11 research outputs found

    Implementation of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis in Paper Mill: A Case Study

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    A good quality control system is important to be implemented to increase productivity and minimize defects in products. One of the quality control methods is failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). This study uses the FMEA to identify the causes of the defects and recommend the prevention methods to overcome the causes of the defects in an Indonesian paper mill. The risk priority number (RPN) is calculated by multiplying the severity, occurrence, and detection of the failures that have been determined. Unsymmetrical and tainted products are the most dominant defects in the paper mill. An inappropriate machine setting is the cause of unsymmetrical products with the highest RPN of 343. The second highest RPN is problems with bleaching machines that caused tainted products with an RPN value of 216. This study offers suggestions to Indonesian paper mill to prevent and minimize defective products.

    Bahaya Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Penggunaan Kompor Gas Dua Tungku Pada Industri Berskala Kecil Menggunakan Metode FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)

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    The use of gas stoves is beneficial in terms of economy and efficiency, but on the other hand it leaves problems, especially in the K3 aspect. Cases of failure in the use of gas stoves that cause explosions and fires are caused by various factors. Critical research efforts related to risks in utilization can be carried out by using a systematic risk assessment related to the failure of the utilization system of a tool, namely FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis). The purpose of this research is to analyze the risks of occupational health and safety hazards using a two-burner gas stove in order to get priority issues that need to be watched out for. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The research was conducted in a small-scale industry in Jember Regency, East Java Province in March-May 2020. Data analysis and processing as well as determination of risk priorities were carried out with FMEA guidelines. The results showed that the two-burner gas stove consists of four systems, namely the stove frame system, the burner ignition system and the fire control system. Fuel system and air regulation system, with 12 subsystems in the four systems. This study concludes that there are three health and safety hazards in the use of a two-burner gas stove in a small-scale industry, namely the first is the danger to the fuel system, to be precise the stove regulator subsystem, the second is the occupational health and safety hazard in the fuel system, to be precise the valve subsystem. gas cylinders and the three occupational health and safety hazards in the stove frame system to be precise in the pan support sub system. The advice given to small-scale industries and the public using a two-burner gas stove is to behave safely and always keep the stove in safe condition by paying attention to the results of the hazard analysis that has been carried out.Penggunaan bahan kompor gas bermanfaat dari sisi ekonomi dan efisiensi, namun di sisi yang lain meninggalkan permasalahan terutama pada aspek Ksehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja. Kasus kegagalan pada pemanfaatan kompor gas yang menyebabkan ledakan dan kebakaran disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Usaha telaah kritis terkait risiko dalam pemanfaatan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan penilaian risiko yang sistematis terkait kegagalan sistem pemanfaatan suatu alat yaitu FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk lakukan analisis risiko bahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja penggunaan kompor gas dua tungku sehingga mendapatkan prioritas masalah yang perlu diwaspadai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di Industri berskala kecil di Kabupaten Jember, Provinsi Jawa Timur di bulan Maret-Mei 2020. Analisis dan pengolahan data serta penentuan prioritas risiko dilakukan dengan pedoman FMEA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompor gas dua tungku terdiri dari empat sistem yaitu sistem rangka kompor, sistem penyalaan burner dan pengaturan api. Sistem bahan bakar dan sistem pengaturan udara, dengan 12 subsistem dalam empat sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat tiga risiko bahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada penggunaan kompor gas dua tungku pada industri berskala kecil yaitu pertama bahaya pada sistem bahan bakar tepatnya subsistem regulator kompor, kedua bahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada sistem bahan bakar tepatnya subsistem katup tabung gas dan ketiga bahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada sistem kerangka kompor tepatnya pada sub sistem pan support. Saran yang diberikan kepada industri berskala kecil dan masyarakat pengguna kompor gas dua tungku adalah berperilaku aman dan selalu menjaga kondisi kompor agar tetap aman dengan memperhatikan hasil analisis bahaya yang telah dilakukan

    The Digital Divide in Process Safety: Quantitative Risk Analysis of Human-AI Collaboration

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    Digital technologies have dramatically accelerated the digital transformation in process industries, boosted new industrial applications, upgraded the production system, and enhanced operational efficiency. In contrast, the challenges and gaps between human and artificial intelligence (AI) have become more and more prominent, whereas the digital divide in process safety is aggregating. The study attempts to address the following questions: (i)What is AI in the process safety context? (ii)What is the difference between AI and humans in process safety? (iii)How do AI and humans collaborate in process safety? (iv)What are the challenges and gaps in human-AI collaboration? (v)How to quantify the risk of human-AI collaboration in process safety? Qualitative risk analysis based on brainstorming and literature review, and quantitative risk analysis based on layer of protection analysis (LOPA) and Bayesian network (BN), were applied to explore and model. The importance of human reliability should be stressed in the digital age, not usually to increase the reliability of AI, and human-centered AI design in process safety needs to be propagated

    Penerapan Predictive Maintenance Equipment Prioritas Mesin Electro Static Painting Dengan Menggunakan Metode Pemantauan Kuat Arus

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    Electro Static Painting (ESP) is a painting machine at PT. XYZ. The Electro Static Painting machine has the most critical equipment, that is motor exhaust impeller. The motor exhaust impeller is used to move the impeller in sucking air and paint on the spray both ESP machine. The application of predictive maintenance is a treatment by predicting the occurrence of failures that occur in the motorcycle exhaust impeller. The results of the current monitoring data, obtained the classification of the current motor exhaust impeller, it is low current, medium current and peak. the current value at low current is 9-9.4, medium current is 9.4-9.9 and peak current is 9.9-10.3. Maintenance that needs to be done when the current is at peak current. Implementation of predictive maintenance with 2 steps. The first step is monitor current where monitoring is carried out 406.3 hours after maintence. The second step is to carry out maintenance when peak current

    Decision making for risk evaluation: integration of prospect theory with failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

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    The aim of the present study is to overcome some of the limitations of the FMEA method by presenting a theoretical base for considering risk evaluation into its assessment methodology and proposing an approach for its implementation. Fuzzy AHP is used to calculate the weights of the likelihood of occurrence (O), severity (S) and difficulty of detection (D). Additionally, the Prospect Theory-based TODIM method was integrated with fuzzy logic. Thus, fuzzy TODIM was employed to calculate the ranking of potential failure modes according to their RPNs. In order to verify the results of the study, in-depth interviews were conducted with the participation of industry experts. The results are very much in line with Prospect Theory. Therefore, practitioners may apply the proposed method to FMEA. The most crucial failure mode for a firm’s attention is furnace failure followed by generator failure, crane failure, tank failure, kettle failure, dryer failure, and operator failure, respectively. The originality of this paper consists in integrating Prospect Theory with the FMEA method in order to overcome the limitations naturally inherent in the calculation of the FMEA’s Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs).N/

    Distributed Linguistic Representations in Decision Making: Taxonomy, Key Elements and Applications, and Challenges in Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

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    Distributed linguistic representations are powerful tools for modelling the uncertainty and complexity of preference information in linguistic decision making. To provide a comprehensive perspective on the development of distributed linguistic representations in decision making, we present the taxonomy of existing distributed linguistic representations. Then, we review the key elements and applications of distributed linguistic information processing in decision making, including the distance measurement, aggregation methods, distributed linguistic preference relations, and distributed linguistic multiple attribute decision making models. Next, we provide a discussion on ongoing challenges and future research directions from the perspective of data science and explainable artificial intelligence.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 71971039 71421001,71910107002,71771037,71874023 71871149Sichuan University sksyl201705 2018hhs-5

    A minimum cost consensus-based failure mode and effect analysis framework considering experts’ limited compromise and tolerance behaviors

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This study proposes a minimum cost consensus-based failure mode and effect analysis (MCC-FMEA) framework considering experts’ limited compromise and tolerance behaviors, where the first behavior indicates that an FMEA expert might not tolerate modifying his/her risk assessment without limitations, and the second behavior indicates that an FMEA expert will accept risk assessment suggestions without being paid for any cost if the suggested risk assessments fall within his/her tolerance threshold. First, an MCC-FMEA with limited compromise behaviors is presented. Second, experts’ tolerance behaviors are added to the MCC-FMEA with limited compromise behaviors. Theoretical results indicate that in some cases, this MCC-FMEA with limited compromise and tolerance behaviors has no solution. Thus, a minimum compromise adjustment consensus model and a maximum consensus model with limited compromise behaviors are developed and analyzed, and an interactive MCC-FMEA framework, resulting in a FMEA problem consensual collective solution, is designed. A case study, regarding the assessment of COVID-19-related risk in radiation oncology, and a detailed sensitivity and comparative analysis with existing FMEA approaches are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach to FMEA consensus- reachin

    The evaluation of ecosystem health based on hybrid TODIM method for Chinese case

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    The health evaluation of urban ecosystem is the need of urban sustainable development and the construction of urban ecological civilization, in order to scientifically evaluate the ecosystem health, in this paper, we establish the mathematical model based on hybrid multiple attributes decision-making. Firstly, we introduce the original city ecosystem health evaluation indexes which reflect on Vitality, Composition Structure, Recovery Capacity, The Ecological System Continually Offering Service Function, Population Health and Ecosystem Cognition ecosystem health. Then in order to obtain the reasonable weights, we integrate the subjective weights by linguistic AHP method and objective weights by deviation maximization method, and get the combined weights for city ecosystem health evaluation indexes. Further, according to the characteristics of the different indexes, we propose an extended TODIM method to evaluate the city ecosystem health in which the indexes take the form of real number, interval number, and probabilistic linguistic term set. Moreover, with respect to the evaluation values of city ecosystem health in Jinan from 2011 to 2015, this paper evaluates the health status of Jinan ecological system, and analyzes the role of various indicators in the process of city ecological development. Result shows that: (1) Jinan ecosystem health status remained at the sub-health state from 2011 to 2015, and the ecological situation is not optimistic. (2) Prominent problems restricting are lack of investment in environmental protection efforts, increasing pollutant emissions, and imperfect industrial structure. To solve the problems in the healthy development of Jinan urban ecosystem, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to improve the healthy development of urban ecosystem.  First published online 17 April 201