhancement of low contrast images with uneven illumination. The results show that the fuzzy method provides similar or better results than the frequency domain method and some other well-known image enhancement algorithms

    Poboljšanje slike i vrednovanje radnih značajki korištenjem raznih filtara na daljinski mjerene podatke IRS-P6 satelita Liss IV

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    This paper presents fast and effective filtering techniques for image enhancement from remote sensing Indian remote sensing satellite P6 Liss IV remotely sensed data like Near-Infrared band. There are four filtering techniques used for image enhancement based on spatial domain filters and frequency domain filters such as median filter, wiener filter, bilateral filter and Gaussian homomorphic filter and selected noises salt and pepper and Gaussian noise used with filter. Selected images tested with each filter and based on PSNR performance metric value and best filtering technique identified from these filters. Finally, Gaussian homomorphic filtering technique is suitable for image enhancement of the Liss IV remotely sensed Near-Infrared band. Image enhancement technique is preprocessing for future work such as edge detection and image segmentation.U radu su prikazane brze i učinkovite tehnike filtriranja za poboljšanje slike iz podataka u bliskom infracrvenom području dobivenih indijskim satelitom za daljinska istraživanja P6 Liss IV. Korištene su četiri tehnike filtriranja temeljene na filtrima u prostornoj i frekvencijskoj domeni kao što su: medijan filtar, Wiener filtar, bilateralni filtar i gaussovski homomorfni filtar uz odabrane šumove “salt and pepper” i gaussovski šum s filtrom. Odabrane slike testirane su sa svakim od filtera te je na temelju metričke vrijednosti PSNR (Peak Signal Noise Ratio) radne značajke prepoznata najbolja tehnika filtriranja. Konačno se pokazalo da je gaussovska homomorfna tehnika filtriranja prikladna za poboljšanje slika dobivenih pomoću satelita Liss IV u bliskom infracrvenom području. Tehnika poboljšanja slike je predobrada za budući rad, kao što je detekcija ruba i segmentacija slike

    Image Compensation Techniques.

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    Image clarity is very easily affected by lighting, weather, or equipment that has been used to capture the image

    A Review: Image Compensation Techniques.

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    Image clarity is very easily affected by lighting, weather, or equipment that has been used to capture the image

    Infrared Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Transform

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    In Infrared Image Enhancement using Wavelet Transform, two enhancement algorithms namely spatial and spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering (SHF and STHF) have been given for enhancement of the far infrared images based upon a far infrared imaging model. Although spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering may reduce the number of iterations greatly in comparison to spatial one for a similar degree of convergence by making explicit use of the additional information provided temporally, the enhanced results from SHF are in general better than those from STHF. In this dissertation work an additive wavelet transform will be proposed for enhancement and filtration of homomorphic infrared images. Keywords: Infrard Images, Additive Wavelet transform, Homomorphic Image Enhancement

    Analysis of Image Processing Strategies Dedicated to Underwater Scenarios

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    Underwater images undergo quality degradation issues of an image, like blur image, poor contrast, non-uniform illumination etc. Therefore, to process these degraded images, image processing come into existence. In this paper, two important image processing methods namely Image restoration and Image enhancement are compared. This paper also discusses the quality measures parameters of image processing which will be helpful to see clear images