29,285 research outputs found

    Improving edge finite element assembly for geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures

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    This work presents a set of node-level optimizations to perform the assembly of edge finite element matrices that arise in 3D geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures. Firstly, we describe the traditional and sequential assembly approach. Secondly, we depict our vectorized and shared-memory strategy which does not require any low level instructions because it is based on an interpreted programming language, namely, Python. As a result, we obtained a simple parallel-vectorized algorithm whose runtime performance is considerably better than sequential version. The set of optimizations have been included to the work-flow of the Parallel Edge-based Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Modelling (PETGEM) which is developed as open-source at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Finally, we present numerical results for a set of tests in order to illustrate the performance of our strategy.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 644202. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and from Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement No. 689772. Authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT). All numerical tests were performed on the MareNostrum supercomputer of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (www.bsc.es).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hypercube matrix computation task

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    The Hypercube Matrix Computation (Year 1986-1987) task investigated the applicability of a parallel computing architecture to the solution of large scale electromagnetic scattering problems. Two existing electromagnetic scattering codes were selected for conversion to the Mark III Hypercube concurrent computing environment. They were selected so that the underlying numerical algorithms utilized would be different thereby providing a more thorough evaluation of the appropriateness of the parallel environment for these types of problems. The first code was a frequency domain method of moments solution, NEC-2, developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The second code was a time domain finite difference solution of Maxwell's equations to solve for the scattered fields. Once the codes were implemented on the hypercube and verified to obtain correct solutions by comparing the results with those from sequential runs, several measures were used to evaluate the performance of the two codes. First, a comparison was provided of the problem size possible on the hypercube with 128 megabytes of memory for a 32-node configuration with that available in a typical sequential user environment of 4 to 8 megabytes. Then, the performance of the codes was anlyzed for the computational speedup attained by the parallel architecture

    Casimir force between partially transmitting mirrors

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    The Casimir force can be understood as resulting from the radiation pressure exerted by the vacuum fluctuations reflected by boundaries. We extend this local formulation to the case of partially transmitting boundaries by introducing reflectivity and transmittivity coefficients obeying conditions of unitarity, causality and high frequency transparency. We show that the divergences associated with the infiniteness of the vacuum energy do not appear in this approach. We give explicit expressions for the Casimir force which hold for any frequency dependent scattering and any temperature. The corresponding expressions for the Casimir energy are interpreted in terms of phase shifts. The known results are recovered at the limit of a perfect reflection.Comment: 12 page

    Hypercube matrix computation task

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    A major objective of the Hypercube Matrix Computation effort at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is to investigate the applicability of a parallel computing architecture to the solution of large-scale electromagnetic scattering problems. Three scattering analysis codes are being implemented and assessed on a JPL/California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Mark 3 Hypercube. The codes, which utilize different underlying algorithms, give a means of evaluating the general applicability of this parallel architecture. The three analysis codes being implemented are a frequency domain method of moments code, a time domain finite difference code, and a frequency domain finite elements code. These analysis capabilities are being integrated into an electromagnetics interactive analysis workstation which can serve as a design tool for the construction of antennas and other radiating or scattering structures. The first two years of work on the Hypercube Matrix Computation effort is summarized. It includes both new developments and results as well as work previously reported in the Hypercube Matrix Computation Task: Final Report for 1986 to 1987 (JPL Publication 87-18)

    Research activities at the Institute of electrotechnology in the field of metallurgical melting processes

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    A wide range of industrial metallurgical melting processes are carried out using electrothermal and electromagnetic technologies. The application of electrotechnologies offers many advantages from technological, ecological and economical point of view. Although the technology level of the electromagnetic melting installations and processes used in the industry today is very high, there are still potentials for improvement and optimization. In this paper recent applications and future development trends for efficient use of electromagnetic processing technologies in metallurgical melting processes are described along selected examples which are part of the research activities of the Institute of Electrotechnology of the Leibniz University of Hannover

    Microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications

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    Microwaves have been considered for medical applications involving the detection of organ movements and changes in tissue water content. More particularly cardiopulmonary interrogation via microwaves has resulted in various sensors monitoring ventricular volume change or movement, arterial wall motion, respiratory movements, pulmonary oedema, etc. In all these applications, microwave sensors perform local measurements and need to be displaced for obtaining an image reproducing the spatial variations of a given quantity. Recently, advances in the area of inverse scattering theory and microwave technology have made possible the development of microwave imaging and tomographic instruments. This paper provides a review of such equipment developed at Suplec and UPC Barcelona, within the frame of successive French-Spanish PICASSO cooperation programs. It reports the most significant results and gives some perspectives for future developments. Firstly, a brief historical survey is given. Then, both technological and numerical aspects are considered. The results of preliminary pre-clinical assessments and in-lab experiments allow to illustrate the capabilities of the existing equipment, as well as its difficulty in dealing with clinical situations. Finally, some remarks on the expected development of microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications are given.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version