18,819 research outputs found

    Bird Migration Through A Mountain Pass Studied With High Resolution Radar, Ceilometers, And Census

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    Autumnal migration was studied with high-resolution radar, ceilometer, and daily census in the area of Franconia Notch, a major pass in the northern Appalachian Mountains. Under synoptic conditions favorable for migration, broadfront movements of migrants toward the south passed over the mountains, often above a temperature inversion. Birds at lower elevations appeared to be influenced by local topography. Birds moving southwest were concentrated along the face of the mountain range. Birds appeared to deviate their flights to follow local topography through the pass. Specific migratory behavior was not associated with species or species groups. Under synoptic conditions unfavorable for southward migration, multimodal movements probably associated with local flights were as dense as the southward migrations described above. Avian migrants reacting to local terrain may result in concentrations of migrants over ridge summits or other topographic features

    High impact activities in parks: best management practice and future research

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    Off-road driving, horseriding, rock climbing and similar activities can be lucrative for tour operators and important for local recreational groups, but contentious for management of national parks and protected areas, both because of safety and liability and because of potentially high environmental impacts. These include spreading weeds and pathogens, starting fires and crushing bird nests on beaches, amongst many others. In Australia as elsewhere, off-road vehicles and horses are allowed only in some places in some parks, and often only under permit. We have very little reliable scientific information to-date on just how serious these impacts may be, and on how well they might be managed through minimal-impact practices such as vehicle washdowns, stockfeed processing and seasonal closures. Such information can only be obtained through site specific ecological studies of the plants, animals and watercourses likely to be affected, differentiating tourism impacts from natural causes and fluctuations. This report examines management strategies for these activities worldwide and in Australia. Suggestions for best management practice and future research agendas are set

    Where Snow is a Landmark: Route Direction Elements in Alpine Contexts

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    Route directions research has mostly focused on urban space so far, highlighting human concepts of street networks based on a range of recurring elements such as route segments, decision points, landmarks and actions. We explored the way route directions reflect the features of space and activity in the context of mountaineering. Alpine route directions are only rarely segmented through decision points related to reorientation; instead, segmentation is based on changing topography. Segments are described with various degrees of detail, depending on difficulty. For landmark description, direction givers refer to properties such as type of surface, dimension, colour of landscape features; terrain properties (such as snow) can also serve as landmarks. Action descriptions reflect the geometrical conceptualization of landscape features and dimensionality of space. Further, they are very rich in the semantics of manner of motion

    The choice between road transport and rolling motorway: a case study

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    The paper reports on a research project aimed at estimating the potential demand for a rolling motorway service connecting Trieste (Italy) and Chop (Ukraine). More specifically, the study has explored which factors play a role in the choice between the current prevailing mode of transport, that is road transport by trucks, and a rolling motorway service. Based on the estimates derived from a discrete choice model obtained on the basis of stated choice data collected from truck drivers and from transport companies, it is found that the monetary cost, the travel time and the day of the week play an important role. The scenario analysis allows us to conclude that under the current prices and regulations a rolling motorway service operating on a weekday would have no potential demand, whereas some potential demand would have a service operating during the weekend. Substantial demand for a rolling motorway service appears only if the monetary road cost (fuel cost or highway toll) increases considerably. A heavy-vehicle road tax equivalent to the one used for crossing the Alps in Switzerland and Austria would alter the balance in favor of the rolling motorway.Rail transport, modal choice, road transport, rolling motorway.

    The debris flow occurred at ru secco creek, venetian dolomites, on 4 august 2015: Analysis of the phenomenon, its characteristics and reproduction by models

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    On 4 August 2015, a very high intensity storm, 31.5 mm in 20 min (94.5 mm/h), hit the massif of Mount Antelao on the Venetian Dolomites triggering three stony debris \ufb02ows characterized by high magnitude. Two of them occurred in the historical sites of Rovina di Cancia and Rudan Creek and were stopped by the retaining works upstream the inhabited areas, while the third routed along the Ru Secco Creek and progressively reached the resort area and the village of San Vito di Cadore, causing fatalities and damages. The main triggering factor of the Ru Secco debris \ufb02ow was a large rock collapse on the northern cliffs of Mount Antelao occurred the previous autumn. The fallen debris material deposited on the Vallon d\u2019Antrimoia inclined plateau at the base of the collapsed cliffs and, below it, on the Ru Salvela Creek, covering it from the head to the con\ufb02uence with the Ru Secco Creek. The abundant runoff, caused by the high intensity rainfall on 4 August 2015, entrained about 52,500 m3 of the debris material laying on the Vallon d\u2019Antrimoia forming a debris \ufb02ow surge that hit and eroded the debris deposit covering the downstream Ru Salvela Creek, increasing its volume, about 110,000 m3 of mobilized sediments. This debris \ufb02ow routed downstream the con\ufb02uence, \ufb02ooding the parking of a resort area where three people died, and reached the village downstream damaging some buildings. A geomorphological analysis was initially carried out after surveying the whole basin. All liquid and solid-liquid contributions to the phenomenon were recognized together with the areas subjected to erosion and deposition. The elaboration of pre and post-event topographical surveys provided the map of deposition-erosion depths. Using the rainfall estimated by weather radar and corrected by the nearest rain gauge, about 0.8 km far, we estimated runoff by using a rainfall-runoff model designed for the headwater rocky basins of Dolomites. A triggering model provided the debris \ufb02ow hydrographs in the initiation areas, after using the simulated runoff. The initial solid-liquid surge hydrographs were, then, routed downstream by means of a cell model. The comparison between the simulated and estimated deposition-erosion pattern resulted satisfactory. The results of the simulation captured, in fact, the main features of the occurred phenomenon

    Arctic and subarctic environmental analyses utilizing ERTS-1 imagery

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 imagery provides a means of distinguishing and monitoring estuarine surface water circulation patterns and changes in the relative sediment load of discharging rivers on a regional basis. Physical boundaries mapped from ERTS-1 imagery in combination with ground truth obtained from existing small scale maps and other sources resulted in improved and more detailed maps of permafrost terrain and vegetation for the same area. Snowpack cover within a research watershed has been analyzed and compared to ground data. Large river icings along the proposed Alaska pipeline route from Prudhoe Bay to the Brooks Range have been monitored. Sea ice deformation and drift northeast of Point Barrow, Alaska have been measured during a four day period in March and shore-fast ice accumulation and ablation along the west coast of Alaska have been mapped for the spring and early summer seasons

    A GIS approach towards estimating tourist's off-road use in a mountainous protected area of Northwest Yunnan, China

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    To address the environmental impacts of tourism in protected areas, park managers need to understand the spatial distribution of tourist use. Standard monitoring measures (tourist surveys and counting and tracking techniques) are not sufficient to accomplish this task, in particular for off-road travel. This article predicts tourists' spatial use patterns through an alternative approach: park accessibility measurement. Naismith's rule and geographical information system's anisotropic cost analysis are integrated into the modeling process, which results in a more realistic measure of off-road accessibility than that provided by other measures. The method is applied to a mountainous United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in northwest Yunnan Province, China, where there is increasing concern about potential impacts of unregulated tourist use. Based on the assumption that accessibility tends to attract more tourists, a spatial pattern of predicted off-road use by tourists is derived. This pattern provides information that can help park managers develop strategies that are effective for both tourism management and species conservation

    Railway lines across the alps: Analysis of their usage through a new railway link cost function

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    In this paper, the usage of railway lines across the Alps is evaluated, both at present and after the new lines and base tunnels will be in operation. The railway network of a large part of Europe has been modelled through a graph, and the best routes between some of the most important origin/destination pairs in Italy and Europe have been determined. A new cost function has been developed for the links of the network. The proposed cost function is an improvement of those existing in the literature, because all cost components are taken into account in detail, while the traction cost and the number of locomotives utilized explicitly depend on the geometrical characteristics of rail lines. This last aspect is crucial in analyzing the rail lines across the Alps, as they are often operated in double or triple traction. The results of the study show the importance of new Alpine rail lines and base tunnels: the Ceneri base tunnel will remove a bottleneck on the Gotthard line, while the Brenner and Frejus base tunnels will take up a quota of demand currently served by other lines. Moreover, the new Alpine lines will create an east-west rail connection, through the Italian Padan Plain, alternative to the rail route which currently bypasses the Alps to the north

    Transalpine transport policies: towards a shared approach

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    In recent years crossing the Alps has become a central issue in European transport policy. The increase in global transport flow has contributed to bringing two themes to the centre of attention : making transalpine transportation easier and reducing the negative impact of this on the Alpine environment. The resulting debate has shown that there are conflicting transport policy proposals. The main reasons behind such differences are not so much the different evaluations of the trends in transalpine transport, and not only the diverging local and national interests, but rather the implicit reference to three alternative policy paradigms: ‘competition’, ‘sustainability’ and ‘de-growth’. The aim of this paper is twofold : 1) to identify the links between policy paradigms and the transalpine transport policy framework ; 2) to propose a multilevel and multi-criteria approach to transalpine transport policy. The explicit consideration of policy paradigms and the structured participation of citizens and stakeholders are at the heart of such a new and more widely shared approach.Alps; Transport Policy; Participated multi-criteria; Policy paradigms